FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
I don't know but I could see why the studio would get turned off after such a disastrous film, they could wait out where they fit better (F4 was in present time while Apocalypse is still in 80s) so maybe their new plan is to introduce them with Xforce first since Deadpool is their most lucrative property right now and its in the present time? Maybe after the Dark Phoenix film they'd have written a follow up where F4 can join up? Maybe they're considering another reboot?

We don't really know other than they did have it planned and currently on the back burner but chances are it comes up in every meeting they have about future plans.They probably didn't know F4 was going to be received as bad as it's gotten, they were probably hoping to at least break even so they were in no rush but then everything just backfired. I mean that script/filming was a mess that Kinberg had to do reshoots (I think w/o Trank) and that is why the film looks disjointed and maybe that little nugget to where they could meet with the X-verse was scrapped after going beyond their budget.

But all we could really do is just wait and see. According to Lame, F4 is already in MCU :rofl:

The odds aren't on Fox's side to use an ok at best movie franchise to ump start a bad franchise at best movie franchise. The cosmic side with Marvel is being established more in film than the street level side with Marvel especially with the spoilers for Guardians 2. It's not a matter of if, but when the F4 will appear in a MCU film.
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They can't even get the movies right separately, combining them would be a disaster.

fantastic 4 just isn't that interesting on their own, da pre reboot movies pretty much got everything down pact.

they should pretend da Michael B. Jordan movie doesn't exist and introduce em in da X-men universe by any means necessary.

i don't​ want FF4 going back to Marvel, cuz i feel fox having them makes Marvel work harder on their movies (Guardians of Galaxy existing is proof enough.)
I was gonna say just give Marvel, Doctor Doom but they don't care about their villains and mis-use them.
I was gonna say just give Marvel, Doctor Doom but they don't care about their villains and mis-use them.

FF4's value is da not themselves on their own, its da intellectual property of their mini universe that fox needs to exploit and blend with da x-men universe.
Cats Still Coming In Here To Hate [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] 3 Movies Get Announced & All I'm Reading Is How Bad They're Gonna Be. Look At Fox's Last 4 Projects: Legion, Logan, Apoc, & Deadpool. I Feel As Tho They Did Great With 3/4 & I Don't Hate Apocalypse At All, Y'all Gotta Let Go Of That Pre 2011 Hate For Fox X-Men Movies
Just don't let the people who did the xmen movies interfere with any deadpool, xforce stuff.
I think it's a simple formula. Don't jump the gun. Let the audience get to know the character and bond with them first before putting out the big guns like a specific storyline or crossing ppl over too early (looking at you DC)
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its all about the story, you can set up the cinematic universe anyway you want and you can even copy the MCU but if the movies sucks then it's all going to fall apart no matter what

Dark Phoenix can be done, it just have to have the right people working on it
Cats Still Coming In Here To Hate [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] 3 Movies Get Announced & All I'm Reading Is How Bad They're Gonna Be. Look At Fox's Last 4 Projects: Legion, Logan, Apoc, & Deadpool. I Feel As Tho They Did Great With 3/4 & I Don't Hate Apocalypse At All, Y'all Gotta Let Go Of That Pre 2011 Hate For Fox X-Men Movies

Bruh included a tv show :lol:
Bruh included a tv show
I don't think anyone would argue for IF against Legion

Still haven't finished IF
I don't get anyone seriously comparing Legion to IF

Legion is by far the better show
Better than IF tho
& Yet No One Is Questioning The Quality Of Marvels Up Coming Projects
, But When Its Fox & X-Men, Cats Cant Shake The Dark Cloud Of Hate Over Their Heads For Some Reason
. 3 Movies Dropping Next Year, 2018!!!!!! & All Cats Can Remember Is How Much They Hate X3 (2006), How Weak Origins Was (2009) & How The Internet Convinced Them To Hate Apocalypse (2016)
. Apocalypse Wasn't Great By Any Means, Didn't Help to Be Put Out After Arguably Marvel Best Movie Yet In Civil War 
 But Damn Man, Y'all Ignore All The Good Fox Has Done Post 2011 (Cap 1 Changed The CBM Landscape IMO) & Are Still Harping On The Worst Of the Worst.... I say That To Say This, My Fingers Crossed Tight *** Hell Fox X-Men Get It Right In 2018 
apocalypse ain't bad though..

It is.

And lets not forget how Deadpool was made. Fox wanted very little to with it. It took either Reynolds or Miller to leak it to get made. And they didn't toss them a lot of money, hence that wack *** sword fight. First Class is just meh. They get credit for Logan and that's all.
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Apocalypse sucked. I didn't like DofP.

What are they for 3 for 3 with?

Deadpool (which doesn't have the best replay value), Logan, and? :nerd:

Makes no sense bringing up Legion. Nobody has been unsure with Fox X-Men tv shows because there haven't been any since Mutant X :lol:

Its not even a Fox thing for me but a Kinberg and Singer problem. Now it seems Singer is at least not directing Dark Phoenix but he has fingers on it as a producer and tv shows. Kinberg needs to go too.

If ppl want the tune to change these dudes are gonna have to release good to great movies the next 5 years.

Then I'll have an optimistic and positive outlook.
Apocalypse sucked. I didn't like DofP.

What are they for 3 for 3 with?

Deadpool (which doesn't have the best replay value), Logan, and? :nerd:

Makes no sense bringing up Legion. Nobody has been unsure with Fox X-Men tv shows because there haven't been any since Mutant X :lol:

Its not even a Fox thing for me but a Kinberg and Singer problem. Now it seems Singer is at least not directing Dark Phoenix but he has fingers on it as a producer and tv shows. Kinberg needs to go too.

If ppl want the tune to change these dudes are gonna have to release good to great movies the next 5 years.

Then I'll have an optimistic and positive outlook.

Everything in this.

My man having high hopes for another mediocre xmen film.
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