Originally Posted by shycagoill

does anywhere in the Bible it says that he died for us? just wondering

yes. yes it does.

Isaiah 53:5
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

No one address the atheist ninjas anymore Im sick of you guys derailing threads, its rude.
Go get manners.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

yo ATHEISTS, in particular, SILLYPUTTY annoy the living hell out of me. (this is how your post started btw) 

I agree with you though, we should follow bible tenants, then maybe we can stone you to death for being a non believer.

Hmmm...So should I take this as a threat, or your enhanced social awarness as a moral human being because you know its the wrong thing to do?

This only shows that you are more moral than your bible.

All the women passages you posted describe relationships between a man and his wife. I do not think cap is your wife, therefore stop assuming that she should not talk to you. As for all those memes, you are genius bro. I wish i can lead a life like yours.

Actually wrong again. 

Half of them refer to "wives" the other ones pertain to single women and daughters in general.

Are you then saying that once I get married that I can treat my wife as an un-equal and force her to do whatever I want to? Does that make it right once you get married?

I would have posted something much more meaningful than this, but knowing the capabilities of both Anton and Sillyputty, along with their sidekick megatron, I will just keep it simple.

Simple. I love simple.
I should do it like Sillyputty with his ridiculously brilliant ideas of conveying messages of God  that have questioned humanity for the past however long, by posting MEMES.

Well do you have any answers for them?
The only people who refuse to answer those questions are believers. Funny how that works.

...Maybe we should just cut the crap and leave these stupid books behind...we already have for the most part. 

Streams of rationale thought were present before btw (even during and previous to Jesus OMG!!) yet, now after all this time, SILLYPUTTY has found the answer to existence.

I don't have all the answers.

Its just that your answers for "jesus" or "allahahah or whatever don't stand up to the claims they assert.

If you can present a case for a religion or god that proves its assertions then i'll believe it. It will be true, at that point. However if you assert that the world is made of cheese and I show you that its not, and you refuse to accept the answer then I don't see why I should respect your conclusion. Its just not true.
I really wish i were as smart as you man.
 Me too. 
Congratulations, i will nominate your valiant efforts of posting MEMES to the body of Sciene and perhaps a Nobel.


Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by shycagoill

does anywhere in the Bible it says that he died for us? just wondering

yes. yes it does.

Isaiah 53:5
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Jesus could walk on water, heal the sick, and talk to god...

But he died on a cross?

Talk about kryptonite. 

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


No one address the atheist ninjas anymore Im sick of you guys derailing threads, its rude.
Go get manners.
So help your god, woman...if you talk out of line one more time... 

SHOEFREAK, you are right,  I apologize still. let me weigh in on this topic so I don't feel like i just trolled the thread. 
I am Muslim, it is forbidden in Islam to get a tattoo as well. From my understanding it is not so much about harming your body, but the message of a tattoo. For instance if I watch MTV and see all these singers/rockers/rappers with Tats, then naturally these are the people that have influenced my decision to get a tattoo. Hardly anyone spontaneously decides to get a Tat, its like smoking, most people have started because they seen someone doing it and it looked cool. There are the cases were this is not the case, and I know this, however I am speaking on a general scale. 

Now those people that have influenced my decision( rappers, rockers)  to get a tattoo, do they lead religious lives? Most likely not, so why am I using them as an example to lead my life? Why am i copying or imitating their actions? This is where the intentions of a person are taken to consideration.


Yo Sillyputty, edit that "allahaha".
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

SHOEFREAK, you are right,  I apologize still. let me weigh in on this topic so I don't feel like i just trolled the thread. 
I am Muslim, it is forbidden in Islam to get a tattoo as well. From my understanding it is not so much about harming your body, but the message of a tattoo. For instance if I watch MTV and see all these singers/rockers/rappers with Tats, then naturally these are the people that have influenced my decision to get a tattoo. Hardly anyone spontaneously decides to get a Tat, its like smoking, most people have started because they seen someone doing it and it looked cool. There are the cases were this is not the case, and I know this, however I am speaking on a general scale. 

Now those people that have influenced my decision( rappers, rockers)  to get a tattoo, do they lead religious lives? Most likely not, so why am I using them as an example to lead my life? Why am i copying or imitating their actions? This is where the intentions of a person are taken to consideration.
Could say the same for your decision to be a muslim.
Were you born a muslim or did you learn to become one from those around you?

Hint: Theres only one answer. 

Spoiler [+]


Yo Sillyputty, edit that "allahaha".

Why? You scared, brah?

If god has a problem with it, he'll tell me. Not you. 

You going to come after me like you all do for cartoonists who draw Muhammed? 

Its funny how free speech works. Its only free...when YOURE saying what you want to say. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

SHOEFREAK, you are right,  I apologize still. let me weigh in on this topic so I don't feel like i just trolled the thread. 
I am Muslim, it is forbidden in Islam to get a tattoo as well. From my understanding it is not so much about harming your body, but the message of a tattoo. For instance if I watch MTV and see all these singers/rockers/rappers with Tats, then naturally these are the people that have influenced my decision to get a tattoo. Hardly anyone spontaneously decides to get a Tat, its like smoking, most people have started because they seen someone doing it and it looked cool. There are the cases were this is not the case, and I know this, however I am speaking on a general scale. 

Now those people that have influenced my decision( rappers, rockers)  to get a tattoo, do they lead religious lives? Most likely not, so why am I using them as an example to lead my life? Why am i copying or imitating their actions? This is where the intentions of a person are taken to consideration.
Could say the same for your decision to be a muslim.
Were you born a muslim or did you learn to become one from those around you?

Hint: Theres only one answer. 

Spoiler [+]


Yo Sillyputty, edit that "allahaha".
Why? You scared, brah?

If god has a problem with it, he'll tell me. Not you. 

You going to come after me like you all do for cartoonists who draw Muhammed? 

Its funny how free speech works. Its only free...when YOURE saying what you want to say. 

Silly... sillyputty, you can't debate with a theist using logic and reason!!! For they cannot comprehend it!
I don't get your question. 
I was born a Muslim. I was raised as a Muslim. I am 25 years old now. Had I seen that these Muslims were living wrong, I would have stopped being Muslim. 

To take it a little deeper than that, had I seen any errors in the religion itself, not the people who decided to follow/interpret/pick and choose parts of the religion, then i would have stopped being Muslim as well. 

And buddy freespeech does not mean you disrespect others. If i were to go down in the street and call all atheists ******ed, i would be in violation of my freedom of speech rights. Its not about me getting "butthurt" its about respect. If you have none, cool I really dont give a !#!$ but stop fronting like thats free speech.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

SHOEFREAK, you are right,  I apologize still. let me weigh in on this topic so I don't feel like i just trolled the thread. 
I am Muslim, it is forbidden in Islam to get a tattoo as well. From my understanding it is not so much about harming your body, but the message of a tattoo. For instance if I watch MTV and see all these singers/rockers/rappers with Tats, then naturally these are the people that have influenced my decision to get a tattoo. Hardly anyone spontaneously decides to get a Tat, its like smoking, most people have started because they seen someone doing it and it looked cool. There are the cases were this is not the case, and I know this, however I am speaking on a general scale. 

Now those people that have influenced my decision( rappers, rockers)  to get a tattoo, do they lead religious lives? Most likely not, so why am I using them as an example to lead my life? Why am i copying or imitating their actions? This is where the intentions of a person are taken to consideration.
I do agree we should always look at he motives of things
 From the verse  Leviticus its related in that time.
They were  people in that time and that were doing certain things , this verse was saying to disassociate yourself from those people in any way possible.

For example if a few years from now someone reads in a letter from a dad to a son that says "you shouldnt wear a red bandanna".

You could assume that it is wrong, but in context he is saying not to wear it so that you wont be associated with blood and crip. 

But that would not be relevant in the time of no blood and crips.

But just like any other permanent thing in your life you should evaluate why you are getting it.
Originally Posted by cap1229

As a Christian how can you not know that? Your body is a temple.
im catholic and knew this for a long long time, surprised more people didnt know this

same goes for shaving in a sense
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

SHOEFREAK, you are right,  I apologize still. let me weigh in on this topic so I don't feel like i just trolled the thread. 
I am Muslim, it is forbidden in Islam to get a tattoo as well. From my understanding it is not so much about harming your body, but the message of a tattoo. For instance if I watch MTV and see all these singers/rockers/rappers with Tats, then naturally these are the people that have influenced my decision to get a tattoo. Hardly anyone spontaneously decides to get a Tat, its like smoking, most people have started because they seen someone doing it and it looked cool. There are the cases were this is not the case, and I know this, however I am speaking on a general scale. 

Now those people that have influenced my decision( rappers, rockers)  to get a tattoo, do they lead religious lives? Most likely not, so why am I using them as an example to lead my life? Why am i copying or imitating their actions? This is where the intentions of a person are taken to consideration.
I do agree we should always look at he motives of things
 From the verse  Leviticus its related in that time.
They were  people in that time and that were doing certain things , this verse was saying to disassociate yourself from those people in any way possible.

For example if a few years from now someone reads in a letter from a dad to a son that says "you shouldnt wear a red bandanna".

You could assume that it is wrong, but in context he is saying not to wear it so that you wont be associated with blood and crip. 

But that would not be relevant in the time of no blood and crips.

But just like any other permanent thing in your life you should evaluate why you are getting it.
exactly. The thing is though a lot of these so called context verses, still apply today. Although maybe not literally but the personalities of people discussed in these books still exist today. And will continue to exist.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

I don't get your question. 

I bet.

I was born a Muslim.

No you weren't.
If you were born to white/black parents in america you would probably statistically be a protestant christian

If you were born in india, you would probably be a hindu

If you were born in europe you might be catholic.

I was raised as a Muslim.

I thought you said you were born a muslim? 
I am 25 years old now.

I guess you're set in your ways...Its never too late to learn though.
Had I seen that these Muslims were living wrong, I would have stopped being Muslim.

Do you really need examples?
I mean have you even read the Quran?

To take it a little deeper than that, had I seen any errors in the religion itself,

But you chose to follow it still? 
not the people who decided to follow/interpret/pick and choose parts of the religion, then i would have stopped being Muslim as well. 

There is an entire on-going battle between different interpretations of the Quran. Sunni, Shiite, and others, which one are you?

I'm not sure Allahaha would be happy with you choosing the wrong sect of Islam.

And buddy freespeech does not mean you disrespect others.

Disrespect is subjective. What may be a joke to you, is offensive to others. Recognize your own bias before you go crying foul that others don't have the same opinion as you.
If i were to go down in the street and call all atheists ******ed, i would be in violation of my freedom of speech rights.

No it actually wouldn't. You might get a ticket for disturbing the peace and being loud, but no one cares about your message. You're free to say what you want.
The fact you can be on NT right now complaining is free speech. 

Its not about me getting "butthurt" its about respect.

Its only respect if you're happy, right? Well I'm happy debunking islam. Where does respect lie then? 
Its all subjective. 

If you have none, cool I really dont give a !#!$ but stop fronting like thats free speech.

So when anyone disagrees with you, its disrespect.

OK. Got it. 

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

SHOEFREAK, you are right,  I apologize still. let me weigh in on this topic so I don't feel like i just trolled the thread. 
I am Muslim, it is forbidden in Islam to get a tattoo as well. From my understanding it is not so much about harming your body, but the message of a tattoo. For instance if I watch MTV and see all these singers/rockers/rappers with Tats, then naturally these are the people that have influenced my decision to get a tattoo. Hardly anyone spontaneously decides to get a Tat, its like smoking, most people have started because they seen someone doing it and it looked cool. There are the cases were this is not the case, and I know this, however I am speaking on a general scale. 

Now those people that have influenced my decision( rappers, rockers)  to get a tattoo, do they lead religious lives? Most likely not, so why am I using them as an example to lead my life? Why am i copying or imitating their actions? This is where the intentions of a person are taken to consideration.
I do agree we should always look at he motives of things
 From the verse  Leviticus its related in that time.
So where do you draw the line? 

Did god say, "don't worry about tattoos and premarital sex?" 

Or are you making that up?

If this is the case, why do so many religious people hate gay people? Wasn't that written during that time? 

They were  people in that time and that were doing certain things , this verse was saying to disassociate yourself from those people in any way possible.

OK...and when did god say those rules were no longer valid? 

For example if a few years from now someone reads in a letter from a dad to a son that says "you shouldnt wear a red bandanna".

You could assume that it is wrong, but in context he is saying not to wear it so that you wont be associated with blood and crip. 

But that would not be relevant in the time of no blood and crips.

But there are gay people, seafood, plaid shirts, and women bending over before marriage. 

Oh and the slavery thing. Forgot about that. 

Where do you draw the line, or are you just going to keep making stuff up?

But just like any other permanent thing in your life you should evaluate why you are getting it.

The bible says explicitly not to do something...and you do it. 

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

exactly. The thing is though a lot of these so called context verses, still apply today. Although maybe not literally but the personalities of people discussed in these books still exist today. And will continue to exist.

So why don't you go kill some atheists, beat some women, and enslave some lesser folk? 
You scared of the law? 

Are you a muslim first or an american (or wherever you were born) first? 

Originally Posted by MonStar1

this is really 
.  imagine if this effort and dedication was used for something better. 

Like your hoop dreams of the NBA? 

This is what I don't understand. Why do you care so much about what I choose to talk about? Its ONE thread. Go bump your posts about getting into the league or write freestyles that sound better read than spoken. No one is forcing you to even be here. 

Don't take that as a diss and I wish you good luck in your endevaors, but don't act like we don't see what you always post about either. It goes both ways homie. I just choose not to get perturbed by seeing your username beg for hits on your basketball Youtube videos. 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

God will forgive this guy for not having back muscles but I wont


The bible says a lot and I want to think if there was a scale, the tattoo thing would be somewhere at the bottom.

They also preach no sex unless it is used for pro-creation. That a lone is making tons of people sin every day.
Religion threads on NT are as corny as University(college) memes on FB, and rage comics on Reddit. This site sucks now.

*goes back to 4chan*
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

How come Christians can let a bunch of things from the Bible slide but not the gay marriage? Let it slide.

You are off topic

This country does whatever it wants, why are they asking citizens to vote on peoples rights.

There was no "voting" for the civil rights movement.

Those Christians picketing with those signs are wasting time, way bigger fish to be fried.

Real question is

Why doesnt the Goverment want Gay people to get married?
Alright I think im going to entertain this topic for a little bit.
OnTheNephs wrote:
I don't get your question. 

I bet.

Your incredibly brilliant man. Sorry, infact you should have taken the odds on that response maybe you would have made some money.

No you weren't.

If you were born to white/black parents in america you would probably statistically be a protestant christian

If you were born in india, you would probably be a hindu

Ok, so I was born in Egypt, hence statistically I was born as a Muslim. Does not change anything in my original sentence, but you are smarter.

I thought you said you were born a muslim? 

. I feel like im talking to a blonde here. ATHEIST WAS BORN, NO ONE RAISED HIM. My new meme, what you think? it could use some work sprinkle some of your genius on that, maybe add a pic from Reddit and BAM new meme son.

I guess you're set in your ways...Its never too late to learn though.

Unlike you my man, I have been studying and observing religion since i was about 13. This is not some fad to me, im not rolling with the times here to assert my intellect in a fake society.

Had I seen that these Muslims were living wrong, I would have stopped being Muslim.

Do you really need examples?

I mean have you even read the Quran? 

I do need examples actually, because looking around in the world i see the same problems that affect the west, affect the east. Have you read the Quran? Do not post some website that debunks the Quran. Although im sure that is your understanding of reading a religious text. Type in google how to debunk Islam and first 5 websites that pop up shape your whole perception of a religion. I have no problem with that, however if this is your understanding in religion go spread your knowledge on 5th graders homie.
To take it a little deeper than that, had I seen any errors in the religion itself,

But you chose to follow it still? 


not the people who decided to follow/interpret/pick and choose parts of the religion, then i would have stopped being Muslim as well. 

There is an entire on-going battle between different interpretations of the Quran. Sunni, Shiite, and others, which one are you?

I'm not sure Allahaha would be happy with you choosing the wrong sect of Islam.

Like usual, here your arrogance and lack of understanding come through. The on going battles in Islam have NO correlation to the Quran. All Muslims read one Quran, one word. The fighting is regarding what ensued after the Prophet died. However you are a master of all religion and i must be wrong. 

And buddy freespeech does not mean you disrespect others.

Disrespect is subjective. What may be a joke to you, is offensive to others. Recognize your own bias before you go crying foul that others don't have the same opinion as you.

If i were to go down in the street and call all atheists ******ed, i would be in violation of my freedom of speech rights.

No it actually wouldn't. You might get a ticket for disturbing the peace and being loud, but no one cares about your message. You're free to say what you want.

The fact you can be on NT right now complaining is free speech. 

Its not about me getting "butthurt" its about respect.

Its only respect if you're happy, right? Well I'm happy debunking islam. Where does respect lie then? 
Its all subjective. 

If you have none, cool I really dont give a !#!$ but stop fronting like thats free speech.

So when anyone disagrees with you, its disrespect.

OK. Got it. 


So why don't you go kill some atheists, beat some women, and enslave some lesser folk? 

You scared of the law? 

Are you a muslim first or an american (or wherever you were born) first? 

I am not scared of the Law. However, in Islam I must follow law of the land. Islam gave rights to women btw, and to slaves as well when it first came. Yea you might say we know that enslaving and beating women is bad, unfortunately in the 7th century they were not as smart as you Silly. 
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