Chipotle is fast food. Don't get it twisted because white girls in yoga pants and muck boots eat there.

For 9 bucks it's ok. I'd rather support a Mexican place though than swagger jacker corporations.
Regular sized combo platter at the brick & mortar halal guys location. Bought it right after I got a slice of artichoke pizza and a slice of crab pizza across the street. The crab slice was damn good.
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if you guys are going to Chipotle to try to satisfy a Mexican food craving, then you are going there for the wrong reasons.

Its good for what it is fast food, and it sure as hell isn't Mexican food that you will find at a local spot.
if you guys are going to Chipotle to try to satisfy a Mexican food craving, then you are going there for the wrong reasons.

Its good for what it is fast food, and it sure as hell isn't Mexican food that you will find at a local spot.
Bingo. Nothing more, nothing less.
Chipotle is good. I like it. And I'm Mexican lol
It's not authentic, but its one of those fast food spots that are Panda....I [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ panda
I love Chipotle, it's my go to espically with it across the street from the gym. I know it's not real Mexican but it hits the spot. Is it overpriced? Yeah maybe but I'd rather put my money there than at McD or any other fast food place.
It is fast food and just because it's fast food doesn't mean it's bad. When Popeyes is on point it isn't bad chicken by any standards fast food or not. They still bread it all in house. It isn't frozen from a box.
I'm Mexican and I have no quarrel with Chipotle. I go there when I need a Chipotle fix, and nothing else. They only serve a few things, so I trip out when I hear Chipotle slander as if they're trying to imitate a lil puesto, when they're not. It's fresh, it tastes great and it's pretty healthy if you cut down on the diary add ons.
Chipotle for what it is is still bad. It's flavorless and overpriced

However, Panda >>>>> x
Am I the only one who goes to Costco
Buys one of those roasted chickens
Takes it home chops it up while it's still hot
And either make meat sandwiches
Or bomb *** burritos with it
Am I the only one who goes to Costco
Buys one of those roasted chickens
Takes it home chops it up while it's still hot
And either make meat sandwiches
Or bomb *** burritos with it

I'll slice up a few pieces and put them in the Costco naan bread. I also like to take the dinner rolls they sell and dip them in the bottom of of that rotisserie container. So good.
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