Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


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You the one came in here turning your nose down on others small successes knowing dam well you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Of course graduating hs seems like no big deal when you live in a great school district, have rich, supportive parents and little else to worry about besides which video games to play after you finish your homework. Oh, and im quite sure the poster with the watch was being sarcastic in response to your entitled, spoiled brat comment about the luxury car your parents bought you. No one cares how easy ur life has been kid, try to realize other people have it much tougher than you before judging the next persons accomplishments. K? Bye.

Didn't know you can figure out peoples life from a post. Who assumes a whole persons life on a post? But not continuing this. Won't respond again to this foolishness. Have a good one brother.
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Did somebody really say people ITT are praising Teen Mom on MTV? Like really? Ain't nobody praise them dummies. Nobodies telling Farrah nice job for getting piped down by James Deen
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I leave the thread for the weekend and come back to this.

hand2handking hand2handking we get it bawse. You should make a thread about this instead of turning a thread about idiots & jokes into a platform for your message. You setting yourself up for disappointment in here. Most of us ain't trying to get into all that in this specific thread. A comment or two is cool but you doing term papers for the wrong class. :rolleyes

My 2 cents on the chick is I don't think the girl should be put on a pedestal for doing what people do all the time but also I keep in mind the INTERNET blew it up not her so I can't hate that she was proud of accomplishing what she did and the internet took it and ran with it. She still was a thot at 12 but hey we all make mistakes. Nothing wrong with people getting a laugh about it though. I laughed at the comments :lol:

Edit: The dog **** video tho :rofl: That pops was a savage :smokin
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i aint eem bring her up but since you did im positive since yall wanna rag on this black girl that farrah has to be posted in this thread getting made fun of too right?

my point was that yall wanna go in on this girl who's black when white girls get tv shows for the same thing without graduating

double standard or nah?
platform for my message?

dudes are in here **** shaming a young girl and downplaying/denigrating her achievement while at the same time telling ppl this aint the thread for it? nah

just let yall get off with your jokes in peace huh?

how long before the jokes turn into "*******, ratchet etc"

maybe dudes just thinking back to when they were 13 and not smashing and are just low key jelly in the present day 

a comment or two would have sufficed if dudes left it at that but cats always wanna take their shots

i didnt turn the thread into anything but im not gonna see this going on and not say anything about it

and before anyone calls it caping, its not that but this girl is/was a kid still

yall are adults making fun of a kid like really? 

its not fine just to make jokes so sorry to be the spoil sport but not sorry
Ima say this and hopefully its the end of it.

The jokes were fine its when one dude crossed the line and starting getting mad at her for being proud of herself.

Yall can think whatever corny **** about her having a kid young, but then to act like how dare she post her achievement is just sucka ****. Some dudes clearly are just angry at women in general
Ima say this and hopefully its the end of it.

The jokes were fine its when one dude crossed the line and starting getting mad at her for being proud of herself.

Yall can think whatever corny **** about her having a kid young, but then to act like how dare she post her achievement is just sucka ****. Some dudes clearly are just angry at women in general

I'm pretty sure the issue is more with having sex at 12 than the fact that she's a girl. And I'm also pretty sure that the only person who crossed the line is dude up above us on his race soapbox right now trying to turn this into a 60 minutes episode on racial tension on niketalk and the microcosm of the black diaspora in America.

Everyone else is chillin and trying to move on lol
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Jesus Christ man lmfao. I refuse to believe you're serious. I really hope for your sake that you're not.
lol, for the sake of me? Bruh sit down.

Yea i just read that as sarcasm, idk bout yall but my first sex ed class was in 6th grade and I was 11 [emoji]128514[/emoji]
so just because you had a sex ed class at six grade means that everyone has sex ed classes? Just be quiet ... Obviously your opinion is based on personal life than what's actually going on out there.

Yeah. I hope that was sarcasm too. Like you old enough to know how to get creampied but not old enough to know about condoms... :smh:
unfortunately that's exactly what most of these teens understand. They think sex as fun and do not fully understand the consequence. How do you even know she wanted to be creampied?

Just for reference take the state of Massachusetts. The state had to pass legislation laws to mandate public schools that have (optional) sex education classes to not only teach about abstinence but also contraceptives. Meaning that sex ed is not a requirement and when was being thought .. It was only as abstinence. Further more research shows that when sex ed is thought (again not all schools have a curriculum for it) .. Topics like stds pregnancy sexual relationships where only presented to the students half of the time.

Ya want to fly high on a horse like you word is gospel. Ya don't even have factual evidence that will refute what I'm saying.
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