Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

In the video’s scenario it sounds like they are evenly splitting the bill which is unfair if you ordered simple items. You could have ordered $15 worth of stuff while the person next to you ordered $300.

The fair way to pay is for each person to label out what they ordered on the check and pay the person who decided to use their card or whatever.
ahh this makes sense. yeah splitting it evenly is dumb.

there is a great app called split wise. we use that a lot on vacations with other people.
everyone just needs the app and whoever foots the bill can input the tab on there that the shares can be split evenly or people can input or be assigned their share
can also upload pics for receipts and what not.
The gaslighting in that video was amazing.

The dude hollering "Why did you come!" took me out :rofl:

The despair in his voice = He's definitely the first one going to "the bathroom" when those separate checks hit.

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Been to a few big group birthdays like that, no one ever had an issue paying their own or had any illusions otherwise. I've covered the birthday girl's tab as the gift.
This is how we do it. Everyone pays for their own meal and we all chip in and cover whoever's birthday it is.

The ones in the group that drink split the alcohol amongst themselves.
I've split bills evenly and also paid for what I ordered, and I've never had any issues like this :lol:

The key is not to have dumb, broke friends, and things like this will never happen.

This seems staged as ****. I've never been in a situation like this so it's hard to grasp that a group of "friends" go out to dinner to celebrate something and the evening ends with fighting/arguing about the bill. We all agreed to go to ________. We all know how much ________ charges, and we all know WTF we ordered. So if the bill is $400 or $4000, we should all be accountable for what we purchased. The only person that is off the hook is the person of honor on said night. If this happens for real, then you're definitely not amongst friends, but scammers :lol:

Weirdos :lol:
bro that **** is a real issue. how ever child trafficking is brought up it should be on the forefront of everyones mind. stopping child abuse alone damn near solves, homelessness, obesity, drug addicts, future offenders, etc. we would damn near be in a utopia if we could stop harming kids. which seems like an easy ask.
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