DMV= DC, Maryland, Virgina
Balldamore is a city in Maryland

To u & i (& many others from ny) that seems the logic but even though they in the same tri state area (i drove from baltimore to dc yesterday without hoping on a highway at all..backblocked it) & even though they both talk country as hell ...dudes try to seperate theyself as much as possible..let them be lol
To u & i (& many others from ny) that seems the logic but even though they in the same tri state area (i drove from baltimore to dc yesterday without hoping on a highway at all..backblocked it) & even though they both talk country as hell ...dudes try to seperate theyself as much as possible..let them be lol
When I drove to NY, I realized how fast I went from DC to Balldamore. It's was really "it's right there." :lol: They gotta cut the **** man.
Is the pizza place open now?
B Sox B Sox
When I drove to NY, I realized how fast I went from DC to Balldamore. It's was really "it's right there." :lol: They gotta cut the **** man.

B Sox B Sox
Two distinctly different cities. Sure, close in proximity to outsiders but again, DC and Baltimore are rivals.

We have never claimed one another.

Two mid-level cities that have their own SEPERATE Metro areas.
49 mins
Two distinctly different cities. Sure, close in proximity to outsiders but again, DC and Baltimore are rivals.

We have never claimed one another.

Two mid-level cities that have their own SEPERATE Metro areas.
What kinda rivalry? On some sports type rivalry or just everyday y’all different and we just don’t vibe like that rivalry?
What kinda rivalry? On some sports type rivalry or just everyday y’all different and we just don’t vibe like that rivalry?

Thats jail politics from what actual dudes from bmore & dc who be outside told me...started in a prison called jessup(aka the cut) that sits between bmore & dc where dudes have to be locked up at...from that sprung whose city is better

No similiar from what i experienced growing up being from the bronx & we used to bump heads with brooklyn /queens dudes on some whose borough is tougher type sht(even to this day with some its still animosity or cheap shots thrown with bx vs bk)meanwhile u still have dudes from both boroughs who be in the other boroughs comfy
What kinda rivalry? On some sports type rivalry or just everyday y’all different and we just don’t vibe like that rivalry?
Basketball has always been a rivalry.

Remember the Bullets moved from Baltimore to DC in the 70s.

On a street/basketball level, there has always been a rivalry as to which city produces the better ball players.

On a street level, I am not sure of the history but there has traditionally always been beef there.

DC dudes always felt BMORE dudes were trying too hard to act like they were from Up North. (Philly/NY), so DC's hatred for NY was shown in it's hatred for BMORE.

Thats jail politics from what actual dudes from bmore & dc who be outside told me...started in a prison called jessup(aka the cut) that sits between bmore & dc where dudes have to be locked up at...from that sprung whose city is better

No similiar from what i experienced growing up being from the bronx & we used to bump heads with brooklyn /queens dudes on some whose borough is tougher type sht(even to this day with some its still animosity or cheap shots thrown with bx vs bk)meanwhile u still have dudes from both boroughs who be in the other boroughs comfy
Good points.
If someone from DC says "MARYLAND" they are speaking of parts of Maryland that are in the DC Metro Area.

When folks from DC are talking about OTHER parts of Maryland, they will EXPLICITLY state what they are talking about. (Baltimore, Western Maryland, etc.)
You are missing the nuance of what she is saying and that is because you are an outsider. To ME, she is clearly only speaking on the DC Metro Area. When she says "Maryland" she isn't speaking of Baltimore or anything outside of the DC Metro Area. But again, you would only get THAT if you were from here.
Yeah her saying "we're only a highway apart". It's really a simple concept, if you don't get it by now you choose not to for argument's sake.
I lived in Suitland for a bit.

Yall are weird about labeling where you're from.

I remember telling someone I was in DC and was quickly corrected that Suitland is not DC.

Also Baltimore is not in the DMV.
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