Fresh Prince of Bel Air 5's?

I just came back from Detroit so I missed this release. Bet these sold out in seconds as usual. I want it but damn... these are really pushing $350 on ebay? :smh: Hopefully I'll catch a restock. ):
I just came back from Detroit so I missed this release. Bet these sold out in seconds as usual. I want it but damn... these are really pushing $350 on ebay?
Hopefully I'll catch a restock. ):
I wouldn't pay more than 275 for these, and thats pushing it for me. Some of these resell prices are a lil insane IMO..
cash + bel air for raging bull pack

How much cash is fair?

Raging bull pack is 600 for a size 9.5 so let range the bel air at 300 is what people are offering for a size 12. You'll be adding 300 cash if someone is willing to trade the pack. I personally wouldn't.
did they make any crazy elite socks to match the lining of these? they would make a killing off that lol just tack on an extra 15 bucks to each pair that's 88' 3 money
Update:  I ended up getting my sz 14 through NDC manually...and scored another through FA.  Then one of my boys hits me in the evening and says he has access to 11.5 that no one picked up he'll scoop it and let me have for 50 over retail.  THE SAME Exact 2 sizes I pre-ordered that was cancelled with a BONUS. HE was good to me on this one. (or you can call it shoe Karma)  Like I told some dude earlier in the forum....YOU ultimately will always reap what you sow.

It's sad to say the guy I pre-ordered these from at dabombfactory for 249.99 each refunded my 500 said he didn't get a 14, and denied my order for the 11.5.  I check his site and he has sz 13 and 14 for pre-order for 400.00.  In august his pre-order price was 249.99 SMH.  

You can no longer pre-order from dudes you used to trust.  SO sad.  
  A little extra cash has dudes re-nigging and calling it business.

As for bot users Nike is indeed canceling an undisclosed amount of orders every release.  Beware.
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Update:  I ended up getting my sz 14 through NDC manually...and scored another through FA.  Then one of my boys hits me in the evening and says he has access to 11.5 that no one picked up he'll scoop it and let me have for 50 over retail.  THE SAME Exact 2 sizes I pre-ordered that was cancelled with a BONUS. HE was good to me on this one. (or you can call it shoe Karma)  Like I told some dude earlier in the forum....YOU ultimately will always reap what you sow.

It's sad to say the guy I pre-ordered these from at dabombfactory for 249.99 each refunded my 500 said he didn't get a 14, and denied my order for the 11.5.  I check his site and he has sz 13 and 14 for pre-order for 400.00.  In august his pre-order price was 249.99 SMH.  

You can no longer pre-order from dudes you used to trust.  SO sad.  :smh:   A little extra cash has dudes re-nigging and calling it business.

As for bot users Nike is indeed canceling an undisclosed amount of orders every release.  Beware.

How Freudian.

1. go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract.
"the administration had reneged on its election promises"
synonyms:default on, fail to honor, go back on, break, back out of, withdraw from, retreat from, welsh on, backtrack on; break one's word/promise about
"he reneged on his campaign promises"
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What up everbody. Im new here. This release was nuts. Ghost chairs being honored by security even though you couldn't line up til 6 am. I hate resellers lol. Camping out for 21 hours to get 200 bucks... I dont get it. After a line check of sizes being copped, mine was gone so I was about to move on to the next fcfs store when a guy was like dude just stay and buy any size to sell it. I aint dropping 200 on something I cant use or may end up stuck with. I said let me have your spot and get my size and didnt go for it. All this for $200? I make more in a 8 hr shift at work. I told myself I wouldnt pay more than $100 over retail for them...but damn I want these.
Don't mean to come off like a jerk, but if you really wanted these, then you would have done as the guy told you.  Buy whatever size was closest to your size and look for a size swap or sell them for what it would cost to buy your size.  I know it's a hassle - I've had to do that on numerous occassions - but I wanted the shoe in my size that bad.  So I did it.
What up everbody. Im new here. This release was nuts. Ghost chairs being honored by security even though you couldn't line up til 6 am. I hate resellers lol. Camping out for 21 hours to get 200 bucks... I dont get it. After a line check of sizes being copped, mine was gone so I was about to move on to the next fcfs store when a guy was like dude just stay and buy any size to sell it. I aint dropping 200 on something I cant use or may end up stuck with. I said let me have your spot and get my size and didnt go for it. All this for $200? I make more in a 8 hr shift at work. I told myself I wouldnt pay more than $100 over retail for them...but damn I want these.
if your patient, wait another month and you will be able to get them for 250 ish I bet.. usually prices dip a couple weeks after a release and resellers need to dump their inventory.  
if your patient, wait another month and you will be able to get them for 250 ish I bet.. usually prices dip a couple weeks after a release and resellers need to dump their inventory.  

This. For The 3lab5 my friend was able to get them for 250 cause dudes be wanting 350 and no one bite. He had to sell them to load up the bel air.
Update:  I ended up getting my sz 14 through NDC manually...and scored another through FA.  Then one of my boys hits me in the evening and says he has access to 11.5 that no one picked up he'll scoop it and let me have for 50 over retail.  THE SAME Exact 2 sizes I pre-ordered that was cancelled with a BONUS. HE was good to me on this one. (or you can call it shoe Karma)  Like I told some dude earlier in the forum....YOU ultimately will always reap what you sow.

It's sad to say the guy I pre-ordered these from at dabombfactory for 249.99 each refunded my 500 said he didn't get a 14, and denied my order for the 11.5.  I check his site and he has sz 13 and 14 for pre-order for 400.00.  In august his pre-order price was 249.99 SMH.  

You can no longer pre-order from dudes you used to trust.  SO sad.  
  A little extra cash has dudes re-nigging and calling it business.

As for bot users Nike is indeed canceling an undisclosed amount of orders every release.  Beware.
I ain't never scared... 
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