Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

Could see it in her eyes....


The Curb theme would've perfect right there.
I don't get people waiting and asking for constant action like this isn't a serial.
The need for instant gratification has attention spans on the ropes nowadays :lol:

Sounds like some folks wouldn't know what to do with themselves when shows used to have 20 episode seasons and sometimes breaks mid-season.

Need everything spoonfed to us immediately or sprinkled with some Michael Bay stuff in between or else everything is trash >D
I swear it never used to be this bad, like there was a bit of a shift during the pandemic.
I think the consumption habits and the changes that the pandemic brought to that sphere really will have lasting impact long term on audience expectations of the media they consume and the very methods in which they consume and how they take it in.

Companies ended up being forced to embrace the streaming model after resisting for a while for their own livelihoods/viability and a lot of the wholesale changes that it brought are here to stay. Both the good and the bad.

Everything being available to binge watch immediately without need for waiting or really taking in the build ups before the pay offs during that whole time really shifted a lot. The film industry/box office has also suffered from it and it's taken a long time to slowly stabilize after they were made to release movies simultaneously in theaters and on subscription services for a time.

Some of them are slowly reverting back towards classic tried and true models (weekly episodes, longer exclusive theatrical windows, traditional press runs etc) but that's also gonna take time to change audience habits/expectations again.

It's also like the restaurant/food industry now having to adapt to the gig economy for their survival now when not long ago it used to be optional whether to sign up for it or not. It didn't used to make or break things like it can now. New restaurants without established clientele or high profile backers almost have no choice but to formulate their business plans around it now from the jump.
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