FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
If you talking about that pancake orangutan tittie white girl in the limo you really are a sad case

Regardless of how you feel about my taste in women, it doesn't change the fact that it was still frontal nudity :rolleyes
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Did anybody in your guys' audience bring their kids to the movie? Either the parents didn't know it was a R rating or they really wanted to see the movie and didn't have a babysitter. :lol: I saw kids that weren't any older than 9 or 10.

People brought their kids to see Deadpool.

If sexual content ain't stopping them from bringing kids, violence and language won't do it either.
I have to say I do understand Amel's point about the potential of the shared universe

The X-Men franchise at its core is a character-driven melodrama with flashy yellow costumes. X1, X2, DOFP, and even Apocalypse have done okay with that on a certain level, but the potential was never realized to its highest degree. There was always too much of a focus on Wolverine or Mystique in later installments. X1 and 2 were the highlights of that aspect to me. Singer did a good job of rotating the character focus and developing dynamic character relationships (Wolverine/Rogue, Wolverine/Jean, Bobby/Wolverine, Scott/Jean, Charles/Wolverine, Bobby/Pyro), etc etc. But notice how many of those equations involve Wolverine.

Also the creative staff at Fox has this terrible habit of picking random mutants out of a hat and then having them show up in other movies but far as hell away in terms of the timeline and often portrayed by other actors. There's barely any narriative consistency.

I still want to post a longer review for Logan; I'll do it later
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Did anybody in your guys' audience bring their kids to the movie? Either the parents didn't know it was a R rating or they really wanted to see the movie and didn't have a babysitter. :lol: I saw kids that weren't any older than 9 or 10.

Yeah I been debating taking my 12 year old nephews to it.

I didn't take them to deadpool and they are still salty about it. :lol:
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theres one scene of 3 sec flash by b cup flabby pancake tiitties.

there is no full frontal nudity as he claims, he just hates *******.over A cup
Also the creative staff at Fox has this terrible habit of picking random mutants out of a hat and then having them show up in other movies but far as hell away in terms of the timeline and often portrayed by other actors. There's barely any narrative consistency.

This is what pisses me off the most about Fox.

They don't really setup anything. Characters just pop up so they can say they have so-and-so in the movie.

No development of those characters, just there for a cameo.

Copy the MCU's format

Stand alone to setup characters and then a full X-Men film with all the characters that are now known by the audience.
Fox ain't ever going to do that b. They been had their chance to copy the mcu format and they haven't done so..

They will just be making these R rated movies that don't connect to each other because they can't see the big picture. Ppl will fawn over these movies because of the mature content that they don't see in mcu movies and the acting ability of their actors. They won't have to try so hard to get their script tight because the first two variables will be enough to please you guys. They will cake due to the budget being driven down. Repeat.

They have a playbook now that they will gladly abuse cuz yall keep supporting them. It will be a never ending cycle.
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I'm just accepting their movies to the equivalent to one-shot comic books. 

I give up with their continuity issues.
I give up with their continuity issues.

Lol they wore you down. They want you to settle for their laziness.

Its like the Knicks know that they never have to see the big picture and create an actual team because they know that the occasional free agent or trade splash will get your butt in the seats.

Fox will never worry about the big picture. They just know that they need to make individual movies that pass your standards.

They've been incompetent for so long that you guys got worn down and you'll drive your standards down to meet them halfway.
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Fox ain't ever going to do that b. They been had their chance to copy the mcu format and they haven't done so..

They will just be making these R rated movies that don't connect to each other because they can't see the big picture. Ppl will fawn over these movies because of the mature content that they don't see in mcu movies and the acting ability of their actors. They won't have to try so hard to get their script tight because the first two variables will be enough to please you guys. They will cake due to the budget being driven down. Repeat.

They have a playbook now that they will gladly abuse cuz yall keep supporting them. It will be a never ending cycle.

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Some of y'all got rosy views of what Fox use to do as far as character focus with past X movies. Especially with that bastard Singer
Deadpool 2 gonna be the only movie as far as Fox CBM go for me I'm seeing in theaters, everything else I'll just catch on FX when they premiere.
I can't believe I've slowly been turned off to the X-Men and the FF4 and pretty soon X-Force

To me all X-men movies have no replay value, Logan is the first and only one.
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What I like about Deadpool is that it's not to be taken seriously. They don't want you to take it seriously. I don't have to analyze the movie and consider its placement within a larger universe. Don't need to fret about continuity errors. I basically just regard it with the same seriousness as a very long snl skit. So it's a much easier Fox movie to enjoy. It's just mindless fun.

But with the other fox movies, they want you to take the films more seriously. That's fine. But if you want me to take you more seriously, I'm also going to be more critical.
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Ok full review, heads up I gives no ***** about spoiler tags so beware.

As many have already said, this is one of the greatest comic-book to film adaptations ever made. I just can't quite put it over TDK of course because of Heath Ledger; but got damn if Logan doesn't come very close.


The acting: DAMN the acting is amazing. In this movie, Hugh Jackman solidifies his legacy as the DEFINITIVE Wolverine--but then his portrayal of old, tired, depressed, in pain Logan takes it a step further yet.

Patrick Stewart is the classic Professor X but thrown into terrible circumstances. However, you still feel the hope and faith in humanity shining through this beaten, senile, and crippled old man. It really was a beautiful performance. And I could be wrong but I think there was a little bit of that sassy McAvoy Charles thrown in there too.

Where the **** did they find the little girl that played Laura? She had zero lines the first half of the movie, but her silent on-screen presence was PHENOMENAL! She exuded gravity and danger through her facial expressions alone. She is truly a magnetic little actress and Hollywood will have done her dirty if she doesn't land some major roles in adulthood. Watch that scene where she's eating cereal as the soldiers go in after her.....

The writing: the movie was exceptionally well-written and the plot refreshingly simple. No flashy supervillains, no plot to destroy the world, just a couple of dying old men trying to salvage what remains of their legacies. Fantastic. And the dialogue.....damn! There were one or two instances where the F-Bombs felt shoehorned in, but generally every line was masterfully written and masterfully delivered, applying perfectly to some aspect of the character.

The narrative is so painful in its presentation of Logan's suffering and misery; it follows the longstanding tradition of Logan's life being terrible in these damn movies--but then offers both Logan and the viewer a final validation of the character's legacy and experiences at the very end. Real tears b

Every other character is taken seriously and inserted into the narrative in a way that comes off as both thoughtful and three-dimensional. (Except for Donald Pierce) that family that took them in...

Even X-24, who had no dialogue, is an awesome character--when interpreted as a physical representation of Logan's internal strife. At the very end, the final hurdle that Logan must overcome is himself.

The action: :wow: X-23 is a stone cold monster.... that one glimpse we got of Logan being Wolverine in his prime again....:frown: the feels man. Seeing him do that classic Wolverine leap at the end and knowing he just wasn't capable of that for most of the movie is gut-wrenching but awesome at the same time.

The R rating was the best thing to happen to this movie (it's not a "gimmick" or lazy marketing tactic :rolleyes). The gore was not Tarantino bloody for the sake of bloody--it was simply an honest depiction of adamantium claws tearing people to shreds, and it was needed for the definitive movie about Wolverine.

The Cons

Villain: The doctor was cool and should have been the primary antagonist. Donald as a character was feeble and lacked gravitas--typical MCU style forgetable villain. It seems like there was an attempt to give him a sense of charisma--if so, it didn't work. Wolverine having killed the Dr's father AND the fact that he both created X-24 and decimated the mutant birth rate indicates that he should have been the primary antagonist.

Continuity: Surprisingly, continuity is not that big of an issue in this movie. A reference is made to the Statue of Liberty (X1), which according to the new timeline should not have happened (or happened differently than we remember). Also I vaguely remember Caliban being in Apocalypse with a different actor, accent, and personality. And sadly, no true reference is made to the events of DoFP, where the older Logan had to guide a younger Charles. Would have been awesome to have them touch on that somehow.

By the way, the FOX-Men timeline should not be that hard. Chronogically speakkng, there are two: First Class through Origins through X1-3 and The Wolverine, and finally DOFP.

Now because of the events of DOFP, chronologically it goes First Class through DoFP (1973) through Apocalypse to Deadpool and presumably Logan at the very end. But due to statements about this being stand-alone, and the very depressing fact that the X-Men are no more, all of this is thrown into doubt.

Mutants take the L once more: Tired of this ****. It's in the comics, too. This is more an editorial criticism than a criticism of the film. Like others have pointed out, the world of Logan is fine--not post-apocalyptic like some dudes here were claiming. However, mutant births have been artificially repressed and the X-Men are all dead. Again? Really? The birth thing is fine, but the X-Men are once again dead? Logan traveled back in time for Jean and Scott and everybody to die again anyway? Does this mean we can go back and watch Apocalypse and Supernova and assume that they all will die anyway, despite the fact that the events of Apocalypse happened explicitly because Wolverine went back in time to save their lives? Ugh.

All in all, this like I said is one of the greatest superhero movies ever made. I won't be watching it again anytime soon tho. It's too damn sad.
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Logan was great. Had some teenagers behind me the whole time calling the fat black kid Terrio and saying ohhh kill me every time he came on.

I loved the graphic violence though. Hopefully this becomes the trend in superhero movies now. This is how superhero movies are supposed to be. Minimal corniness. Lots of graphic violence. Just great. I loved it.
When i rewatched the animated x-men series on netflix, I realized wolverine never cut anyone. He'll cut walls, doors, and sentinels, but he always ended up jumping on people, etc.
Yep. That's consistent with Wolverine across all his animated appearances. That's why Hulk vs. Wolverine stood out when it dropped, because it was the first time you really saw Logan going to town on flesh and blood people.
I must've imagined the vicious savagery as a child :lol:

Only reason I won't argue it is cuz I remember the list of things that the animated Spider-Man series couldn't do or had to change; NYPD shooting laser guns not bullets :lol:
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Deadpool 2 gonna be the only movie as far as Fox CBM go for me I'm seeing in theaters, everything else I'll just catch on FX when they premiere.
I can't believe I've slowly been turned off to the X-Men and the FF4 and pretty soon X-Force

To me all X-men movies have no replay value, Logan is the first and only one.

Deadpool is the only film I rewatch.. even back in the day I was disappointed in the xmen movies

They have scenes, like the nightcrawler scene.. hell wolverine origins had the deadpool scene.. the newer movies got the quicksilver scenes

First class has the least cleaning up to do of all the non deadpool fox marvel movies easily (since everything with mags and professor stay the same)

Still need to watch logan
When i rewatched the animated x-men series on netflix, I realized wolverine never cut anyone. He'll cut walls, doors, and sentinels, but he always ended up jumping on people, etc.

Gave son the illest knives in existence but he couldn't even use them. Watched the Wolverine the other day and it was eerie seeing all those clean, no blood slices.
When i rewatched the animated x-men series on netflix, I realized wolverine never cut anyone. He'll cut walls, doors, and sentinels, but he always ended up jumping on people, etc.

But When It Came To Sentinals You Would See Him Go Ape ****. All About That Y-7 Rating, They Had To Keep The Violence To A Minimum (Goofy *** Fist Fights) But The Ratings Let Them Show All Types Of Violence Against Machines/Robots/Walls Lol
The Cons

Villain: The doctor was cool and should have been the primary antagonist. Donald as a character was feeble and lacked gravitas--typical MCU style forgetable villain. It seems like there was an attempt to give him a sense of charisma--if so, it didn't work. Wolverine having killed the Dr's father AND the fact that he both created X-24 and decimated the mutant birth rate indicates that he should have been the primary antagonist.

I get what you are saying here, but I think this was done on purpose. The focus is on Wolverine and X-23. If you think of movies like TDK, Batman takes a backseat. There are shows that's done it very well like DareDevil season 1 with the relationship of Murdock and Kingpin but that takes time that they had. I can't think of a superhero movie that's done the same.

Heck even Batman Vs Superman, Supes barely had any lines. You can argue Thor and Luki, but Luki is a main character and, unlike Logan, the movie was really was about both of them, not just Thor.

That being said, I think they made the right decision by making the Villain secondary to the story.

Again, I say that the only thing that I didn't like about the movie was Logan's death scene, it was too safe and too typical for such an unconventional movie. Heck, they had the exact same death scene in Rogue One THREE times. I think if they had a stronger death scene, it could have put this movie over the top.

Another thing I was kind of hoping for was for Steve Murphy to take the mutant steroid and be a flesh eating, radioactive monster like the Hulk gang. Just to reference the comic that this was inspired by, that would have been cool.
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