Grine Grine

Wassup with the hood. How are we living down there?

It was looking like the Bronx’s pulling in, then Canal Street, then the slums. My driver only dropped me off - he wouldn’t come back or wait. Bruh locked the doors pulling in. :lol:

Just broke my heart. Lack of covid19 awareness outside of the marketplace. And they kept everyone in one section. Like Bourbon street x2 on Mardi Gras 75% of the people with mask on. :smh:
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Roaming rooster.
Lamb gyro fries for lunch. Red and white sauce was added after.

Torchy’s. queso and guac. “Jerk” chicken taco. Not really jerk more like chicken fajita with a little jerk sauce. It’s good though. Shrimp and chorizo taco with jack cheese
I come in peace but are there anything you plan on targeting/cutting out?

I think I might try to do no more than 4 days per week consuming animal flesh. Easier to say now but that is the plan.
Definitely more emphasis on lean proteins, cutting out the refined carbs, and keeping indulgences to a once a week thing. Gonna basically revert back to what I was eating when I was in the best shape I've ever been in.

Beer is big thing I plan on cutting back on significantly as it's probably the #1 source of my bad eating habits, nevermind the caloric intake from the beer itself.
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