First feature(s) you notice about the opposite sex VOL. Other then Breasts and Booty ..guisez

Every feature of the face

stomach( i have a distaste for fat chicks or chicks who are 10-20 pounds from being fat),

shoes( i could care less for chicks who wear sneakers, i would rather they have on flats or heels)


Teeth( i have seen my share of chicks who have bad teeth who are fine, ive even seen chicks with chipped front teeth, not a good look)

Walk ( i hate chicks who cant walk in a sexy way)

Posture ( u gotta be able to stand up straight. I saw the finest, thickest girl the other day but she had on this big book bag which had her all hunched overand +%!*, not a good look)
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Walk ( i hate chicks who cant walk in a sexy way)

Posture ( u gotta be able to stand up straight. I saw the finest, thickest girl the other day but she had on this big book bag which had her all hunched over and +%!*, not a good look)

I never knew cats was checkin' for girl's posture. That's a new one. Buddy puttin' broads through charm school, before they can be his woman.
Hair, cause in my hood all the #%!% got booty ant tittys but its very rare to see the chick with her real hair. Chicks wears rediculous weaves in my hood. Isee that then i just smile on the inside. They have them small ole pony tails looking like a paint brush, get some vitamin e in your system or something damn.
Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Walk ( i hate chicks who cant walk in a sexy way)

Posture ( u gotta be able to stand up straight. I saw the finest, thickest girl the other day but she had on this big book bag which had her all hunched over and +%!*, not a good look)

I never knew cats was checkin' for girl's posture. That's a new one. Buddy puttin' broads through charm school, before they can be his woman.
im just sayin fam, bad posture imo kills any girl looks no matter how good looking they are
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

their respective best quality
word, I wouldn't have put it that way, but pretty much.
everyone has something beautiful you can focus on, especially if you're feeling their personality.

but off of just looks I'd say
I notice their face, then hips, then thighs, and even though I notice them in that order thats not their overall order of importance
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I think some of you are missing what a feature is..

"the face" is not a feature...smaller details that make up the face are features...


etc are features..
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Surprised nobody has said piercings or any type of body art...

Well placed and good tattoos are a PLUS. mmm sleeves

and piercing same thing well placed and if it fits them are yum.
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