FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
Something that's been pissing me off is seeing people on twitter talking about how quiet X-23 is until it's necessary for her to speak to move the plot forward.

And a lot of complaints about the speech she gave at the end. Most people don't know it's from the film she watched with Professor X so it was just random to them.

Twitter becomes cinemasins after movies like this release

Complaints like that are why creators think the fans are idiots.

In regards to Laura being quiet, that's comic book accurate, due to her terrible upbringing. Seeing how the upbringing carried over to the film, i'd say her not speaking much is more than justified.
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I agree but a slight problem with that is how relatively normal the other kids seemed.

I don't know if that just Logan's DNA tho... This is gonna turn into a nature vs nurture conversation :lol:
That what I thought. Only Laura knew had to throw it down?

Earth dude could of handled most of those dudes.
I agree but a slight problem with that is how relatively normal the other kids seemed.

I don't know if that just Logan's DNA tho... This is gonna turn into a nature vs nurture conversation :lol:

Tempted to argue that the others kids couldn't have possibly gone through what Laura did. Just right off the bat, there's no chance in hell that any of them had Adamantium pumped into their bodies :lol: This isn't to say that the situation loses its horror per se and that the others then didn't go through their own hells, but Laura's, at the least, should have been different from the others. Seeing how the final product of that program seems to have bene X-24, meaning that someone/something with the Healing Factor was the ideal weapon, I wouldn't be surprised if it was revealed that Laura went through more testing than the others in order to make her into that weapon. She's clearly the only one who really knows how to throw down when **** hits the fan.
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They don't get into it in the film but in everything else she's appeared in the Adamantium is only bonded to her claws.

I feel like assuming she's the only one who has been extensively tested isn't fair. We're lead to care more about her due to the fact that it's her story but it's not difficult to assume every single one of those children went through just as much testing.

Like if she's X-23 then she's theoretically the youngest out the group. One of those kids is probably X-2 or something they been through just as much ******** but even longer :lol:

X-24 was the latest model but he was by no means the culmination of the program, they were still harvesting tissue from mutants after his creation (dude told them to take some from Caliban). I don't think the point was to build one perfect weapon but more so an army of diverse mutants with someone like X-23/X-24 serving the purpose of being there "In case of an emergency"

And I think her natural inclination to fight immediately resort to violence has to be genetic :rofl: those other kids could of cleaned house from the get go instead of running
I assumed since they were hunting x-23 down and not the other kids that she was the latest and greatest product plus came from Logan's DNA so she had more tests and more training than the others.

I was thinking that too why those kids ain't destroy everyone as a team instead of running :lol:

The only one I recognized from the comics was Rictor, none of the other kids/powers are familiar. Anyone else there?
Me and my girl were discussing the serum he took, I think it enhances their powers until the users "burns through" it, she says it's for accelerated body healing/tissue regrowth (as seen in the lab scenes). Opinions?
Me and my girl were discussing the serum he took, I think it enhances their powers until the users "burns through" it, she says it's for accelerated body healing/tissue regrowth (as seen in the lab scenes). Opinions?

probably MGH
They don't get into it in the film but in everything else she's appeared in the Adamantium is only bonded to her claws.

I feel like assuming she's the only one who has been extensively tested isn't fair. We're lead to care more about her due to the fact that it's her story but it's not difficult to assume every single one of those children went through just as much testing.

Like if she's X-23 then she's theoretically the youngest out the group. One of those kids is probably X-2 or something they been through just as much ******** but even longer :lol:

X-24 was the latest model but he was by no means the culmination of the program, they were still harvesting tissue from mutants after his creation (dude told them to take some from Caliban). I don't think the point was to build one perfect weapon but more so an army of diverse mutants with someone like X-23/X-24 serving the purpose of being there "In case of an emergency"

And I think her natural inclination to fight immediately resort to violence has to be genetic :rofl: those other kids could of cleaned house from the get go instead of running

Which would still be process that is painful and traumatizing as hell. We literally saw her on a table with her arms cut and held open.

True enough. I just say it based off of 1)her superior physical combat skills, which could not in any way be natural and 2)her healing factor. The healing factor that Wolverine and his children possess, which Sabretooth also possesses, make all of them ideal candidates for any number of experiments, since they'll be able to recover from anything. You therefore don't have to worry about any kind of lasting side effects, beyond their mental/emotional states. Physically, you can put their bodies through more. This is easily seen in that scene where the nurse finds Laura cutting herself and watching her skin heal. Just seems logical that they'd have experimented on her more than they did the others. Same with X-24 for that matter. This, again, doesn't mean the other kids weren't tested in terms of their powers, but that testing could only go so far, whereas Laura's would be damn near limitless.

All of the kids were X-23's iirc, with various numbers coming after the 23.

X-24 was the culmination of the children's part in the program, being the first successful weapon that the program yielded. The children were all failures, hence the desire to kill them. That goes back to how the first success was determined to be someone with the Healing Factor and other abilities, which I think ties into the idea that Laura went through heavy experimentation, which led them to then determine that an adult Logan was the prime candidate for their first, perfect weapon and not one of the other adult Mutants that they'd harvested DNA from.
Yeah, I saw Stan in the little clip online before I saw the movie, but didn't seem him in the actual movie.

Was he in any other point of the movie? I was thinking maybe he was in the casino scene and I missed him,
but I don't remember seeing him at all.
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