I’m currently transitioning from premier protein to this


that's funny timing cause Costco dropped off our delivery the other day and there was a pack of this with our order. we didn't order it so we texted the driver to tell em and they said keep it. i tried one and it wasn't bad :lol:
that's funny timing cause Costco dropped off our delivery the other day and there was a pack of this with our order. we didn't order it so we texted the driver to tell em and they said keep it. i tried one and it wasn't bad :lol:
You’re lucky lol

Costco limits 2 packs per customer and I hear they’re often sold out.
My wife has several of the big Stanley cups. They’re better than the Yeti ones IMO. Handle is bigger and you can lock the straw in.

I usually take one with me for water throughout the day.
My only thing I like is that they have a handle and they fit in my cup holder unlike my large yeti. I still am not sold on them holding ice for longer.
Never liked straws on my larger jugs or even really my smaller Yeti’s, always prefer spouts or screw off tops which is why I really enjoy most of Yeti’s stuff.

It also sits in my gym bag when I go workout and as I sorta mentioned it gets tossed around there and while I’m out with it. Rolls around my truck and on the floor and all that, with the spout being protected and clean. No damage so far to much other than the lid, and even that’s just scratches.

Yeti > Stanley
(for ME)
I saw this pizza place last time driving in the area & I was back in the area today so decided to stop in. They have a cash & online only "inflation relief pie" lol for $14.95 + tax so $16.28. Not a bad deal. I liked the pizza it was thick & doughy the way I enjoy it most. Got some onion rings from BK too.
I used to eat just as much pizza then I started getting heart burn and couldn’t eat dairy #weakstomach
Working at a pizza place it was free all day plus I’d get frozen pizza

Now the combo of tomato sauce and cheese is a killer :frown:
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i like that idea. i'm gonna track pizza slice intake from july 1st thru year end :lol:
I too thought it was a cool idea to do so after reading DC's post. I did some thinking & calculating in my head & I believe since Jan. 1st of this year my slice total is roughly about 60 or so slices, give or take a few.
We should all track pizza slices til next year and then report back

I got money on Z (respectfully)
I'm down. I will start tracking as of tomorrow till Dec.31st.

Thank you for placing your $ on me. I am powered-by-:emoji_pizza: 😎.
Lol, it's for an extra large pie & the thing was huge! So $16 is not a bad deal imo.

Most likely. The slices were pretty big.
My fault, didn't notice the sign said xl. Really rare to see a spot be able to give a deal like that.
Old place I used to work at used to do $5 pizzas a couple days a week. I think they were 16 inch
This was back in 09/10
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