Fresh Prince of Bel Air 5's?

Why so hostile man?

I understand that you're mad that you missed these...but ffs it's not our fault. Chill out lil homie.
I apologize if you think I am being hostile, I was simply just poking holes at all arguments for the sake of giving validity to others.  It's all speculation though, no one really knows for sure and that was my only point.  So again I apologize if you think I am being hostile.
Personally I don't know how they would know you are using a bot. It doesn't leave a signature or anything. And what does it matter if you only go for one pair. Shoe game has evolved in a way that you have no chance in hell getting a Limited release on release day without one. Restocks though are a whole different story.

Have you been under a rock these last few releases?

Nike/Meg is monitoring their website.

Peoples DB 3/5 AND they have already canceled some peoples order of these Bel Airs.
Have you been under a rock these last few releases?

Nike/Meg is monitoring their website.

Peoples DB 3/5 AND they have already canceled some peoples order of these Bel Airs.
I don't understand your question, Under a

My question is how would they actually know you are using one other than copping multiple pairs. Do some bots leave a footprint/signature or what? There is some kind of tell that gets people's orders canceled. Amount of time it takes you to add an item to cart is definitely not a tell because there are many things that can effect that. Connection speed, etc. I think the people that are getting theirs canceled aren't being honest on the real reason why. 
Understand that I'm really not talking bots, I'm more so talking about what causes your order to be canceled. People claim bots but I don't think that's it, I personally think people have found a glitch or loophole to be able to get them in multiple amount. More than one order from same IP address. I don't know. But I'll drop it.
Understand that I'm really not talking bots, I'm more so talking about what causes your order to be canceled. People claim bots but I don't think that's it, I personally think people have found a glitch or loophole to be able to get them in multiple amount. More than one order from same IP address. I don't know. But I'll drop it.

Yes a bot leaves a "footprint", peoples orders have been canceled left and right using bots. Nike has caught on.

Go read the thread Steve linked, ask the same question and you'll get the same response.

It's all in there.

That's all I have to say.
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Anyone else not receive a tracking from nike? Got through without a bot but my order still says submitted
I think these will be reselling higher then fear 5s pretty soon

Let's talk about this realistically. I encourage anyone with a mature intelligent opinion to chime in as well. Demand for the BelAir was greater than the Fear 5, a lot of that being GS interest it seems. Only NDC, FTL/FA, JJ had these on line, Fear 5 wasn't released online if I remember correctly. FNL, FTL/HOH, JJ, DTLR, and NikeStores had Fear 5's. BelAirs were carried by less stores. I think it's a toss up, Fear 5's seem to have some longevity but perhaps BelAirs peak at a higher price than Fear 5's at some point.

The fact that people seem to be more inclined to actually wear BelAirs may play a role in price as to availability of DS pairs...
I'm seriously considering keeping these DS if for some reason I can't cop the Nike Air Black Cement 3' bait.    I've been thinking of trading for Royals too, but still not sure. 

Rep'd. I managed to get two pairs and would gladly trade them for NA black cements
Got through manually on NDC, still no tracking info.

Status says submitted/preparing for shipment.
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I guess it depends on your thinking. My thinking is for the effort put in I could've been doing something more productive and making money. But I don't have bots or none of that stuff so for some it may be easier. But for me the 200 dollars profit isn't worth it regardless of percentage. If I put 200 dollars into a invest I expect more than 200 dollars in return. That's nothing against him. It probably works for him. But man I got bills lol.

I'm gonna play devil's advocate here but...

Effort? Most of these resellers hardly do anything but sit back and watch the computer do all the work. They more than likely get more than one pair so that $200 profit can very well turn into a $1000 profit. All from 5 minutes in front of a computer. If you don't think that's a good idea, you must not like money. I dare you to find a job where the average person can make that kind of cash in 5 minutes.

Resellers will always be around whether it's with shoes or whatever hot product is out on the market. You can whine and complain all day but there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Hustlers are gonna hustle. You just have to learn to play the game otherwise find another hobby. You can complain that it shouldn't be this way, but it is. Deal with it.
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