FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
I watched that 5 second deadpool teaser a couple times today

Why do I feel like that Negasonic warhead chick is going to be my favorite character in that movie
So All Signs Point To MCU Acquiring The FoX-Men
With That Said, What Comes Of The Current Projects In Development? Am I Not Gonna See Gambit, X-Force & So On? Or What About Dark Phoenix? Maybe Thats The Reason We Have Not Seen/Heard Anything Of This Movie, They Are Keeping In Under Wraps Because They Know The Big D Will Wanna Scrap It?
I Am Not Happy About The Idea That Disney Is Big Boying The Game Lol, But If We Can Get Our Current X-Men Films That Are In Production Out Before Disney Blows It All Up & Reboots In 2023 That'd Be Kuew.
Everything that's like really in production will be made.

Gambit doesn't seem like it honestly so it'll be scrapped. Probably along with that Madrox movie. X-Force probably aint happening. Probably a gap in when Deadpool 3 starts as well.

There's a few ways things can go. If Feige wants F4 and X-Men in the MCU there wonct be a movie for either for like 3-5 years. Gotta get that Fox stink off of them.

If there are no immediate plans or long term in the works they'll make a side studio or bring back Marvel Films and keep those movies in a separate universe for the time being.

If Feige really doesn't give a **** and doesn't want the X-Men and/or F4 he could just let Ike and Marvel try to make movies with the franchise.
3-5?! So You Think, Say They Sign The Paper Work Come January. All Movies Post Dark Phoenix Are Scrapped & All X-men Projects Are Being Held Off Until 2021-2023??!?!?!?
There's no way Feige wouldn't use the FF if he acquired them.

I could see him chillin on the X-Men though and giving them a break
If anything, they could use Deadpool as the MCU launching point. DP while connected to the X-men movies, isn't connected to the X-men movies. You can keep everything he did, move it over and keep going. Question is will they keep it rated R? With Deadpool being a 4th wall destroyer, he could be PG-13 if a good enough writer pulls it off.


The can keep his solo acts R and when he is in a team up tone him slightly down.
Who Would Deadpool Even Team Up With? Spider-Man? He Is A High School Boy Scout, They’d Never Work Togther? Strange? Black Panther? Current Deadpool Doesn’t Make Sense With Current Mcu IMO. Hopefully They Let The Current Fox Trilogy/Movie Plan Play Out As Planed & The Dead It. If Big D Gets The Rights I Would Rather See Them Blow It All Up & Start It All Over, I Just Don’t Want To Wait 10 Damn Years:rolleyes
It's funny how many ppl think Deadpool is a part of the mcu. You have no idea how many times ppl have asked me why Deadpool is not in the Infinity War trailer lmao
It's funny how many ppl think Deadpool is a part of the mcu. You have no idea how many times ppl have asked me why Deadpool is not in the Infinity War trailer lmao

I get that most of the movie going audience are just casual fans of these characters but I still don't get this.

Maybe Spider-Man joining really confused people. If Sony really plans on have a Spidey-verse separate from MCU and without Spider-Man it's really going screw with people's heads.
3-5?! So You Think, Say They Sign The Paper Work Come January. All Movies Post Dark Phoenix Are Scrapped & All X-men Projects Are Being Held Off Until 2021-2023??!?!?!?
Yeah that's one possibility as far as options go.

If Feige wants the X-Men in the MCU then there's most likely gonna be a time based palette cleanser where they'll wait long enough for ppl to be hungry for it and then bring them in. Every role will be recast.

To me that's a good thing. The X-Men needed to be rebooted after X3. Needed it badly again after DofP and even more after Apocalypse.

There's not a similar problem for F4 given when the last movie came out. So a movie for them could come as early as 2019/2020 depending on when this deal is finalized.

The only person I think survives that is Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and most of that supporting cast (not Colossus). Since Thanos is mocap and probably will be killed in the end, Brolin's Cable might stay if there's positive feedback on his character in DP2.

Deadpool could easily be folded in to the MCU. Only thing that would be toned down is cursing in his appearances not his solo movies. But yeah other than Spidey and maybe the next iteration of an Avengers movie (Avengers 5) not much compatibility with other solo heroes. Maybe Ant-Man. There is an opportunity given his 4th wall breaking to even have him guest star on the Netflix series if those still exist by that time.
I See What You're Saying, But Honestly, When It Comes Down To It, The X-Men Will Dwarf All Things Avengers Come 5+Years :lol: They Nurfed The Mutants For Like What6-7Years? & They're Still Top Tier :wink:
Top tier in what?

The X-Men's current popularity is nowhere near its height in the 90s and early 2000s.

Nor is it that in the comics either.

So how exactly in 5+ years will the X-Men dwarf all things Avengers? In movies Marvel established the Avengers as the main focal point of its entire cinematic universe and the upcoming change seems to be a focus on all things cosmic and supernatural. That only gives an opportunity to the F4. In the comics cuz of the movies the Avengers have been the center of Marvel since 2003.

The X-Men don't have a popular cartoon, popular live action tv show (starring X-Men, Legion is great but that's not it), the comics have suffered. The franchise in multiple mediums have been living off of nostalgia since 2010 which explains why one movie may do good but the next sequel will do piss poor. There's no consistency. You can not live off of a generation that only still likes you cuz of nostalgia and then you don't even deliver nostalgic moments in your movies.
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Doing some dot connecting, that Wasp actress said that Ant man, GOTG, Ragnarok and Dr Strange are the "color" (as she put it) of Marvel movies going forward.

Then Fiege said A4 would mark the beginning of a shift in tone. He said there will be an MCU before A4 and a different one after.

I'm thinking we're going to see Fantastic 4 arriving from the microverse or hinted at in A4 like we got Spidey in Civil War. I think the mutant phenomenon will follow in the years coming as some sort of thing that came from the microverse and effects a generation that gives us the first X-Men.
Bryan Singer Fired From Directing Queen Biopic After On-Set Chaos

Fox halted production Dec. 1, saying it was because of the "unexpected unavailability" of the helmer.

Bryan Singer has been fired from the movie Bohemian Rhapsody,20th Century Fox has told The Hollywood Reporter.

“Bryan Singer is no longer the director of Bohemian Rhapsody," the studio said Monday in a statement.

The decision reflected an escalating clash between Singer and actor Rami Malek and was caused by the helmer being missing from the set, necessitating the Dec. 1 production shutdown of the film in which Malek stars as Freddie Mercury, frontman of the rock group Queen. The pic has been shooting in London.

announcing the shutdown last week, producers Fox, New Regency and Graham King initially said filming was being suspended because of Singer's "unexpected unavailability."

Trouble began when Singer went missing during production on several occasions. His no-shows resulted in cinematographer Thomas Newton Sigel having to step in to helm some of the days while Singer was absent.

Tom Hollander, who plays Queen manager Jim Beach, also is said to have briefly quit the film because of Singer's behavior, but was persuaded to return, according to one source.

Malek complained to the studio, charging Singer with not being present on set, unreliability and unprofessionalism.

Singer had been warned before production began by both Fox Film chairman and CEO Stacey Snider and Fox Film vice chairman and president of production Emma Watts that they wouldn't tolerate any unprofessional behavior on his part. A representative from the Directors Guild of America also arrived on set to monitor the situation.

The growing tension led to a confrontation between Singer and Malek, which, while it did not become physical, did involve Singer throwing an object. Subsequently, however, the two are said to have settled their differences and filming was expected to resume.

But then Singer did not return to the set after the Thanksgiving break and is believed to have been in the U.S. for about the last 10 days, according to one source. In his absence, Sigel stepped in to helm several days of shooting before the production was shut down. Singer's prolonged absence was the final straw, and so the studio decided to terminate him under his pay-or-play contract.

According to another insider, Singer has claimed he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because of the tensions on the set.

The studio, which has about two more weeks of principal photography remaining on the film, is expected to name a new director within the next few days.
How abot Joaquin Phoenix as Wolverine?

continue it?

they were all made in association with Marvel/Disney anyways

plus the channels owned by Fox comes with the deal

i'm more curious about Gotham which is on Fox
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