FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
Problem with Deadpool is big laughs aren't that good the second time around. See damn near every comedy franchise.
Plus the writers were kept which can offset the director but we'll see.

What was the bet in here between ameL and tdogg?

Logans at $305m Worldwide now.
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it doesn't get anymore chill over here, I just forgot the details

just sayin', movie could cross $400m by the end of this weekend
The only roadblock deadpool can face is over saturation . He's gonna be in DP2 and Xforce. That maybe too much of him tbh

Depends how they utilize him. If DP2 is a rehash of the first, then yeah
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Since their latest timeline is in the 80s, once they get to the present time then just introduce F4. They do not have to be from separate dimensions or another world. Fan4stic will probably get a soft reboot anyways, same cast but loosely following that origins but they really could just forget about that and just move on and don't touch Doom til like maybe 10 years down the line if they still have the rights.

Doesn't work like that unless its a F4 film. A film has to at least be in production every 7 years. Don't think appearances let them off the hook
Since their latest timeline is in the 80s, once they get to the present time then just introduce F4. They do not have to be from separate dimensions or another world. Fan4stic will probably get a soft reboot anyways, same cast but loosely following that origins but they really could just forget about that and just move on and don't touch Doom til like maybe 10 years down the line if they still have the rights.

Doesn't work like that unless its a F4 film. A film has to at least be in production every 7 years. Don't think appearances let them off the hook

I think it does... someone has to clarify this though.
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I think it does... someone has to clarify this though.

With the less than stellar performance of Fantastic Four at the box office, there has been lots of fan speculation about whether or not Fox should or will give the rights back to Marvel. There have also been some questions as to when Marvel will regain the rights to the Fantastic Four if Fox fails to make another Fantastic Four movie.

Currently, Fox has a Fantastic Four sequel scheduled for June 2, 2017. However, if Fox elects to cancel that sequel, Marvel does not automatically get the rights back. According to our sources, Fox has seven years to start production on a new Fantastic Four movie, before they would lose the rights.

For example, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer was released in 2007, and Fox had to start production on the Fantastic Four reboot in 2014 to hold onto the rights. Since the Fantastic Four reboot was released in 2015, Fox would need to start production on a new Fantastic Four movie by 2022. The movie would also have to be released in theaters by 2023, so Fox simply couldn’t do an extended production time or not release the film.

If Fox elects to scrap plans for the 2017 Fantastic Four sequel, then it’s unlikely the studio would simply give the rights back to Marvel. The reality is that Fox is under no pressure to immediately make the Fantastic Four franchise successful, because they have a wealth of possibilities with the numerous characters in the X-Men franchise.
Logan. This movie was really good but it was a great Wolverine movie. If you can see the difference. 6.9/8 but it was just super sad.

And not sad like the way some of yall were crying and shedding tears by the end :lol:

I'll start with pros; the acting by Patrick Stewart was great. Same for little girl who played Laura. Managed to do a lot with being quiet half the film.

Action was pretty good. Liked the car pursuit and everything with Laura on top of the obvious fight scenes that were good enough.

All this talk bout rated R but it's honestly bull **** with this movie. What made this movie so good is that story was good. Not f bombs and seeing claws come out necks and heads. That's what I really liked so I do find myself perplexed Mangold made that whack juice The Wolverine.

Now I never saw it as a father son relationship (I saw it described that way in an earlier review) cuz Logan is 2 centuries older and been set in his ways but the chemistry with Logan and Charles was great. They could go on the road with that act. To me it's more of that teacher pupil relationship (which has similiarites with parent child relationships) with you just know in how he talks he never could get Logan all the way right ( cuz he's 200+ years old) but he keeps trying and then puts emphasis on Laura being raised and taught right from wrong. Can't stress enough how great Stewart is in this.

Stephen Merchant cast as Caliban was genius :lol: Wish he was in it more but that's how you do a sacrfice :pimp:

Also some funny comments throughout with the kids, Laura, Logan, and Charles.

As for the cons, I seesaw on this X-24 or a better villain like Sabertooth issue but just to get it out of the way. The leader Revears with the metal arm was whackness. The scientist guy Xander Rice? :lol: Just uninspired. Could've been any random evil facility/agency doing this to children. But yeah, on one hand X-24 definitely exemplified Logan's prime rage days and it was good when he was first introduced but he was just w/e after that, especially for the final fight.

In my mind, it'd be cooler if the leader of the Reavers was an old man Sabertooth looking ton**** with the runt one more time. X-24 would still be in it but that final fight would've been better. Either way this movie was lacking a real villain to take things to that next level.

It was okay the overall plot was simple but they got lazy with Logan is old as ****, sick and dying, and isn't healing like he use to so let's just throw a mindless prime rage version and a bunch of fodder with guns at him. Its not like there's been so many Wolverine movies where he's even faced many of his villains for them to dumb it down like that. I mean **** I'm pretty sure Logan freed a bunch of kids from some facility holding mutant kids in Origins. That's not coming full circle in a good way :lol:

The 2 major deaths just didn't do it for me. Charles death was weak. Logan's just didn't do it for me. Thatss on top of pretty much letting us know all the X-Men are deadncuz Charles killed most of them. Some of this **** is just odd story choices.

Charles end being here just doesn't feel right to me at all.

Wasn't digging Laura mainly speaking Spanish. They kinda just made that up.

The mutant kids killing the Reaver dude. That was just disturbing. More than Laura clawing the **** out of ppl. Reminded me of The Whispers. Could've done without that scene.

Biggest problem I had was the pacing and how it dragged in the 2nd act. Even with the massacre of the family and X-24 being introduced. Where the quiet scenes are placed just bored me. Movie did not need to be near 2 hrs 30 min. Not when that's what thwyre filling it with. Its literally just Logan being angry or sa or tired of it all instead of a growing bonding scene with Laura.

As far as the movie being sad, not sure if it's just a pro or con, probably both. That the writing was strong enough to hit me like that and feel that way is good but boy was it a downer :smh: Nothing about where the movie is going makes you think there'll be a silver lining ing somewhere :lol: Just straight depression.

So yeah with all that said you can put this in the top 5 cbm but it is nowhere near TDK. I have trouble placing it above TWS and CW.

Logan was a really really good movie, a Wolverine movie finally done right. Its a shame it was a bookend final chapter tale. Hugh Jackman put so much in to this and it showed and it finally paid off in this movie.
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I thought Boyd Holbrook was lowkey amazing in this :lol:

Something about the swag he had while on screen. He played sleezy, redneck scum a little too well.

After the first scene i was 100% in. No origin or back story needed.
He played the role well but the character itself was just a notable scumbag bad guy.

I'm thinking evil villain was needed.
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i low-key liked xmen origins. dont remember why it wasnt well received.

I will never forgive Fox for
- making Sabertooth wolverines brother
- turning dead pool into that dumb boss villain in the end

As well as
- making X2 a snoozefest
- bastardizing the Phoenix saga in X3
Sabertooth being Logan's brother was a reference to rampant speculation that Wolverine's half-brother in the comics (Dog Logan), who Wolverine knew as a child, was in fact Sabertooth.

The writer of Wolverine's origin story did not intend for this to be true but also said that if someone were to run with that concept, it would be fine with him. However it's later proven that Dog and Sabertooth are different people
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One thing I forgot to say, the movie was so good that's it's honestly earned the label of being called a comic book film. Not just another movie like Apocalypse.

So good that I won't be expecting anymore trash flicks from Fox anymore. So if that next X-Men 90s movie and New Mutants is more Singer/Kinberg booty juice I'm going off. Fox has earned a little goodwill but I'm not allowing any of that 2 steps forwards one step back bull **** either. It's be disappointing if the rest of you do.

Its w/e with Gambit unless yhats exceptionally trash.

I do look forward to X-Force and hope DP2 is good though.
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