last time i had little cesars pizza had to be in the 90s. i have had their crazy bread or bread sticks more recently and those weren't bad
With you being 1 of the 🍕 Kings of NT, I'll believe your personal opinion. Maybe just maybe they have gotten a bit better over the years? I don't think I've ever had it to be honest, just about everybody I know who has had it said it was trash pizza.

Basically a hot greasy mess. Maybe it was the location? I might have to try it for myself now. All this LC pizza talk has my curiosity.

I thought you were a down to earth pizza lover

Didn’t we see you at a cheaper pizza spot that one time

ICIP, etc
I am but LC doesn't look appetizing whatsoever, lol. The cheaper pizza spot you mentioned- are you talking about Blaze? :lol: Blaze is 🔥 for retail 🍕. YES I SAID IT! 😋
Little Caesars is literally 5 dollar hot and ready pizza, serves the right purpose at the right price. The little pan joints from them or pizza hut in Target used to be my ****.
For ME, I cracked the Little Ceaser's code: Order THIN crust. Wait the extra time. Pepperoni, bacon, black olives, onions - BLAM! Eat's RICH (at poor man pricing).
Re-read the above; you have to move AWAY from the "Hot and Ready". The right combo, and they CAN do their 1, 2. Also, you have to keep Little Caesar's of ANY kind in context - you pull up, you were already either 1) being cheap, 2) actually broke, 3) want it FAST, 4), trying to feed a mass gathering, (usually a bunch of kids or co-workers), or 5) just on some ole "F it".

When it's time for me to get on my gourmet shizz with the pie, their is a local spot a mile from the crib with a $30 banger that they put they mama's heart, soul, and left foot up in.
Once you get past the Domino’s BO I think it’s ok, and would consider it a part of the backbone of working class America. Essentially those with families and not much money to feed them.

Same with Lil C’s.
I don’t know how else to explain it, but dominos pizza smells like that one coworker that shows up to work smelling BIG musty on a Tuesday.

Smells like BO to me. But I still eat it a few times a year.

I would’ve said this about papa johns

I guess there isn’t much of a difference
I would’ve said this about papa johns

I guess there isn’t much of a difference
It has always been interesting to me that people have a favorite among the horrible chain pizzas while having convinced themselves that one of the horrible chains is better than all of the other horrible chains.
It has always been interesting to me that people have a favorite among the horrible chain pizzas while having convinced himself that one of the horrible chains is better than all of the other horrible chains.
Foe on his pizza soapbox wasn’t on my bingo card tbh

Dead ***, rarely have I met a pizza I didnt like. Yall tripping. Its pizza. Pizza up there with tacos. Its doesn't lose.
Nailed it.

Me and a female friend one time we were discussing sex and she said sex is like pizza. Even pizza that isn’t amazing is still pizza. Unless things go off da rails, it’s hard to make either terrible / horrendous.
That same logic can be applied to most any foods

There is nothing specific to pizza (or tacos) that exempts them from being 🗑️
Yea my issue is when yall act like chain pizzas are so beneath you that they aren't edible. As if it was made with garbage a kindergarten student put together in his lab.

Never understood it.

But I guess I do the same thing with yalls Taco Bell garbage. :lol:
So this is interesting.
Pizza & tacos are the top 2 things that I'm a snob over.
"That's not a pizza."
"That's not a taco."
- me, a lot
😂😬 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The question isnt if the are or are not. The question is supposed to be do they taste good or not. Not "COpaReD tO..blah blah. Thats like saying an NBA player is trash because he's not Lebanon James.

Nailed it.

Me and a female friend one time we were discussing sex and she said sex is like pizza. Even pizza that isn’t amazing is still pizza. Unless things go off da rails, it’s hard to make either terrible / horrendous.
I'm pretty sure she got that from a movie, but I agree. :lol:
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