1st...FNL does let u exchange with out a receipt if its in their system THEY have to honor it.

2nd...Don't be stupid and walk in with AM09 that have a FTA FTL CHM sticker cuz you'll just make an as outta urself

3rd...If your smart enough to remove the sticker tags from the boxes...wait a week or two...FNL knows the talk to them and another $10 spot won'thurt u as much!
anyone in North NJ wanna help me out?? All I want is a pair of the blk/red penny II's....I will def make it worth it...thnx!
YO! Don't know if it's been addressed, I didn't go back pages.

But you CAN stack a gold coin with EA keycode.

I just did it... but then ol girl at the register grew a conscience. Asked a manager from another store and dude said we're not supposed to. Soshe cancelled it.
. I don't blame her though, shorty got 2 kids. But basically if you find someone who don't give a damn then go for it...

Originally Posted by Chase Cheese

Originally Posted by SoleMan

Just returned something and got a 133.75 giftcard. Waiting to blow that or most of it tomorrow. Just need a solid connect in the ATL.

Someone can get fired for that. If you returned an item or items at full retail and then try to use the gift card with any type of discount, that associate will be investigated and more than likely fired for discount abuse.
Originally Posted by Acervan316

no exclusions means very busy day today. everything i got so far....

Jordan retro 1- black university blue canvas strap
Jordan XX3 white black university blue
Nike Lebron Soldier 3
Nike Kobe 4 -MLPS
-White Purple
Originally Posted by SINcereOne03

give you 3g's you figure, no way i will spend that for myself..I can hook up a few people, wrong. If you're in the major cities, you would know managers all the way down to lowly part timers are getting axed for the smallest things. No, exclusions except for weekend releases? Will you be greedy and grab a cookie or some cookies out the jar??? I spoke to an auditor, he himself said that the company will be watching this one closely...Red flags are, buying multiple marquee product in different sizes and numerous trips to same location different times of the day. So don't have like 4-5 transactions at the same spot with your employee id. Do you make multiple trips to the store to buy the same thing? Deep down inside i feel this is some sort of conspiracy to just lay off people with valid reason. Within the last week I have seen/heard about 4-6 managers in the region getting fired because they were abusing discount. Let's face it, in this time of recession, making a couple bucks helps a lot, also infringes the code of business conduct...

@ soleman: wow... you gotta be a stupid muthaf*cka to get fired on yo day off... lmao...
dont do that homey. that's just askin to get dumped...

@ acervan: can you get me the sku number for those shoes? i erased the ones i dont want... greatly appreciated if you would send me a private message cuz stuffcan get seriously get lost in these forums...

@ sincereone03: i dig the time of recession bro... i really do... and true, people are gettin fired. but they cant have too many people fired, b/c that wouldresult in store closures. think about it. they have already enforced the rules on not goin over your hours. there are times where its one manager in the storeall the way until 5 oclock in the afternoon. in the end, they would be losing more money by takin employees off the sales floor and not giving customers timelyservice and attention. i dig what you sayin about the hot products... no part timer that's 17 and goin to high school is gonna buy 6 fusion 9s in 5different sizes at 5 different times of the day... THAT is a red flag and just smart with it... dont have a bunch of different transactions. savethem up.

employee appreciation clearly states immediate relatives... that means folks that live with you or super close cousins, siblings, parents.... everybody doesntwear the same size shoe in a household, so there's bound to be some differences. if this was such a prevelant rule, then everybody would buy all the stuffunder their own size... wait a week... and return it little by little till they got the product that they wanted... would they fire the guy who bought $2700worth of stuff (only payin $1350) and spent it ALL on hisself, buyin multiple pairs of dubzeros, fusions and kobes, or would they crack down on the part timerthat bought $1200 worth of stuff (payin only 600) and bought it in different sizes??? it doesnt make too much sense...

and about people gettin fired... i'm pretty sure they were already skating on thin ice. these footaction people really dont like to bring in new people b/cshrink becomes an issue. you never know who you can really trust, so they would rather roll with who they got rather than bring in new faces from timbucktoowho might not even scan the product out and just keep all the cash money... i've seen cats have terrible audits and get shot after shot after shot... evenduring times of the recession... as long as everything is accounted for, you running good numbers, and money is flowing, there's no substantial reason tofire a manager, asst manager, cashier, or part timer...

i dont know about stock boys...

my advice to all is to just do things the same way you been doin... dont over do it... just do things the saaame way you been doin things... people start toget fired once they start tryin different kinds of McGuiver moves...
Yes, I do agree about time/money lost with new hires..But you have people working there for years, get grandfathered into the pay scale. Footlocker understandsthey don't need to pay these people..There are tons of people with manager/sales experience that are overqualified for minimum wage, yet a job is a jobright now. So nowadays when you walk into retail stores you see old people..Might not fit the image or scene, but they have the qualifications to be there andgetting paid as much as a 17 year old kid with established pay scale..
Originally Posted by SINcereOne03

Yes, I do agree about time/money lost with new hires..But you have people working there for years, get grandfathered into the pay scale. Footlocker understands they don't need to pay these people..There are tons of people with manager/sales experience that are overqualified for minimum wage, yet a job is a job right now. So nowadays when you walk into retail stores you see old people..Might not fit the image or scene, but they have the qualifications to be there and getting paid as much as a 17 year old kid with established pay scale..

fa sho.... do you think that auditors take into consideration the person that's "abusing" the discount... like... if it was two employees wit thesame numbers, job title, and pay... would they take into consideration factors of age?... or family.... or anything that is outside of actually workingthere?...

not tryin to be an a*shole ( cuz some people on here REALLY ARE)... i just really wanna know...
Well I did all my shopping already...

Red G Shock
AM 09 Orange CW
Passed on AM95

Going to my other spot gotta love NYC
Can anyone help me out acquiring a sz 9 in the Kobe Playoff Pack? I'll definitely take care of you too.
i'm contemplating copping some stuff, i just got some unexpected funds in but being jobless for the moment i'm leaning towards making the moreresponsible decision and using the bonus money i got to pay off my credit cards and bills.

if i do have extra funds left over i'm going in hard though
Would going up a half size from the employee's size cause any suspicion?

Originally Posted by KING RAZ46

Hare 1s= 374454-011
16/7 CDP= 323941-992
AM Chilis= 609048-062b
tried to S.L. Griffeys and Freshwater 95's no luck
Probably justget the AM 09 before my shift tomorrow I guess... lame 50 for me
Can anyone help me get these kobes(list below) in size 9.5 or 10
i just need help getting one pair since i only have money for 1 pair
Playoff Shoe
Carpe Diem
if anyone in nyc can help me out ill tip, I need help with some stuff in a size 11-12
They do keep things in mind, how much over, buying patterns, etc..One auditor called me out one time, cause of course i spent so much. Literally was about togive me the axe. They interviewed all my co workers and all the managers in the league about me. Everybody vouched for me that i was a die hard shoe collector.Before they made their decsion, i went home, brought back 3 shoe boxes, full of reciepts, and said here is everything i have ever bought from here. I told themto bring a pen and we can go through all three shoe rooms in my house and check everything off. Auditor took a look at the receipts and said I trust you andall the managers vouched for your patterns. Told me to watch how much i buy from then on. I was over by ~$150 or so. Funny reading some comments on here,because i was just buying some stuff, and they were doing massive payouts for a manager getting fired that day. I know the guy and he even didn't even knowit was coming. Tried calling him to warn him, but as soon as i called the store, cashier told me he was in the back with the DM and another manager...To late
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