First feature(s) you notice about the opposite sex VOL. Other then Breasts and Booty ..guisez

lips then nails.
nice nails arent nessary but if you got a nice manicure its plus.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

no flame but some of you guys are mad picky
I've seen your pics


Height (anything above 5'8 is good money...)
Have a lil weight to 'em
Full lips

Nice Eyes
Smile/Decent teeth
Smell good

Overall presentation (clean/groomed...)
eyes/lips and then teeth cause she gon smile when she see me regardless

then I proceed to look down at her shoes
dirty foots are a no-no in my book.. idc if she got on $2 skips from wally world as long as they're clean andshe look good in em'.
-Clothing Style

It's hard to put into words what happens subconsciously.
As i said before teeth, i can help change everything else if need be... but a chick with a yuckmouth can't be helped, i do have standards of course, but ican accept dirty shoes or her hair not being up to par in certain situations
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I'm also a sucker for a guy with the V cut

Like if I see a guy at the beach or hoopin shirtless and I see that v-cut...

ah yess the V. hehehehe

but teeth and shoes for me pretty much. as hard of a time i had with my braces your teeth better be on point.
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