Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


people are REALLY congratulating this chick tho. theyre saying things like "most of yall prolly didnt graduate at all!" and "she did it WITH a kid, nobody has an excuse" etc etc. I'm still stuck on the problem itself... u telling me she was getting smashed at 12? TWELVE? everyone else was just realizing the opposite sex doesnt actually have cooties,  and she was already getting dug out....
To be fair, I grew up with a few chicks who had a baby at a very young age and graduating HS in some places are a big deal.

Hell my graduation was a big deal.

My lil brother was one of the first to complete college.

Some people are proud of G.E.D.'s.

I applaud the young lady.
Plus add the fact whoever smashed got to go on through highschool no problem the baby ain't at his house. If we talking another teenager.

If we talking a man then we talking another story all together

Either way people wanna **** on ole girl for achieving something mathematically ain't supposed to happen to a black girl in her situation. Thats wildn imo
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both of yall weird. praising someone for doing regular sheet after a huge mess up that relatively few are dumb enough to make is setting the bar very low. and graduation being a big deal in some places has nothing to do with this current situation. shes glorifying that she had a kid at 13 and still graduated. not one of the typical "finally outta here!" posts.
Praise is a strong word but she beat the odds.

She made a mistake and overcame it.

I won't **** on her, I don't know her circumstances.
She had a kid at 13 and still stayed in school and finished (a year early) but u knockin her? Like koopa said we dunno her circumstances but props to her.

Sounds like your issue is with her having a child at 13, but she seems to be on the right path for her and her child. Props
Is high school though. My parents weren't even happy when I graduated high school. They said the only educational accomplishment they accept is bachelors or higher. They assumed everything lower than a bachelor is what you are suppose to have. Got a 50K car as my graduation gift. But the point is some people find high school as an accomplishment so hey, kudos to her.
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