FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
Does deadpool count as an xmen movie?

I got logan and first class on same levels.. 75-80% to good-great movies
That "Mutant and Proud" **** in First Class and Mystique being a cornball in general yet getting so much screen time makes it a level below Logan automatically to me.

Logan is the best X-Men movie to me.
That "Mutant and Proud" **** in First Class and Mystique being a cornball in general yet getting so much screen time makes it a level below Logan automatically to me.

Logan is the best X-Men movie to me.

That's stuff that can be cut down.. which is my point

My problem with Logan is essentially the direction the movie took after what went down at the ranch.. and especially when they got to the mountain and Logan sleeping for couple days and taking a backseat when he sees there are kids and only kids.. then icing on the cake is the professor pleading with Logan to do something anything for mutants and obviously the role he once had for mutants along with Logan himself

You take the good from the movie and cut away stuff like that, the ceiling is high for the movie..

The origin story for magneto with fassbender is the highest the x films have gotten
That "Mutant and Proud" **** in First Class and Mystique being a cornball in general yet getting so much screen time makes it a level below Logan automatically to me.

Logan is the best X-Men movie to me.
Logan might as well be the only X-Men movie.
days of future past is da best well rounded comic X-men movie of em all.

da proof is in da puddin b. you right.


In that order

id go:


days of future past is da best well rounded comic X-men movie of em all.

First class >

And story has more issues than Singer's other x films.. if you're just going turn your brain off, then sure

Singer even tries to address 1 major issue with the "rogue cut" edition

mutant and proud.
mutant and proud.

A singular phrase..

And if you're judging that, she was somehow more important (and detrimental) to the xmen in DOFP (then you got apocalyse)

Then you have the whole issue of what exactly was magneto needed for in the past?

In the future they make it a point to say past magneto is needed.. in the past every single thing after the initial confrontation in the meeting room, is driven by magneto

And realistically things would have gotten a million times worse once he dropped a damn stadium on the president.. not some lacky, the president.. and especially that president of all ppl
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mutant and proud.

A singular phrase..

And if you're judging that, she was somehow more important (and detrimental) to the xmen in DOFP (then you got apocalyse)

Then you have the whole issue of what exactly was magneto needed for in the past?

In the future they make it a point to say past magneto is needed.. in the past every single thing after the initial confrontation in the meeting room, is driven by magneto

And realistically things would have gotten a million times worse once he dropped a damn stadium on the president.. not some lacky, the president.. and especially that president of all ppl

:lol: i was trollin you man. that line was cringe but first class was good. i personally prefer dofp for all fox xmen movies including logan.
Deadpool is easily their best movie..

I think the rest are all incomplete.. but I think first class and Logan, you have the most to work with or least to change

DOFP could have still happened, but you have mystique acting on orders from magneto.. have him being another barrier for the xmen to have to address and tackle (so he's not in some cell.. he's the puppet master controlling mystique)

Have him have to deal with the ramifications of his ideological views and the actions he was taking and what they result in for all mutants

Zero need to take shortcuts.. you have great actors use them.. don't manufacture stuff for mystique because ole girl got big.. get better writers and develop a better story that uses mystique in a better manner
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Deadpool was cool the first time around, but I don't think I'll ever have the urge to watch it again.
Deadpool is a perfect example of 'keep it simple stupid'

DC and fox need to learn that lesson
Deadpool is a perfect example of 'keep it simple stupid'

DC and fox need to learn that lesson

Fox seems to have got the picture look at how successful Deadpool and Logan have been

Singer looks to be gone finally. Deadpool 2 looks great the only worry is what exactly are they making next is it X force, new mutants what exactly is this bectw phase of movies

Marvel has a plan, people hate on DC but they still have a plan and slate of movies

Fox there is no grand design
I keep hoping that certain lessons are learned from deadpool and the MCU.. and even certain other movies

Lessons that should have been learned long ago

Unfortunately, like way too many things in Hollywood they look at the simple.. which leads to remaking a crap ton of movies
First Class/X2

The rest of the X-Men films don't even exist in my mind

Fox seems to have got the picture look at how successful Deadpool and Logan have been

Singer looks to be gone finally. Deadpool 2 looks great the only worry is what exactly are they making next is it X force, new mutants what exactly is this bectw phase of movies

Marvel has a plan, people hate on DC but they still have a plan and slate of movies

Fox there is no grand design

Apocalypse was between Deadpool and Logan though and that was super mediocre

Also I'm not looking forward to the next X-Men film if it's Kinberg directing
I can watch CW and the TDK all the time.

I watch scenes from certain movies.. and usually depends on what's on when I'm flipping through channels

But deadpool and kingsman are up there

I've tried now that BVS and apocalypse are on my movie channels, zero reason to watch anything from those
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First Class/X2

The rest of the X-Men films don't even exist in my mind
Apocalypse was between Deadpool and Logan though and that was super mediocre

Also I'm not looking forward to the next X-Men film if it's Kinberg directing

Singer had that in chamber beogfew Deadpool was even in production.

They see where they cab succeed at. Again i just know what movie is next after Deadpool 2

I hope we just have new mutants and leave xmen alone for a bit.
no replay value

What CB movies the last 5 years have "replay value"?
IM, CW, WS, TDK, etc. Then it's chunks of movies.

I'm not gonna bash Deadpool cuz it was good but I already wasn't a huge fan of that character or that humor but there isn't a lot of replay value there for me. Doesn't take away from it.

I'm also still not including it as a X-Men movie though. That's why I say it's Logan and forget the rest exist, they all booty to me now.

With that said, I'll watch it a few more times but Logan doesn't seem to have high replay value due to the sadness factor. May find myself watching certain scenes. Not sitting family/Prof X massacre, and other boring parts.

If it's Fox Marvel in general, then it's Logan then Deadpool and that's it.
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Plenty cbms have replay value. Thats just silly.

And I hope they switch it up with DP. Humor gets old fast. Theyre gonna need to have a good plot for this one. Surrounding him with other notable characters is a good thing.
Deadpool was awesome dont get me wrong but there were few terrible one liners. I know renyolds adlibs a lot of them but some of then ***** were a tad to 90s pop culture lol

They need to hurry up and cast Michael Shannon already for Cable, i rather him than Brad Pitt
Deadpool was cool the first time around, but I don't think I'll ever have the urge to watch it again.

Deadpool was cool the first time around, but I don't think I'll ever have the urge to watch it again.

no replay value

yep. replay value is underwhelming for deadpool.

no replay value

What CB movies the last 5 years have "replay value"?

winter soldier. marvels best cbm.
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