Galaxy Rookie's Now November 2012!!!!! Now its ndc

Are these gonna be a hypebeast item?

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I call BS on anyone that says JJ released them.... got lucky and copped Rookies on NDC and Olives on Eastbay. Been a long night... SLEEP!
it's not even about your internet speed, I'm on ATT DSL and this **** is weak as ****

it's all about luck these days
forgot to mention. Never mess with that standard nike website. ALWAYS USE the optimized for mobile version on your actual computer. There's an extention for chrome I use so ndc uses the faster version of the mobile/ipad site. It's much more straight forward. 
I was able to get a Size 12 off JJ. Used my ebates code and got $5 dollars off 2-3 shipping which came out to $12 + no taxes+ 6% cash back from ebates man I love that site. :smokin

IHOP time now :lol:

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Well, someone just PM me the secret. I'm not buying it. There's no explanation to why so many people can get through on this forum the same time while I keep getting the message. It can't be luck or you'd get through eventually. No major company site should be this inconsistent. I'll just call them up later and see what they say....
Time to call it quits. My 10 was sold out awhile ago and I've been trying to get this 9 to trade or squeeze into for the last half hour. Guess I'll treat myself to the geesh with the $215 I saved :nthat:.
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!  I got my 14!!! This may sound crazy... but I was on the link clicking got the error message a couple of times.... and I said A prayer real fast "Lord Please let me get these shoes" and five seconds later "BOOM" added to my cart checked out with nike voucher and got email confirmation 7:11.  I'm no newbie I know nothing is set in stone until the shoes are in hand...but now I have tentatively completed MY 2012 Galaxy collection (no dunks) including the super limited hyperdunk galaxies all in a size 14.  I cant take credit for this one... sheer Grace of GOD.......
Just gotta be lucky, internet/reaction time dont matter, congrats to all that got em
Welp woke up to the alarm, fell asleep then woke up 15 minutes later smh. Hopefully I'll catch them on the restock. Got the SOL Hyperposites that way so not a bad week after all >D
Well, someone just PM me the secret. I'm not buying it. There's no explanation to why so many people can get through on this forum the same time while I keep getting the message. It can't be luck or you'd get through eventually. No major company site should be this inconsistent. I'll just call them up later and see what they say....'s persistance & luck. I'm probably 3/15 this year with NDC releases lol. For this release I just kept trying when I got an error message. Yes, this companies website sucks. The server is garbage. But what are you going to do?
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