FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
new pic of Cable
This **** is just disgraceful at this point. Rob Liefeld is enabling this nonsense too. He doesn't have a choice because Deadpool came out so well but Cable's look is giving me bad signs for the film...
I mean to be honest movie shaping up to be the formulaic over bloated sequel, I mean Cable AND Domino, they could've chosen one(domino) and then used cable to finish off the trilogy. I even count Deadpools guns as a character for the sequel since he kept forgetting them in the first one. I imagine a scene where he's just talking ish and blasting fools with every type of gun you could think of, on some "I missed you guys" steez
I dunno how they made sure to get deadpool's costume right and give us this version of cable. They acting like the xmen movie people and not wanting to give a character the proper look. If cable fought apocalypse we'd be wondering who the hell those fools are.
If Deadpool was blue and yellow instead of red and black we wouldn't have gotten that version.

I really don't understand why Fox avoids using color in their movies anymore. DCEU and MCU both use color and no one has a problem with it.

Never made sense to have a real world look in a X-Men universe IMO. I get why they did it in 2000 but now movie goers can handle seeing crazy costumes and color.
Off the first pic I knew they had it wrong but I guess its a good thing I'm not some diehard Cable fan.

This is what FOX-Men do. To think some want Marvel to partner with this trash. They already ruined these movies so why not spread to associated acts and extended franchises.

The more pics of Brolin as Cable I see the less he looks like Cable. Looks like some guy out of a videogame.

Its w/e though.
Channing Tatum Says Gambit Is Starting Over

Tatum: “I look for a personal connection to the movies I make and it may not be immediately obvious…In every story, I have a personal connection… With Gambit, I just never found that personal way in. We lit a fuse on the first one and just blew it completely out of the water. I think we got lucky – we got hit with some setbacks and it was all for a good reason.

We were trying to do something completely different. We were trying to do something that this genre of movie hasn’t seen before. We kept running into the same problems, and then Deadpool and Logan came through and kicked the doors down. Now we’re really getting to do some of the things we’ve always wanted to do with the script – we’ve just sort of started over

Eh, was hoping that movie was scrapped altogether. Just put the character in the next crappy xmen movie.
They should forget about this Gambit solo movie nobody asked for.

This isn't a F4 rights situation (if you don't use 'em, ya lose 'em). Don't put out crap you have no faith in just to have another X-Men spin-off film.
Deadpool and Wolverine are two of the most popular comic book superheroes in general. Gambit peaked in the 90s. I don't understand when people say Deadpool was a sleeper, because he had his own video game and every week when I go to the comic shop, the recent releases racks are full of Deadpool books. Deadpool, Spider-Man/Deadpool, Deadpool the Duck, Deadpool Team-Up, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again, Deadpool: Back in Black, Deadpool and the Mercs for Money, etc.

Deadpool has cameos EVERYWHERE and they even use Deadpool to crossover with other current lower selling characters... like Gambit in Deadpool v Gambit. All the internet memes and the ridiculous amount of merch with his face on it. If Deadpool is the sign that they can use any character and flip it into a successful franchise, then they're going to be in for a rude awakening when other characters don't even do half of what Deadpool did.
Rumor: Fantastic Four ‘Kids’ Movie is a Revised Kindergarten Heroes

A new rumor suggests that an in-development Fantastic Four film is actually a revised version of a completely different story. To be more exact, it seems that the project began as a film adaptation of Mark Millar’s unpublished work, Kindergarten Heroes.

Back in June, rumors emerged that a “kid-friendly” version of Fantastic Four had entered development at Fox. Now, “involved sources” have told Bleeding Cool that this new Fantastic Four film was originally intended to be Kindergarten Heroes, a movie based on a story written by comic book writer Mark Millar. Millar’s Kindergarten Heroes was an unpublished children’s book about superheroes, drawn by Curtis Tiegs. Though the book never saw the light of day, in 2013, Millar made a successful pitch to Fox, who had Independence Day: Resurgencewriter Carter Blanchard handle the script.

Though Kindergarten Heroes never officially moved forward at Fox, it appears that a version of it could make it to the big screen under the Fantastic Four name. What we know about the rumored film is that it will reportedly focus on Franklin and Valeria Richards, the children of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman, and will also feature at least two members of the original team: the Human Torch and the Thing. There has so far been no mention of Franklin and Valeria Richards’ parents.

It’s unclear how heavily Mark Millar is involved in the project, if he is at all. Millar served as a creative consultant for Fox’s X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises and was also a writer for the Fantastic Four comic book series, as well as a co-creator for the Ultimate versions of the Fantastic Four, giving him plenty of history with the characters. Many of Millar’s other comic book stories have been adapted to film, including Kick-***, Civil War, Old Man Logan, and The Secret Service. In fact, Millar’s Ultimate Fantastic Four was used as the inspiration for the 2015 F4 film reboot

Jennifer Lawrence Returned To X-Men For the Fans

“My contract was up, I didn’t have to do another one, but if I didn’t do another one, what would her story be? I felt like I owed it to the fans, and I owed it to the character to follow her journey, to be fair to the movies, and not be like, ‘I don’t want to do another X-Men!’ And then I just never show up and everyone’s very confused about the Mystique they’ve been following for the last three films.”
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