Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

I would think any school shooting would get national attention.

But I could be wrong
Definitely not. Still don't know what the CNN special was about last night. Seemed like it was a pep rally with some politicians.

Nothing meaningful gonna come from it. Trump and others endorsing armed teachers actually amounted to about five steps backwards yesterday. The town hall was so victims could vent their frustrations and the politicians and NRA wench could pretend to sympathize.
1. i think guns should be required to be fitted with smart tech retroactively. give an incentive for doing so like amnesty for unregistered weapons etc etc. and all new guns should automatically be fitted with it, raising the price accordingly. future violations not adhering to it should face severe punishment.

2. what do u mean by "those" guns? u mean ones with smart tech? the tech exists but isnt widely available. so in a sense "those" guns dont exist yet thanks largely in part to the NRA being against them. but guns right now are insanely hard to track. between 2nd-hand and grey market sales... guns are EVERYWHERE. even in chicago guns that were previously confiscated and locked into evidence by police are somehow ending up in the hands of gang members. but thats an entirely different rabbit hole.

3. there is. its just not accessible to you. and criminals have a habit of scraping the serial number making the gun essentially a john doe type of situation unless its been used in a crime before and the ballistics match up. but police and govt agencies dont pool their resources together enough for ballistics across state lines to make much difference unfortunately. smart tech would help fix this tho. imagine having a gps or line of service linked to each gun. outside of some master hacker, you really would be s.o.l. trying to illegally move these around the country or denying it was used in a crime.
This isn’t ****ing Demolition Man

You need to take away peoples capabilities to KILL EACH OTHER WITH SOMETHING DESIGNED ONLY TO DO THAT

Nothing meaningful gonna come from it. Trump and others endorsing armed teachers actually amounted to about five steps backwards yesterday. The town hall was so victims could vent their frustrations and the politicians and NRA wench could pretend to sympathize.

Also, Trump being a Twitter fiend eats his words like his burgers. After shutting down Hillary about weapons in school from his old tweets, he now comes out endorsing the idea of it.

Never been or seen a town hall meeting before so I figured it'd be something similar to a debate or some sort of it. But yeah, it became more of a "boo Rubio" or "boo NRA" event. I didn't get anything too remarkable at it as far tangible solutions. It was shock value at best, IMO. Though it was actually cool to see these politicians in a different light as far being in front of the locals and talking to them. The camera angles were funny when they focused on Rubio getting embarassed by a parents like it was a WWE promo/monologue LOL.

The NRA chick kept babbling about the second amendment after being son'd by a parent coz the parent argued about how muskets were CLEARLY outdated and it was time for new set of laws for the guns of today (which makes sense after all). I didn't know there were handheld machine guns at the same time muskets were around and the NRA chick got booed because of that lame rebuttal.
Nothing meaningful gonna come from it. Trump and others endorsing armed teachers actually amounted to about five steps backwards yesterday. The town hall was so victims could vent their frustrations and the politicians and NRA wench could pretend to sympathize.

Well if there's anything good that came from it, I hope liddle Marco is run out of politics for good after his term is up. Terrible human.

Yo! I did not know THIS! I thought you needed a license FIRST to present to a gun store/seller in order to buy a gun :wow:

Might as well sell guns right next to Nerf guns since that's the case.

false. what item becomes harder to come by cuz its not sold in brick and mortar stores anymore? especially when there is AMPLE supply of it? they couldnt even keep guns out of chicago and it was a gun free city. thats not to mentioned the current looming danger of people literally 3d printing them now, but lets not even go down that road atm. cuz thats a whole different beast altogether

They’ll be harder to come by because they’re banned, man. The supply will decrease.
They’ll be harder to come by because they’re banned, man. The supply will decrease.

Prepare to hear this rebuttal over and over from gun nuts.

A: "but there are too many in circulation."
B: "but they can just build them."
C: "they'll just use pistols" / "pistols have mods to allow the same function"

These dudes pretty much think they can predict the future and have no intention of bending because they think we all want an all out ban. They've also been pretty clear that 400 deaths isn't even a lot :stoneface:

Good ol USA. AR-15's are "only" responsible for 400 deaths.
Yea, not sure why PART of the conversation isn't, "Metal Detectors need to be in all schools."

THAT would decrease school shootings at a more guaranteed rate than ANYTHING else.
Thoughts and prayers is just a pleasantry to show that you hope something good happens. Unless you're putting up your effort or money, you're not really helping. Chase auto finance, my apartment complex, and Austin energy couldn't care less about my thoughts and prayers. Duckets is what made stuff shake in America.
So, why not just say, "I hope everything works out for ya."
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