Game of the year? 2011

Originally Posted by iYen

Would anyone consider Heavy Rain goty?
I briefly played it at a buddy's house and that game made me want to buy a ps3.
Came out in 2010.
GOTY: Uncharted 3

Sport Game: NHL 12

RPG: Skyrim

Re-Release: MGS  HD Collection

Racing: Forza 4

Shooter: Portal 2

Just my opinion. Some of my favorites this year not listed would be Record of Agarest War Zero, Arkham City, and the re-releases of Chrono Cross, FFV, and FFVI.
do i have to play the other Elder Scrolls games to really get Skyrim? I'm not big on RPGs so both of those have factored into me not copping. My vote goes to Batman: AC though
Skyrim, started it last week and the game is amazing. So open ended you could seriously do anything you want. I've only done about 4-5 main storyline missions yet i have 25 hours logged into the game. Can easily surpass 100 hours just doing side quests. I love the non linear feel that Bethesda games give you compared to the likes of the typical get from point a to point b and you beat the game in 10 hours.
wow lotta people here talking about batman...guess its worth the money. i want skyrim too, but between mw3 and recently starcraft2, id have no time for skyrim right now. def copping later on.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

wow lotta people here talking about batman...guess its worth the money. i want skyrim too, but between mw3 and recently starcraft2, id have no time for skyrim right now. def copping later on.

Skyrim is overrated. Game mechanics are stale, unrealistic and repetitive. Best RPG of all time? HELLL no. The game is good in terms of it being an open world and unlimited amount of quests but thats about it. Come at me.

Better RPG's imo? In no particular order..

Kingdom Hearts
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy (who cares what #)
Originally Posted by Rolaholic


It came out last year,pretty unique game. I loved it but RDR and ME2 were my GOTY's for last year.

Oh, whoops my bad.
Has anyone had glitches with Uncharted 3? I was told to delete the utilities and reinstall it but even though I do that, I still get a lot of animation screw ups as well as some sound issues where things seem to be lagging. Like after I kill someone, the voice of them yelling comes a couple seconds after it should. Should I return the game or is this something I have to wait for an online update?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I have yet to play Uncharted 3, but if it's seriously better than Arkham City, I'll be VERY impressed. The immersiveness in Arkham City is like nothing else.
it isn't better than Uncharted 2, so it's automatically disqualified in my book..
that's the only game I've played that's new. 

I'm pretty busy so I haven't had the chance to play Skyward Sword but I've never been disappointed in a Zelda game..other than Wind Waker
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Skyrim is overrated. Game mechanics are stale, unrealistic and repetitive. Best RPG of all time? HELLL no. The game is good in terms of it being an open world and unlimited amount of quests but thats about it. Come at me.

Better RPG's imo? In no particular order..

Kingdom Hearts
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy (who cares what #)
WOW....really?  One of the worst MMOs of all time?
Kingdom Hearts doesn't even belong in the same subject, sentence, paragraph, or book as Skyrim.
The number deeply matters on what FF it is as 8 and X2 suck something awful.
Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time, but even I have a hard time placing it with Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowing for that matter.
The Elderscroll games are like Tool, yeah their Metal but they're so awesome they don't fall under any particular subgenre.
Skyward Sword
Portal 2

and even though I hate it I feel Minecraft should get an honorable mention for how unique and original it is. And I suppose some people like that kind of stuff lol
Gameplay on Arkham City was real nice. But the story wasn't really A+ material.

Still need uncharted 3 in my life. Hoping that I've been good enough that Santa drops it in my stocking this year.
Originally Posted by Credo

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Skyrim is overrated. Game mechanics are stale, unrealistic and repetitive. Best RPG of all time? HELLL no. The game is good in terms of it being an open world and unlimited amount of quests but thats about it. Come at me.

Better RPG's imo? In no particular order..

Kingdom Hearts
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy (who cares what #)
WOW....really?  One of the worst MMOs of all time?
Kingdom Hearts doesn't even belong in the same subject, sentence, paragraph, or book as Skyrim.
The number deeply matters on what FF it is as 8 and X2 suck something awful.
Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time, but even I have a hard time placing it with Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowing for that matter.
The Elderscroll games are like Tool, yeah their Metal but they're so awesome they don't fall under any particular subgenre.

Explain how WOW is the worst MMO of all time? 
 *cue shaq laughing and walking away gif*
Skyrim WOULD be the best game/rpg ever made if the combat wasn't so dull and it had multiplayer action. If you can't agree with me on that, you're just a fanboy straight up.
Lol at saying it needs better combat and multiplayer to be good.......yet most of the games you named are turn based combat and dont have multiplayer either.........the only one u named in skyrims league is chrono trigger
Still gotta play Uncharted 3 n I still gotta beat Batman, I dont play shooters cuz I cant aim for !%%$ lol so i aint count MW3 or BF3 n dont like RPGs but so far my fav game dats came out this year has been Infamous 2...
*awaits sum sorta derogatory comment about my gaming opinion" lol
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I have yet to play Uncharted 3, but if it's seriously better than Arkham City, I'll be VERY impressed. The immersiveness in Arkham City is like nothing else.
it isn't better than Uncharted 2, so it's automatically disqualified in my book..
that's the only game I've played that's new. 

I'm pretty busy so I haven't had the chance to play Skyward Sword but I've never been disappointed in a Zelda game..other than Wind Waker

Not better than 2? Hmmm... I'll check it out. It's been on my GameFly Que, but I have Catherine right now, and I need to finish it...
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