First fatal crash in self driving car (UBER)

Im just surprised to see some of the responses in here. 1 - 5 accidents with self driving tech and it's "throw away the whole technology" People get into car accidents everyday driving normally yet we don't say "get rid of cars altogether"

humans can be held accountable....robots? not so much...
I cannot believe how many of you are excited for this.. You do understand how much money this will take away from the citizens in this country, right? Transportation is one of the last bastions of hard work=pay off.

I swear most of you wouldnt care about a single thing, freedom being the main one, as long as you got wifi and a new phone. Technology like this isnt going to advance a dang thing but the companies who produce the tech and DONT have to pay millions of people any longer.

Complaining about driving is pretty pathetic, and using safety to push it is even more so. The world isnt safe and I wouldnt want to live in a perfect world anyway.

Off my soapbox.
take a commuter rail/mass transit for a'd dispise it after alwhile.

wrong again, just because your city's public transit is a ****hole, as far as cleanness goes, doesn't mean all transit systems are dirty and filthy. you continue to make generalized statements, no wonder your mental alignments falls with someone who does the same.
Lol. Yep...public transport in South Korea >>> driving. Fast, clean, cheap, goes literally everywhere.
wrong again, just because your city's public transit is a ****hole, as far as cleanness goes, doesn't mean all transit systems are dirty and filthy

NYC has da best transit system in America and its a flaming pile of dung...go worship that ish if you want.

Humans are also very stupid. Have you seen how people drive nowadays? Everybody on their cell phone and in a rush to get places, driving like idiots

that's light...Dominican Republic got da most dangerous roads in da world...and thats indisputable.

Dominican Republic—The Dominican Republic is the Western hemisphere’s most dangerous place to drive, and 15th worst in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Each year, 29 out of every 100,000 people in this Caribbean nation die in road accidents,according to the 2015 Global Status Report on Road Safety.

ya worried about some broads applying lipstick or or texting on da phone? :lol: pssh...streets in NYC light b if you can actually drive.
that's light...Dominican Republic got da most dangerous roads in da world...and thats indisputable.

Dominican Republic—The Dominican Republic is the Western hemisphere’s most dangerous place to drive, and 15th worst in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Each year, 29 out of every 100,000 people in this Caribbean nation die in road accidents,according to the 2015 Global Status Report on Road Safety.

ya worried about some broads applying lipstick or or texting on da phone? :lol: pssh...streets in NYC light b if you can actually drive.

Actually it's 15th. Read ya own article B
Da proof is in da puddin
NYC has da best transit system in America and its a flaming pile of dung...go worship that ish if you want.


you are confusing efficiency with privacy. Most people know nyc has a good train network, just like most people know nyc trains are filthy. you stay in a 5 mile radius, which is outside of lower manhattan (where there is no point in using a car). Of course you promote your love for cars, however, you wouldn't be saying that if you had to commute into lower manhattan.

that's light...Dominican Republic got da most dangerous roads in da world...and thats indisputable.

Dominican Republic—The Dominican Republic is the Western hemisphere’s most dangerous place to drive, and 15th worst in the world, according to the World Health Organization. Each year, 29 out of every 100,000 people in this Caribbean nation die in road accidents,according to the 2015 Global Status Report on Road Safety.

ya worried about some broads applying lipstick or or texting on da phone? :lol: pssh...streets in NYC light b if you can actually drive.

and this why you are a joke on here. making outlandish statements only to back it up nonsense articles. DA MOST DANGEROUS, yet in your articles it says in DA WESTERN HEMISPHERE and 15th in the world. Reading comprehension at an all-time low. You are the perfect example why we must educate the future. We will have uneducated individuals making outlandish statements while referencing no solid evidence. Then people will believe it and take their words for truth. In addition more people will run for politics and more uneducated people vote for them.....oh wait that is you.
I mean driverless car are cool and all but I feel that's giving way too much leeway to an entity to control a part of your life.

Everyone is all hyped now but just wait and I mean it will happen no doubt but wait until hackers get complete control over thousands of cars all at once causing a mass transit crisis cause all of these cars are connect through da internet of things
I mean driverless car are cool and all but I feel that's giving way too much leeway to an entity to control a part of your life.

Everyone is all hyped now but just wait and I mean it will happen no doubt but wait until hackers get complete control over thousands of cars all at once causing a mass transit crisis cause all of these cars are connect through da internet of things
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