Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Might come as a surprise to you but some peoples parents care very little about their childs education. Be thankful you were lucky enough to have parents that not only cared but were financially stable enough to reward you with something most adults cant afford to purchase for themselves instead of acting douchey about the accomplishments of people less fortunate than you.

Not even going to bother with this comment. Lol. Please for future reference don't criticize or judge another individual for writing a post on a forum it means as comming out as being a douche or not being grateful. I was expressing that some parents only give gifts when is a degree and not high school. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Another poster even agreed with me saying his father would of gave him a watch when he achieved something higher. That's all.
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Might come as a surprise to you but some peoples parents care very little about their childs education. Be thankful you were lucky enough to have parents that not only cared but were financially stable enough to reward you with something most adults cant afford to purchase for themselves instead of acting douchey about the accomplishments of people less fortunate than you.

Not even going to bother with this comment. Lol. Please for future reference don't criticize or judge another individual for writing a post on a forum it means as comming out as being a douche or not being grateful. I was expressing that some parents only give gifts when is a degree and not high school. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Another poster even agreed with me saying his father would of gave him a watch when he achieved something higher. That's all.

You the one came in here turning your nose down on others small successes knowing dam well you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Of course graduating hs seems like no big deal when you live in a great school district, have rich, supportive parents and little else to worry about besides which video games to play after you finish your homework. Oh, and im quite sure the poster with the watch was being sarcastic in response to your entitled, spoiled brat comment about the luxury car your parents bought you. No one cares how easy ur life has been kid, try to realize other people have it much tougher than you before judging the next persons accomplishments. K? Bye.
Is that even white privledge?
She hit all the checkboxes

felt entitled to have her dog **** on his lawn

thought she was fancy cuz she had a chihuhua

no empathy for his children

tried to deflect 

tried to get her bf to defend her

in the end whined

a privileged white woman at work

edit: and for those complaining or attempting to police the thread so that "Race" doesnt get in the way of yall fun well too damn bad

anytime black people talk about race in an issue, white people always wanna police and censor

clowns wanna rag a young black girl achieving despite her circumstance and simultaneously castigate ppl for recognizing her achievement?

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edit: and for those complaining or attempting to police the thread so that "Race" doesnt get in the way of yall fun well too damn bad

anytime black people talk about race in an issue, white people always wanna police and censor

clowns wanna rag a young black girl achieving despite her circumstance and simultaneously castigate ppl for recognizing her achievement?


Bro ****

This a thread for fools wildin, for funnies. We come in here to see funny pics/videos go somewhere else with that.

I posted a few pages ago...

Fools come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Everyone gets laughed at in here.

And btw im not white....bout "white people wanna police and sensor".

Back to fools wildin tho
Yea son I'd rather get roasted then see this happen in here [emoji]128521[/emoji] :lol:
Yea son I'd rather get roasted then see this happen in here [emoji]128521[/emoji] :lol:

Threads in shambles. Cats bringing in racial issues in here, dudes bragging bout their parents buying em an oldsmobile after graduation.
Threads in shambles. Cats bringing in racial issues in here, dudes bragging bout their parents buying em an oldsmobile after graduation.
Yea this is the place that should remain laughs, not the racial discussion like the rest of general. That's why I stick to the shoe forums here mostly, talk is more about product then other nonsense

but a guy name kingcurt can defend white supremacy
i said it earlier black ppl do it too 

so whos the fool in this scenario? her for getting pregnant at 13 or her for posting about graduating at 16?

either way she aint a fool wilding cuz she aint get pregnant by herself and graduating hs IS an accomplishment

cats want it both ways, raggin on a damn teenager and not let anyone speak up for her

the jokes at her expense are the important thing here 
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She hit all the checkboxes

felt entitled to have her dog **** on his lawn
thought she was fancy cuz she had a chihuhua
no empathy for his children
tried to deflect 
tried to get her bf to defend her
in the end whined

a privileged white woman at work

edit: and for those complaining or attempting to police the thread so that "Race" doesnt get in the way of yall fun well too damn bad

anytime black people talk about race in an issue, white people always wanna police and censor

clowns wanna rag a young black girl achieving despite her circumstance and simultaneously castigate ppl for recognizing her achievement?


I guarantee your coward *** dont talk like this in real life.

but a guy name kingcurt can defend white supremacy

[thread="260124"] [/thread]

i said it earlier black ppl do it too |I

so whos the fool in this scenario? her for getting pregnant at 13 or her for posting about graduating at 16?

either way she aint a fool wilding cuz she aint get pregnant by herself and graduating hs IS an accomplishment
She's a fool for getting raw dogged at 12 and popping a seed out at 13. and you sir are a fool for ignoring these facts. It's never been about race, no one is praising those white women on teen mom. If you do not see a problem with a child having sex as soon as she gets her period you sir are a fool and I pray for your seeds because them mf's is gonna do whatever they want from the way you caping for child having sex as long as they graduate high school lmao. It's never been about race this thread is about dumb *** decisions. So please take this argument to the pm's since this the "Fools Wildin Thread" not the " yall praise teen moms on mtv but not this queen thread". Now let's just go back to fools wilding before the thread gets locked

who said it was ok for her to get pregnant at 13?

i said she didnt do it by herself

nobody caped for that i caped for the acheivement of her graduating despite that theres a difference

you keep reaching tho

if the thread get locked its yall own damn fault for clowning on a damn kid
Nah it's your fault for bringing race into it lmao. You got egg on ya face g. It's not an achievement to graduate highschool, that's why they make it mandatory before college b. It's good she doing well but im not gonna congratulate her for something that is expected. Glad she graduated high school but i can count on both hands other women in the same position that did the same thing and didnt take it to twitter to flex.
Dudes be acting like a 12year old supposed to know about condoms and prego preventing methods.

She engaged in activities that were to mature for her age and she paid for it.

Taking about she's dumb, but ****** be in the first one to be team raw and in Maury.

Stop it ...

1 in 4 teen has an std .... Seems like the only ones wildin are their parents for not having real conversation with their kids ...
"wilding for bringin race into it"

"acting like i dont know what the **** going on"

aka let us throw our party denigrating this young black girl while we pretend we dont know what the stereotypes are about young girls, and specifically a young black girl in this case

yall can keep talking that "hs graduation is expected mess" all you want to it dont make it true

if its such a non achievement why the **** do they give diplomas and not lollipops? 
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