Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Then what's the difference between elementary school and college?
nope no difference or are you comparing grade school kids to college kids? You have to apply your self and do what is asked of you to graduate and get by. My point is that dudes are down playing the importance of graduating school ... Every step is developing your for the next step. Successful people have milestones and school is just like any other. Do I find celebrating pre k and kinder silly yes. However, is teaching those young minds that making it to the next level is the end goal.

So yes it is the same ...
Dude knows it's not the same. His statement was over the top but his ego won't let him admit it.
who? Wth? You just mad because you want to seen like HS ain't **** and college is the only celebratory school accomplishment. FOH with that **** ...

Like I said before grade/middle/high/college is all the same you get out what you put in. If you are avg most likely you will go to an avg or even community school graduate and be an administrative assistance working 9-5 for 17 bucks and hour and bragging on how you made it. You suck in any level of school most likely you will not be attending college and just have a hard life unless you are Davy enough to understand school is not the end all be all in order to be successful in life. And lastly if you apply your self in school and excell most likely you will attend a noteworthy university be coveted by companies and will end up in upper management.

You celebrate accomplishment to keep people motivated .. But it seems like you have no knowledge about leadership .. Carry on ....
hell white teen mothers get damn tv shows on mtv not  a peep about how they dont deserve praise or attention 
Lets not make this thread about race. Plenty of other threads for that. This supposed to be funny stuff.

Anyways.... Lil man doing it

whats degrading is putting down a 16 year old girl and youre a grown man

her accomplishment should be acknowledged thats all 

its black people like you always worried about what massa think as if celebrating her is degrading black folks in whose eyes?

sorry for the kids you know, maybe if you post about them we can give them props

agreed she needs to keep going
an accomplishment is an accomplishment

do they hand out happy meals or diplomas for graduating?

did i originally make this about race? or was that the discussion among young black mothers that dont graduate?

personal aspersions aside, the fact that you think talking about about black people is a negative thing shows just how sunken you are

whats wilding about being happy a young black mother graduated?

i think youre wilding and cringeworthy for being not being supportive

anytime black people do anything against stereotype there are always detractors and minimizers like you :smh:
I was the one that posted the photos. I also at no point clowned her specially for what she did. The comment was just funny as hell.

So don't assume anything about me b*** because you're just making an a** out of you and me.

Again look at all your posts about. Black black black..
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. No one said anything about her race but YOU

The girl could have been white, Hispanic, Asian, I would still have the same response from the comment, LAUGHING. Again stop reaching
Address what i asked you what is wilding about being happy for a young black girl

You ignore her race if u want to ill let that speak about u i wont donwplay or ignore it

We can sit here and pretend like the stereotype dont exist
Lets not make this thread about race. Plenty of other threads for that. This supposed to be funny stuff.

Anyways.... Lil man doing it

you are right .. Lets not get into race in here.

The last thing I want to read is If this was a black woman and child, she would be getting crucified and called all kinds of name for raising a future thug or promoting sexual activities to a young mind that now will be a menace to society.

Lets carry on.
Yall all wilin for taking it in this direction. I shouldn't have mentioned it. Dudes bringing up racial constructs, claiming no difference between primary and secondary school. Defending children having sex because they still doing the normal expected behaviors of someone their age. Nah dead this convo
this is the dumbest post I read in a while. He claims his parents don't consider HS graduation as an accomplishment an they expect more but yet reward him with a vehicle to celebrate his HS graduation ... Walking contradiction ... SMH.

It was a graduation gift for my bachelors. But I was just saying how different parents see different levels of education as accomplishments. But if you consider my statement "dumb" then by all means when in rome.
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I saw the girdle as tribute but he shoulda jus copied the whole outfit

Ppl saying he had on skinny jeans and his timberlands were boats

1) ***** then who is you marketing your music to? You want the youngins to look up to you, here you are dissin them

2) you dont care about opinions but you posted a video mentioning the opinions

3) you having to defend yourself only means the **** got to you

Tip my dude but he wildin :smh: just let the **** go
this is the dumbest post I read in a while. He claims his parents don't consider HS graduation as an accomplishment an they expect more but yet reward him with a vehicle to celebrate his HS graduation ... Walking contradiction ... SMH.

It was a graduation gift for my bachelors. But I was just saying how different parents see different levels of education as accomplishments. But if you consider my statement "dumb" then by all means when in rome.

Might come as a surprise to you but some peoples parents care very little about their childs education. Be thankful you were lucky enough to have parents that not only cared but were financially stable enough to reward you with something most adults cant afford to purchase for themselves instead of acting douchey about the accomplishments of people less fortunate than you.
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Her rebuttals were terrible.

"It's a chihuahua"....

Her junkie boyrfriend. "I told you to pick it up"

Video was great
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