FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
yah lookin at RT, I did think it had a lower score but it's actually 69%

for reference (and i know RT isn't end all and be all and I disagree with them too but objectively their ranking works)

First Class 86%
Wolverine 69%
DofP 91%
Deadpool 83%
Apocalypse 48%
Logan 93%

Yea only AOA and F4 I'd really consider as Ls
Please don’t call it AoA, Age of Apocalypse is my favorite comic book story of all time and I hate that it’s associated with that mess of a movie :frown: . “XMA”?
Didn't realize my posts from last night would create so much discussion.

All I'm saying is that for the kind of movies Fox has put out, and how much they are grossing, they've done a good job setting their budget. The only exception would be Fantastic Four.

And if they can continue to put out well received R movies with budgets similar to Logan and Deadpool, then yea, business strategy wise they've found a niche

I don't agree with any of it. I'd rather they fold into the mcu and the xmen realize their true potential but I can't hate Fox's strategy. They are being practical and realistic about their limits.
Hugh Jackman Says Jerry Seinfeld Convinced Him To Retire Wolverine

According to Jackman's account of the events of his career playing this character, when he was in the middle of deciding what the next move in the Wolverine story would be, he had dinner with Seinfeld, who is a good friend of his. Eventually, the conversation veered towards how Seinfeld decided it was time to end Seinfeld, his eponymous sitcom that ran for nine seasons and is generally considered one of the greatest TV shows of all time. Seinfeld answered simply, saying that he's "always believed, you should never spend everything creatively because it’s almost herculean to start up again. You should always have something in the tank.'"
How I'm feeling about Seinfeld right now

Hugh Jackman also said that if Wolverine were apart of the MCU, he might still be playing the character.
Hugh Jackman Says Jerry Seinfeld Convinced Him To Retire Wolverine

According to Jackman's account of the events of his career playing this character, when he was in the middle of deciding what the next move in the Wolverine story would be, he had dinner with Seinfeld, who is a good friend of his. Eventually, the conversation veered towards how Seinfeld decided it was time to end Seinfeld, his eponymous sitcom that ran for nine seasons and is generally considered one of the greatest TV shows of all time. Seinfeld answered simply, saying that he's "always believed, you should never spend everything creatively because it’s almost herculean to start up again. You should always have something in the tank.'"
So basically....

Please don’t call it AoA, Age of Apocalypse is my favorite comic book story of all time and I hate that it’s associated with that mess of a movie :frown: . “XMA”?

I call it age of blue george bluth.

Hugh Jackman also said that if Wolverine were apart of the MCU, he might still be playing the character.

Him and the other fox people must’ve shed a tear when the Infinity War trailer dropped.
Matt Groening christened it years ago. Just sit back and wait for the fire works


Once this happens, disney will rule the world.

Imagine if disney dropped their own console and we get CB games with the same quality as their movies? :pimp:

Semi srs.
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Hugh Jackman is the best thing to happen to the x men movie verse

That said, if the mcu acquires Wolverine, I'd rather see their interpretation of him
Hugh Jackman is the best thing to happen to the x men movie verse

That said, if the mcu acquires Wolverine, I'd rather see their interpretation of him
Of course.

But it would be cool to see a nod to Jackman if they do get the X-Men in the MCU. Have him cameo and stare down the new Wolverine and give him a snarky remark lol
I try to pretend they never made a live action Black Bolt. One of the few Inhumans I actually like. He's pretty sick.

Still doe. X-Men >
There are a few who complained jackman looked nothing like wolverine. They wanted someone 5’3 who was just as swole. They’d need to find a short bodybuilder.
Jackman wasn't even that swole in X1, but he had the personality and look down. Which I'll take any day of the week over someone who just has the right height to muscle ratio.
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