For People Who Cut Their Own Hair - A couple questions...

Nov 24, 2002
1. What are a good pair clippers? I always see some at Marshalls and Ross, but am never sure about their quality. Is there a particular brand that is betterthat is good?

2. How does the number conversion work? So for example, in a barber, if you ask for a "1," what is that in inches?

3. What is the highest the attachments go? An inch and a half or maybe two inches?

4. How long did it take you to "master?" How hard is it to work on the back of your head?

Thanks in advance.

And the reason I'm asking is because I plan to move out of L.A., and rather than find another barber, I would rather just do it myself. Plus the obviousmonetary savings.
1. Those generic clippers are never great. Look for a beauty supply store, or even ask a barber where he got his clippers. I have an Oster, and it works prettywell.

2. The attachments say how many inches they are, so when you buy them, you'll see it.

3. Attachments go pretty high, depending on the place your buying them at. 2 inches is a lot, I don't know if they go that high.

3 Again. Took me a whole summer pretty much. I cut my hair every week, and it took a couple months before I was willing to go out without a hat. I cut the backof my head by turning my back to the large mirror in the bathroom, and using a smaller mirror to see.

Good luck
1.Wahl > _________

2. Dont really kno

3. I have a 3 in guide

4. Took me about a year and a half of zeking my own head to master it lol. To do the back of your head use mirrors.
1. Wahl brand are good clippers......whatever clippers you decide to buy, make sure it has a lever on the side that allows you to adjust the clipper length.
2. Usually the clip will say what number it is and the length in inches. ex. #4 clip is 1/2 in.
3. the biggest attachment i have is number 7 which is about an inch but i've seen bigger clips.....its good to know how to use scissors also.
4. i've been cutting my own hair since i was 16 (27 now) and i'm pretty good cuz i know what i want and how i want to cut it. be prepared to have somejacked up cuts if you're just starting to learn....especially the back of your head.....use a good handheld mirror to do the back.
1. I use Wahl clippers to cut and Andis to line.
4. The way I learned was, I got my hair cut one last time and I just practiced/traced over what was done. I just used a 1 or 2 all around to cut my hair downand the Andis to trace. For the back just buy a good sized hand held mirror and practice. Its all practice. Dont be afraid to mess up, if you do you can alwaysjust shave it off.
1. I've been using a Remington Precision for a while now... don't know what model it is but it's a Blue one. It's pretty smooth anddoesn't make too much noise.

2. The numbers are on the clips themselves.. some have numbers others have measurements in inches or centimeters. If you're unsure about what clip to usejust start with the biggest one and go from there.

3. Not sure..I guess depends on what set you buy.

4. Been cutting my own hair for about 6 years... A couple of mistakes here and there but nothing major. The way I learned was by watching while I was at thebarbershop. I always had to wait while there so I just watched barbers cut hair and somewhat learned from just watching.
I'm a barber and work in a shop but also cut my own hair because I'm pretty picky with how I want it done, it's the worst when a barber pushesyou're hairline back. I'm 21 and been cutting since I was 10 so I'm pretty skilled with all my tools now, but tips i could give you is to pick up aoster fast feed and a oster t-finisher.....alot of barbers use the andis outliner but for personal use and trying to line yourself, the oster t finisher ismore ergonomic and easier to handle on yourself.
I'm 33 now and started cutting my own hair when i was 15. It takes a while, but once you get decent at it, you'll have a lot more confidence to gowithout a hat, or to try a taper or something a bit more complex. I use Wahl Super Tapers and a Wahl Trimmer for my edge-up. I'm looking into getting a setof Andis trimmers to replace the wahls. I've always cut with the Wahl Super Taper and don't see myself trying anything different yet.....may ventureinto the Oster Turbos, but for now its Super Tapers, a no. 1 guard and the wahl trimmers. I use a hand mirror as my second mirror to see the back of my head.

I suggest starting by cutting your hair with one guard on and keeping it one length all over and then practice your edge up. once you get your edge down, thenyou should have been cutting enough to try to taper it out. The edge on the back is gonna be a bit difficult at first, but will get easier. Its always easierto start long and cut a little off at a time till you reach the desired length. Once you go too short, you'll have to cut it all the same length to match.not a good look if its in a spot that needed to be thicker.
1. Andis Improved Master. 'Nuff said.

2. 1/8"

3. A standard set of attachments goes up to an inch. Anything longer and you'd use scissors.

4. I've been cutting my own hair for a couple of years and I'm nowhere near a "master" at it. It takes a lot of time and practice. I actuallyfind the back of my head easier to deal with for some reason. You'll def need a handheld mirror for that.

There's some good advice in here, definitely listen to swooshdude. Two words of advice: Get comfortable with holding the clippers around your head atawkward angles and never attempt to cut your hair after a day of heavy lifting
. Self zeeks are never a good look.
anyone have any tips to fade hair? i've been cutting my hair and some others for a few years, but all i really do is shave/line, and i've got that downpretty well. lately i've been trying other things such as tapering the sides and back..

but any tips of fading hair would help. thanks. (sorry op if i'm jackin your thread, but i think this might help you too)
Each number on the guide is 1/8s of an inch - so an 8 is 8/8 or 1 inch, a 6 is 6/8 or 3/4", a 3 is 3/8" etc.

Took me a long time to realise that.
yo so what exactly does the lever on the side do? i know it adjusts clipper length but what will that do to your hair?

only tried cutting my hair a couple of times so far and i pretty much just go over my head like 3-5 times just so i feel like it's even since i can'ttell by looking through 2 mirrors. as for line ups i haven't done it with a pair of clippers yet but when i'm desperate i just go over it with a razor.

and probably the hardest part of cutting my hair would be behind my ears since i got big ears and the clippers i use are kinda bulky as well.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

1. What are a good pair clippers? I always see some at Marshalls and Ross, but am never sure about their quality. Is there a particular brand that is better that is good?

2. How does the number conversion work? So for example, in a barber, if you ask for a "1," what is that in inches?

3. What is the highest the attachments go? An inch and a half or maybe two inches?

4. How long did it take you to "master?" How hard is it to work on the back of your head?

Thanks in advance.

And the reason I'm asking is because I plan to move out of L.A., and rather than find another barber, I would rather just do it myself. Plus the obvious monetary savings.

1. I've been using the same Wahl clippers for years now, I'd say they're pretty good. And for lineups find the Norelco clippers. They'resmall but for $17.99 it's a good deal because they give a mean lineup.

2. The guards will tell you what number you're using. Or if you're using the sliding guard you can set it to whatever number you want.

3. I'd do it by mm instead of inches, that's way too high of a cut.

4. It took me two years to master. I cut my hair in the bathroom so I have different mirrors and different angles to use. It's pretty much the only wayto have a good haircut. Also, have a good hand mirror ready to give yourself the best lineup on the back of your head.

Cutting your own hair and saving $10 FTW!
Originally Posted by kdwallace

Each number on the guide is 1/8s of an inch - so an 8 is 8/8 or 1 inch, a 6 is 6/8 or 3/4", a 3 is 3/8" etc.

Took me a long time to realise that.
I thought it was like that but I wasnt sure. So ill go with a wahl. Just any wahl ? Im just looking to do a 3 all around. I aint tryna F with myline up
co-sign on everything above.. make sure you invest in some good clippers .. they'll pay for themselves with the money you save..

try to find a barber supply store in your area..

dont forget to take care of your clippers ( oil, andis cool care plus)
Go to "Sallys Beauty Supply". They got the best selection of professional clippers, trimmers etc.

They may not be the cheapest but I think they are the best quality.

As far as clippers go, I like Wahl the best.. but for your line-up, use the Andis T-outliner
i used to have my own little in house barbershop in high school....i used wahl should be able to go them at any beauty store.

i'd go to a barbershop and ask a barber where they get their supplies..

i had 2 younger brothers to practice on, so it took me a few months to get it right...
I used to use the smallest number, forgot if it was 0 or 1, but since I just shave everything off, I removed the clip and just use the machine, haha. I mean Istill have hair, but there is very little. I usually have one of my family members trim the back and shave the sides so everything is even and all.
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