Fools Wildin', Volume 2

What in the **** is this?


OP is a fool wildin
Vanessa Trump’s First Love Was Member of Violent Street Gang

Vanessa Trump’s prom date for senior year at her $47,000-a-year Upper West Side prep school dressed up for the big occasion in a tuxedo, a bow tie — and a necklace in the black-and-gold colors of the Latin Kings, a street gang he had joined in an upstate prison.

Vanessa — who became part of America’s first family in 2017 as the wife of Donald Trump Jr. — was known at the Dwight School for her bright smile, model looks and outstanding ability on its tennis courts. But on weekends, she drove high school sweetheart Valentin Rivera — who has since served various prison terms for assault, weapons offenses and negligent homicide — to the Lower East Side, where he led meetings of his chapter of the gang.

And in an exclusive interview, Rivera told Page Six how Vanessa would help him drop off weed to friends by driving him around in her stepfather’s convertible with an illegal gun in the trunk.

Her school friends came to fear Rivera. “If anybody disrespected her in any way, I would physically put my hands on them,” Rivera told us. “Any types of disrespect — call out her name, mess with her, anything.”

Even their first meeting — around fifth grade at P.S. 158 at 77th Street and York Avenue, Rivera recalls — was tinged with trouble. “We was in the carnival in the school and I hit her with a water balloon, and she told on me. I went to the principal’s office,” Rivera, who grew up in a 79th Street building where his dad was the super, told us. “Then we parted ways until a couple of years later.”

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Valentin RiveraAnnie Wermiel/NY Post

In those intervening years, Rivera got in trouble for fighting with neighborhood kids, and was sent to Highland Residential Center outside Poughkeepsie, NY. “I came home from juvie, then I met her again,” he says of Vanessa, who has been in the midst of a divorce from Don Jr. since March.

Vanessa and Rivera, by then about 15, ran into each other at a house party on 86th Street, he said, where Vanessa — then Vanessa Haydon, the daughter of Bonnie Haydon, who ran the Kay Models agency, and stepdaughter of power lawyer Charles Haydon — asked Rivera and his friends for help with some kids who were causing trouble.

“They were stealing out the house and we searched them,” he said. “That’s how we started talking again.”

They quickly began dating, but a year later, Rivera was arrested for assault and given a 1 1/3-to-four-year prison sentence. Before transferring to an upstate maximum-security youth prison, Rivera spent a few weeks on Rikers Island, where Vanessa — who would go on to give birth to five of the president’s grandchildren — came to visit him with Rivera’s mother.

“She was heartbroken that I was being taken away,” he said. “The first time [she came to visit], she was upset — she cried a little bit — but after a while, we get used to things. She only came to visit me twice because her mother forbid her from coming to visit me.”

Once upstate, Rivera quickly got a rep that caught the eye of the Latin Kings, a street gang that formed in Chicago in the 1940s but that is now reputed to be the largest Hispanic gang in the world. “A few fights, a few slashings, and my name was ready in the prison as a person who was a bad guy.”

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Valentin Rivera and his then-girlfriend Vanessa Trump (née Haydon) at a New York City prom

Vanessa kept in touch with him in prison, and after a 16-month sentence, “I came home [to New York City], I was a full-blown Latin King, and now I came home to a whole nation of Latin Kings.”

He also came home to Vanessa. Though they were young, Rivera tells us that he and Vanessa were deeply in love and even discussed getting married and having children. She presciently told Rivera that she wanted to have five kids — which she eventually did with Don Jr.

Rivera declined to discuss the specifics of his activity in the gang, saying only, “I carried out things that needed to be carried out in the Nation.”

As well as criminal activities, the Latin Kings — whose New York arm was founded in Collins Correctional Facility in 1986 — pride themselves on social work, like feeding the homeless. Rivera says that outside prison, he rose through the ranks.

“[Vanessa] was worried in the beginning,” Rivera told us, “but after I guess seeing the power of who I became, she was cool with it.”

Vanessa regularly drove Rivera to gang meetings at locations around the city, including the El Bohio community center on the Lower East Side. She wasn’t welcome to stay for meetings since she was neither a member nor — without Latin heritage — eligible to become one.

“She was fascinated. We were kids. She liked the street life at the time,” said Rivera. “She liked that type of environment — being around gang members and stuff.”

At Dwight — where Rivera could frequently be seen at the school gates waiting to pick her up — he gave her a dangerous mystique. Asked what appealed to Vanessa about the gang lifestyle, Rivera said, “Maybe it was the attention she was getting. From her classmates,” he said, “from everybody.” (A Dwight classmate once described Vanessa to New York magazine as “an ill thug.”)

While Vanessa blended in with the uptown set, Rivera told us that after spending time around gang members, she became a little more “rugged” and even “a little cocky.”

“She got into a couple of little catfights,” Rivera told us. “She was pretty jealous,” he said, “as far as other girls and stuff, she let it be known that I was her man.”

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Valentin Rivera and his then-girlfriend Vanessa Trump (née Haydon)
(This will be familiar to reality star Aubrey O’Day, who had an affair with Don Jr. in 2012 while he was married to Vanessa. A pal of O’Day’s recently told Page Six that when Vanessa discovered the affair, she called O’Day and “went gangster on her.”)

While Rivera lent Vanessa street cred and protection, her connections could be useful to him as well. Rivera says Vanessa used to drive him to deliver weed with his illegal gun stashed in the trunk of her convertible — and more than once dropped her lawyer father’s name to get out of trouble. “If we got pulled over, the police would just let us go,” he said. “She’ll give up Charles’s information. Car’s registered to Charles Haydon. They’ll just cut us loose.”

Their five-year romance ended in 1998 when Rivera discovered in the New York Post that Vanessa — by then a model with the Wilhelmina agency — had been cheating on him with Leonardo DiCaprio.

“DiCaprio’s luscious love is 20-year-old fashion model Vanessa Haydon. The passionate pair have been inseparable over the past two weeks,” Page Six revealed on May 1, 1998. They “tried to keep a tight lid on their budding romance — but it all spilled out during a private party in a trendy SoHo loft last week … The couple could be seen holding hands, kissing and cuddling into the wee hours in a dimly lit corner.”

“I don’t think it’s a fling,” an acquaintance of Vanessa told Page Six at the time.

Although he was heartbroken and humiliated, Rivera says his fellow gang members teased him about her infidelity, with two of them holding a third as if he were on the bow of a ship and singing Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On,” the theme from DiCaprio’s movie “Titanic.”

Asked if Rivera ever considered retaliating against DiCaprio, he laughed. “I thought about it!”

A week after the breakup, Rivera was arrested by the FBI on RICO charges, which he later beat. He did several more long stints in prison — including for negligent homicide because of a tragic accident in which he shot a friend while they were fooling around with a gun — but became “inactive” in the Latin Kings in 2013 and has since turned his life around. A father of one, Rivera now drives seniors to medical appointments.

Rivera — who says he’s no fan of President Trump and wasn’t thrilled to see her move on to Don Jr. — calls Vanessa his “first love,” and in spite of their bad breakup, says, “I’m happy for her that she has five beautiful children and she’s doing well.”

Reps for Vanessa didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.
Just rename the thread "Trump wylin thinking he's doing it" and you're set to go. More than enough material coming out daily.
Trump Awards Medal of Honor to Navy SEAL Accused of War Crimes

Britt K. Slabinski is presented with the Medal of Honor by President Trump. Getty Images

President Trump on Thursday awarded the Medal of Honor to a retired Navy SEAL who has been accused of committing war crimes — and leaving a man behind in enemy territory.

Former Master Chief Special Warefare Operator Britt Slabinski received the award during a public ceremony at the White House.

In 2002, he spearheaded a controversial SEAL Team Six mission in Afghanistan — which led to the deaths of seven Americans.

He was a Senior Chief Petty Officer at the time, in charge of leading a seven-member unit into eastern Afghanistan to set up an observation post on the mountain of Takur Ghar.

It was just six months after 9/11, and US forces had been waging war with Al Qaeda in the valley below as part of Operation Anaconda.

“Britt and his teammates were preparing to exit the aircraft on the mountain peak when their helicopter was struck by machine gun fire, and machine gun fire like they’ve never seen before,” explained Trump, who recounted the events on Thursday.

“Not a good feeling,” he said.

As the chopper “lurched away from the assault,” one of the SEAL Team Six members — later identified as Petty Officer 1st Class Neil Roberts — got tossed from the aircraft but was thought to have survived.

“At this point, Britt received information suggesting [Roberts] was probably still alive,” Trump said. “The team faced a choice: to wait for reinforcements and pretty much safety, or to return immediately to the enemy stronghold in the hope of saving Neil’s life.”

Despite being “out-manned, out-gunned and fighting uphill on a steep, icy mountain,” Trump said Slabinski and his squad made the choice to turn back.

“For them, it was an easy one,” the president added. “They went back to that mountain.”

While Trump hailed Slabinski for his actions, many in the military community feel that he made several bad decisions that day in 2002, which wound up costing the lives of seven Americans, including Roberts.

First, he chose to take a much more dangerous route than the one they had planned after experiencing maintenance delays and pressure from senior officers. Slabinski told the New York Times in 2016 that when they landed on Takur Ghar, Qaeda forces were already waiting.

Next, he reportedly made the decision to land his team directly on the observation post — rather than hiking up to it from a safer position. Military officials later determined that this was a major error, which “violated a basic tenet of reconnaissance.”

Slabinski then chose to turn back after losing Roberts — recruiting Air Force Technical Sgt. John Chapman in the process, according to accounts.

Unbeknownst to him, Roberts had already been captured by enemy fighters and killed.

“Britt continued to engage the enemy, repeatedly exposing himself to horrendous fire,” Trump said Thursday, calling the assault the “Battle of Roberts Ridge.”

“When they could go no further, Britt tended to the wounded and coordinated their escape until his team was finally evacuated,” the president added.

Members of the Army’s Delta Force and 75th Ranger Regiment teams, which were involved in the battle, believe Slabinski left Chapman behind that day after retreating with the rest of his unit.

The airman had been wounded in gunfire, and presumed dead, according to Slabinski.

Footage obtained by the Times appears to show the airman battling Qaeda forces on the mountain for another hour — even resorting to hand-to-hand combat at one point.

Chapman wound up dying in an attempt to protect arriving reinforcements from gunfire, according to the Times.

He will be posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, though it’s unclear when.

Slabinski has repeatedly denied leaving him on Takur Ghar that day, while also defending the rest of his actions.

“I can tell you, we left no one behind. No one,” he told Fox News, just three days before receiving the Medal of Honor.

“What I saw, what I experienced, I know that clearly that we didn’t leave anyone behind up there,” Slabinski said. “I wasn’t more than 20 to 30 feet away from where John was and that was my experience. But what I want people to focus on is that it’s called Roberts Ridge now because we lost six other people up there. A total of seven.”

Asked if he thought Chapman was still alive when they retreated, Slabinski replied: “That wasn’t what I experienced. It wasn’t what I saw.”

In addition to the 2002 incident, Slabinski has been accused of multiple war crimes. They include illegally ordering the executions of male Afghans and mutilating the bodies of fallen enemy fighters.

“[Slabinski] certainly has been accused of some very bad things,” retired SEAL officer **** Couch told Politico.

He pointed out, however, how the award is based on “one specific action” — and not the recipient’s character.

“I’ve read excerpts of what he did in that battle and it certainly seems Medal of Honor-worthy,” Couch said.

Dana White, a spokesperson for Defense Secretary James Mattis, told Politico that Mattis “was well aware of the news reporting around Master Chief Slabinski” and recommended him for the Medal of Honor anyway.

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'Blue Wednesday' in Chicago as Union Trump Takes Stand Against 'Anti-Police' Mayor Emanuel

It’s being called “Blue Wednesday” in Chicago as the city’s Fraternal Order of Police organized a unified public demonstration against Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who the FOP calls “anti-police.”

During the city’s regularly scheduled city council meeting Wednesday morning, ranking members of the police union read aloud a strongly worded statement against Emanuel in which the FOP alleges the mayor has “turned his back” on his police department by being more concerned with “pandering to police-hating media” and by allowing the American Civil Liberties Union to have a seat at the negotiating table.


Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police organized a unified public demonstration against Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who the FOP calls “anti-police.” (REUTERS)

A protest organized by police officers became tense at City Hall. One woman was seen apparently spitting at a demonstrator marching with police officers.

The Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge 7, which says it represents an estimated 15,000 active and retired members, recently sent out a notice to all of its members to attend Wednesday’s city council meeting to demand that “Mayor Rahm Emanuel back police.”

The move comes in response to the Chicago Police Board’s recent decision to put Officer Robert Rialmo on a no-pay status for a 2015 fatal shooting that was deemed unjustified by the board—but was ruled justified by Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson.


The move comes in response to the Chicago Police Board’s recent decision to put Officer Robert Rialmo on a no-pay status for a 2015 fatal shooting that was deemed unjustified by the board—but was ruled justified by Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson (left). (REUTERS)

Emanuel does not sit on the independent Chicago Police Board, which made the ruling on Rialmo’s job status. A spokesperson for the mayor responded to some of the FOP’s allegations.

“When you have people on either side of the police reform issue criticizing, it’s a sign we’re hitting it down the middle of the fairway as we continue to build trust between officers and residents, ensure oversight and accountability, and give officers the tools and training they need to be proactive in the crime fight,” the spokesperson said.

Tension between Emanuel and his police department has been growing in recent years —beginning in 2015, when a video was released showing Chicago Police Officer Jason Van **** shooting a 17-year-old teen armed with a small knife 16 times. The shooting occurred in 2014 but the video was withheld by the prosecutor’s office until a journalist fought for its release.

The public was outraged over the video and eventually Emanuel abruptly fired his police chief, Garry McCarthy. McCarthy, who is now running against Emanuel for mayor, has said Emanuel “threw him under the bus.”

The city also entered into an exclusive agreement with the ACLU in which officers are required to fill out reports for every single stop and frisk they’re involved in— which police say is an intentional move to use stats against them.

Emanuel is in the midst of running for his third term as mayor of Chicago. The FOP’s public move against him could serve as a thorn in his side, just nine months prior to the election.

The city of Chicago is also in midst of finalizing a consent decree with the federal government that will give a federal court oversight over the Chicago Police Department.

The consent decree came down during the Obama administration amid allegations of racism and police brutality. A months-long DOJ patterns and practices investigation concluded CPD needs a major overhaul in training and sensitivity.

Chicago Police said the decree is a shroud for even more anti-police policies.
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"tamed" =invaded/stolen
I wish someone would've asked him what are the repercussions to trouncing and taming the land /home of others nowadays. He talks like it was some balanced battle.
Hold up, I thought he was misidentifying America as a continent. Please don't tell me this fool is referring to Africa.

Right-wing radio host Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on CRTV last weekend to declare that racism has never existed and that picking cotton, as many enslaved African Americans were forced to do before the Civil War, “makes a man out of you.”

Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?”

“Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

Peterson went on to claim that an iconic photograph captured while police in Birmingham, Alabama, unleashed dogs on black people protesting for civil rights “was just a protest.” He also claimed that segregated drinking fountains weren’t racist, but rather “it was a law that was brought about by the Democrats.”

“Have you ever picked cotton?” Peterson asked McInnes.

“No sir,” McInnes said.

“You have not lived until you’ve picked cotton,” Peterson said. “It’s fun. It makes a man out of you.”
Mom of Texas Shooting Victim Says Talking with Trump was 'Like Talking to a Toddler'

President Trump spent more than an hour with people who lost family members and the survivors of the May 18 shooting at a Texas high school that left 10 dead and more than a dozen wounded.

The press was not invited into the meeting, which was held at a Coast Guard base outside Houston. But the reaction to the president's appearance from one the victims' mothers showed that even Trump's effort to act as comforter-in-chief can be polarizing.

Rhonda Hart, whose 14-year-old daughter, Kimberly Vaughan, was killed in the shooting said Trump repeatedly used the word "wacky" to describe the shooter and the trench coat he wore.

Hart said she told Trump, "Maybe if everyone had access to mental health care, we wouldn’t be in the situation."

Hart, who served in the Army, said she also suggested hiring veterans to help watch over schools.

"And arm them?" Trump asked, according to Hart.


© JENNIFER REYNOLDS/THE GALVESTON COUNTY DAILY NEWS VIA AP Santa Fe High School staff react as they gather in the parking lot of a gas station following a shooting at the school in Santa Fe, Texas, May 18, 2018.

"No," she replied. But Trump "kept mentioning" arming classroom teachers.

"It was like talking to a toddler," Hart said.
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Trump: 'I Have the Absolute Right to Pardon Myself'
Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 3.01.53 PM.png

Washington (CNN) - President Donald Trump asserted Monday that he has the right to pardon himself but suggested that he won't use that power, adding that the special counsel investigation is "unconstitutional."
As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

The President then called Robert Mueller's investigation "UNCONSTITUTIONAL" but said he would "play the game" because he has "done nothing wrong." Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed by Trump.
Trump's comments come after one of his attorneys in the Russia investigation, Rudy Giuliani, said Sunday that Trump "probably does" have the power to pardon himself, but won't.

"He has no intention of pardoning himself." Giuliani told ABC's "This Week." "It would be an open question. I think it would probably get answered by gosh, that's what the Constitution says, and if you want to change it, change it. But yes."

No president has ever pardoned himself, so its legality is a matter of legal debate. But a three-page memo from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that was written in 1974 -- days before President Richard Nixon resigned -- says the President cannot pardon himself because "no one may be a judge in his own case."

The dispute among scholars on the issue almost guarantees that if Trump faced indictment and pardoned himself, the next step would be a court challenge, with the President's fate decided by judges -- or even the Supreme Court.

'Unthinkable' Move, Giuliani Says

Talk of a potential pardon comes after The New York Times published a 20-page letter to Mueller by Trump attorney Jay Sekulow and then-Trump lawyer John Dowd. They argued that the President could not possibly have committed obstruction in the Russia investigation because the Constitution empowers him to "terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon if he so desired."

Trump's "actions here, by virtue of his position as the chief law enforcement officer, could neither constitutionally nor legally constitute obstruction because that would amount to him obstructing himself," Dowd and Sekulow wrote.

Trump's lawyers sent the letter as part of a broader argument that the President should not have to sit down with the special counsel.

Many legal scholars dispute the idea that a President cannot obstruct justice. While Trump did have the authority to fire former FBI Director James Comey, the question becomes whether he had corrupt intent in doing so -- the issue at the center of Mueller's obstruction investigation.

A Brookings Institution study in October concluded that the President's authority to fire the head of the FBI in this case was a "red herring."

"The fact that the president has lawful authority to take a particular course of action does not immunize him if he takes that action with the unlawful intent of obstructing a proceeding for an improper purpose," the report said.

During another Sunday show appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Giuliani added that Trump pardoning himself is "unthinkable" and "would lead to probably an immediate impeachment."

Giuliani wasn't the only Republican against the idea of Trump issuing a self-pardon. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union" that he doesn't think the President should grant himself a pardon.
Kentucky Crowd Cheers Trump Quote, Then Finds Out It’s Actually From Obama
High school valedictorian trolls his class with an unexpected quote.

A valedictorian graduating from high school in Kentucky got the audience to cheer an “inspirational quote” from President Donald Trump.

As it turned out, the audience at Bell County High School ― a county where Trump won 79.9 percent of the vote in 2016 ― unwittingly cheered a line from President Barack Obama.

“Don’t just get involved,” Ben Bowling said in the footage posted online by the Louisville Courier Journal. “Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table.”

He cited Trump as the source, and the crowd cheered.

“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” Bowling said, interrupting the cheers. “That was Barack Obama.”

Many of the cheers stopped. Some laughed, some clapped, and least one loud “boo” could be heard.

Bowling told the Courier Journal he was trying to be funny when he cited the line from Obama’s 2012 commencement speech at Barnard College.

I just thought it was a really good quote,” Bowling said. “Most people wouldn’t like it if I used it, so thought I’d use Donald Trump’s name. It is southeastern Kentucky after all.”

The newspaper said he graduated with a 4.216 grade point average and will attend University of Kentucky, and hopes to pursue a degree in medicine.

For now, however, he’s using his newfound viral fame to advance another kind of cause:

@HamillHimself can you tweet me back now??

— Ben (@bowling_ben) June 4, 2018
Chairwoman Says She's Faced Racism, Sexism From Fellow Republicans


In her post, Carnahan, who was born in South Korea and adopted by Minnesota parents, wrote that “Some (sadly) Republican Party leaders/executive committee members around this state have made racist comments about me, and to me — calling me ‘dragon lady, a ch*nk, a stupid Asian not even born in America’ and other awful racial slurs.”

Carnahan wrote that the attacks are “starting to get to me.” In an interview with the Star Tribune, Carnahan declined to identify who attacked her..

“I told [Trump] I want to run again to be chair because I want to deliver the state to you in 2020,” Carnahan said. “If I thought he was a racist or that anything he did was stoking racial divisions, I wouldn’t want to work on his behalf because I’ve had to deal with racism my entire life.”
Elizabeth Warren Condemned Trump in Reno. He Answered in Las Vegas With a Slur.


© Bridget Bennett for The New York Times Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts spoke at a convention for members of the Democratic Party in Nevada on Saturday, drawing a standing ovation with an exhortation to “drive Donald Trump and his enablers out of power.”

HENDERSON, Nev. — The clash began Saturday morning with a populist denunciation of President Trump’s policies, delivered in Reno, Nev., by a Democratic senator who is one of his most ferocious critics.

It intensified within hours, with a sarcastic, racially incendiary jibe — “Pocahontas” — lobbed by Mr. Trump himself during a visit to Las Vegas.

And it reached its third, climactic act in yet another arena in this sun-scorched swing state, as Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts redoubled her criticism and volleyed the president’s taunt.

“Look, he thinks he’s going to shut me up?” Ms. Warren said, as laughter echoed from her audience in a crowded brewery in this southern Nevada suburb. “That’s not going to happen, baby!”

The fast-burning, eight-hour exchange between political rivals came about as an accident of Nevada political scheduling, but it played out far more suggestively — as the most direct confrontation yet between Mr. Trump and one of his leading potential opponents in the 2020 election. And it unfolded on a portentous stage, in the cities and suburbs of a state that is likely to be crucial both in the Democratic presidential primaries and in the general election.

Mr. Trump came to Las Vegas not to needle Ms. Warren, but to raise money for an embattled , seeking re-election in a state where Hillary Clinton beat Mr. Trump in 2016 by a little more than two percentage points. Ms. Warren mapped her own Nevada visit — a swing through Reno and the Las Vegas suburbs — in part to help Mr. Heller’s challenger, Representative Jacky Rosen, and had planned it well before Mr. Trump revealed that he would be in town.

Yet 2020 hung over the day from the outset: Ms. Warren, addressing a convention of the Nevada Democratic Party in Reno, thundered against Mr. Trump’s administration, bringing a crowd to its feet with exhortations to take on corporate special interests and “drive Donald Trump and his enablers out of power.” In a call to elect more women to high office, Ms. Warren tucked in an oratorical wink to the crowd: One of those offices, she said, was “that really nice, oval-shaped room at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

The current occupant of the Oval Office, sweeping into an event of his own in Las Vegas, could have easily ignored the presence of a combative critic some 400 miles away. But Mr. Trump did not, instead looking away from the ostensible subjects of his visit — Mr. Heller and the tax cuts he helped pass — to swing repeatedly at Ms. Warren.

He labeled her, not for the first time, as “Pocahontas,” a biting reference to Ms. Warren’s description of herself as having Native American ancestry. Mr. Trump and other Republicans have questioned that claim, sometimes drawing criticism from Native American tribes for their mocking language.

“Wacky Jacky is campaigning with Pocahontas,” Mr. Trump announced, tagging Ms. Rosen with a derisive nickname of her own. “You believe this? In your state?”

His audience laughed along and erupted in boos aimed at Ms. Warren and Ms. Rosen, seemingly encouraging Mr. Trump. The president, who drew a backlash in November for calling Ms. Warren “Pocahontas” during an , noted that he had faced calls to apologize for the epithet.

“I did apologize,” Mr. Trump said. “To the memory of Pocahontas, I apologized.”

The side-by-side contrast, of Ms. Warren’s event in Reno and Mr. Trump’s in Las Vegas, conjured an image of a presidential matchup defined on one side by unrelenting liberal criticism of Mr. Trump’s policies and ethics, and on the other side by unrestrained personal attacks on a Massachusetts progressive that are aimed at delighting conservatives. While Mr. Trump often speaks in harshly derogatory terms about his political adversaries, Ms. Warren appears to inspire distinctive scorn among his likeliest Democratic challengers for re-election. None of more than a dozen other Democrats known to be eyeing 2020 has drawn such a contemptuous label from the president, or faced as much his swipes as Ms. Warren.

It was in her final public event of the day — a question-and-answer session with voters hosted by Nevada’s Democratic senator, Catherine Cortez Masto — that Ms. Warren did just that. In a tone that mingled defiance with disdain, Ms. Warren accused Mr. Trump of seeking to distract from what she cast as a popular revolt against his agenda, most recently his “zero tolerance” policy on the border that separated migrant children from their parents.

“How does he do that? He attacks Jacky Rosen and he throws out a racial slur at me,” Ms. Warren said, retorting that she would not be “shut up” and noting — as long as Native American heritage was under discussion — that the had condemned the family separation policy.

“I am in this fight,” she said. “And I am in this fight all the way.”
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