past weekend:

indian food


cookie cups


the GOAT


Did you put ketchup on those tacos?
That looks amazing. On the topic of people that love to bake, I’m extremely jealous of people who have baking skills. Really pisses me off. Everytime I try to bake, it ends up in FAIL, even though I follow the recipe word for word.

I enjoy cooking and being able to freestyle so I've had varying results whenever I've tried my hand at baking. I don't normally follow recipes to the T when I cook but you HAVE to when you bake unless you really know the recipe and/or the science behind what is happening with the ingredients. So mostly I just leave the baking to my wife unless I'm really craving something I know I can pull off
That looks amazing. On the topic of people that love to bake, I’m extremely jealous of people who have baking skills. Really pisses me off. Everytime I try to bake, it ends up in FAIL, even though I follow the recipe word for word.

Then some jackass chimes in “WeLl yOu diDn’T LEt tHe tHiNg sEt bEfoRe You aDdeD tHe ThInG!”

well no ****, the recipe didn’t tell me to ****ing do that, so how would I know that??

or I didn’t whisk something while I was adding something. Or I didn’t stir Something to perfection. Or I didn’t strain out the juice first and THEN add the thing. Or I didn’t preheat the dough before it needed to be marinated.

All these ****ing random things involved with baking that are left out of recipes and they just expect EVERYONE to know it or your stuff ends in disaster. Baking is chemistry. I just wanna cook something with fire and have it be edible.

I'm a sucker for New-York Cheesecake, only thing I bake. I find that letting everything (eggs, butter etc) get to room temp ahead of time helps.
I'm a sucker for New-York Cheesecake, only thing I bake. I find that letting everything (eggs, butter etc) get to room temp ahead of time helps.
I tried to make cheesecake once. Never again. I followed the directions but it just ended up looking like pudding.
I moved over the last week and decided to update my blender. I had been using a nutribullet for smoothies. I got a ninja blender. Anyone have one and like it?
I moved over the last week and decided to update my blender. I had been using a nutribullet for smoothies. I got a ninja blender. Anyone have one and like it?
Been using it for 3 years now.

Are you usingthe FULL blender or the Individual Cups Blender? (Like the Magic Blender)

While using the FULL blender, please be careful cleaning those blades. I damn near sliced my finger off the first time I washed that thing out because I didn't know the BLADE pulls out of the pitcher.
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