Fresh Prince of Bel Air 5's?

You win, lol.

This is the worst FTL and co have been on release. But at least you have hope versus NDC bot filled landscape.

Or end with the same result after waiting and clicking for over 2 hrs which will be the likely result for most people.
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nope i copped 

The twitter updates are WAY behind from FTL , I got kicked out of line for a 12.5 45 mins ago and now they say the size is sold out.
Wow. Got kicked out of line then told me I had something in my cart purchased it now it says its sold out. Nice.........good luck to everyone who got them.
The way some of y'all are overly excited about getting orders through you'd think FTL has never cancelled an order before. I'd hate to see those suicidal posts. Lol!
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