Five teenagers approach you and your daughter, point a gun and tell you to leave, what would you do?

U already condemning these kids
Show me where she DIDNT give consent
Story already seem fishy after like 2 days
And u ready to give these boys life
Whe a few things have already came out that something ain't adding up
Why u so far on the other side of the grass
U wanna see another group of black men locked up huh???
Explain urself SWSheLiumcLinton

You're really a weirdo fam

All I did was quote a portion of a article that says word for word they took advantage of her and how that doesn't sound consensual

I don't know how you got "doesn't sound consensual" to equate to ready to give these boys life, not liking black youth, and wanting black men locked up but you need help
Why you caping for criminals

Agreeish. The sheer notion that 5 boys in the situation there in itself make it look very very sketchy.

You can say all you want about whether the girl consented or not, but during the exchange or engagement, how can anyone prove or convince a 3rd party otherwise.

If you saw 5 boys with your daughter in such a setting, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Come on now.. Regardless, this is a very messed up situation.
I know dudes that ran trains on a girl

Wasn't no rape involved

So just cause 5 on 1 doesn't mean anything

And being black has a lot to do with this and how this case plays out

ur a SWS I can tell
Maybe it does maybe it doesn't but saying that being black has nothing to do with it doesn't automatically make you a racist. 

Mad funny how some people don't deny it :{

Sooooo if I'm at a party and have sex with a girl

And Come to find out she's bipolar or mentally ill

Even though she gave me consent the night before

Does her being mentally ill

And me not knowing

Does that mean I raped her
To you, me, and a lot of people no you didn't rape her in that scenario, but the judge might say you did.

There are plenty of cases where the girl gave consent at the time, but after says she was to scared to say no or was drunk or whatever and the dude gets locked up.
I agree with u
It's just messed up that's all
@nawghtyhare   you used to be a reasonable poster. I remember back when the Trayvon trial was going on you were logical about the whole ordeal. It's you've turned into an extremist. What gives?
Why you caping for criminals

Agreeish. The sheer notion that 5 boys in the situation there in itself make it look very very sketchy.

You can say all you want about whether the girl consented or not, but during the exchange or engagement, how can anyone prove or convince a 3rd party otherwise.

If you saw 5 boys with your daughter in such a setting, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Come on now.. Regardless, this is a very messed up situation.
Let's be real
If it was my daughter I would be heated
Let's not front and act like girls don't be just letting 4-5 dudes run trains on them
Let's be real
If it was my daughter I would be heated
Let's not front and act like girls don't be just letting 4-5 dudes run trains on them

This is why it is messed up. Just a tragic situation, especially on the dad and daughter‘s end.
da heck is going on in here goodness 

You people just throw out terms as a scapegoat when someone has an opinion and have no idea what the hell you're talking about

He said I need to admit I just don't like black youth. My response was what does black youth have to do with my opinion on this scenario? Nothing, these kids being black have nothing to do with the reason why I think the way I think. If it was 5 white boys and a white girl and they said she consented because she laughed I would say the same exact ****

edit: I thought you said does instead doesn't my fault :lol

How did you come to all these conclusions without knowing the details and specifics? All you know are initial reports and rumors.

Mr Contrarian :lol
You're really a weirdo fam

All I did was quote a portion of a article that says word for word they took advantage of her and how that doesn't sound consensual

I don't know how you got "doesn't sound consensual" to equate to ready to give these boys life, not liking black youth, and wanting black men locked up but you need help
At this point man your the only one in here treating it as a cut and dry rape case.
How did you come to all these conclusions without knowing the details and specifics? All you know are initial reports and rumors.

Mr Contrarian :lol

What conclusion did I make? I'll wait, I gave an opinion on the article just like everyone else.

At this point man your the only one in here treating it as a cut and dry rape case.
Wait, I know YOU not telling I'm trying to make it cut and dry when your first post in this thread was

If she was breaking them boys off with Oral it's a wrap **** was consensual as it gets.

FOH :lol
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Crazy how all the facts ain't even out
And ol boy just ready to condemn these kids
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I admitted that was the wrong thing to say bro.

You thrive off going back and forth with dudes on here. I'll let you have this one.
The chances a girl verbally says "let's have sex" are probably so low, not saying one of you is right and the other wrong, but if that's what we are using as the decider between consent and rape, a lot of people every day could get in trouble.


Every time heLium talks about rape he always says "show me where the girl consented" like right before sex, chicks pull out the Dave Chappelle Kobe skit contract and record themselves saying "let's have sex/I agree to having sex".

Like that's not really something that's black and white to prove if she didn't resist or otherwise indicate that she didn't want to have sex. So let alone if she's laughing.
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Saying 'taking advantage' doesn't sound consistent with consensual is condemning kids?

That could also mean she wasn't in the right mental state of mind because of drugs, liquor, and/or an otherwise mental illness...

Things (I'm assuming, I've only skimmed over this story here and there) they had no knowledge of when entering the situation.

Every time heLium talks about rape he always says "show me where the girl consented" like chicks pull out the Dave Chappelle Kobe skit contract and record themselves saying "let's have sex/I agree to having sex".

Like that's not really something that's black and white to prove if she didn't resist or otherwise indicate that she didn't want to have sex. So let alone if she's laughing.

Everytime other people talk about rape they say show me where she didn't consent. So what's your point? That I'm consistent? :lol

People are allowed to have different opinions and should be able to have a discussion about, I mean it is a forum. What's the problem?
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