Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by Aze201

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so why arent these people attacking that gay super rap group on youtube? They say all those anti gay words on there. so its ok because they are all gay/lesbians?

@ the line "when you see me in the clubs, dont forget the butt plugs" my god that makes me laugh everytime
I was going to post that song in the music forum because it's so hilarious, but I decided not to because I didn't want it to devolve into to a gay bashing extravaganza. 
Jay Squared can spit though. 'Beat that !#!+# up, call me dike turner.'

were u the one who posted it in general forum? did that post get deleted or locked? i forgot what the groups name was
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

Ehh who cares. And no its not the same as using the n word. Word carries 400+ years of baggage with it. That's another subject though.

You don't think homosexuals have been repressed their entire existence. The bible says it's wrong.....people were killed for being gay in many cultures back then.

 some people need to think before they hit that post button. 

Lol exactly
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

Ehh who cares. And no its not the same as using the n word. Word carries 400+ years of baggage with it. That's another subject though.

You don't think homosexuals have been repressed their entire existence. The bible says it's wrong.....people were killed for being gay in many cultures back then.

 some people need to think before they hit that post button. 

Lol exactly
Originally Posted by proper english

these same dudes that are throwing out "overreacting" and "not a big issue" are the same dudes getting irate over Flyest's "animals
" comment over at the Gloria James thread. 
 ya'll are silly. 

On the real though. "It's just a word" "Not that serious" "Reaching"

Lettuce travel back to the 1950s shall we.
Originally Posted by proper english

these same dudes that are throwing out "overreacting" and "not a big issue" are the same dudes getting irate over Flyest's "animals
" comment over at the Gloria James thread. 
 ya'll are silly. 

On the real though. "It's just a word" "Not that serious" "Reaching"

Lettuce travel back to the 1950s shall we.
Originally Posted by Freeze

you really just have to take a step back and view it from all angles. we dont get offended because we're not homosexual, but I can very well understand how a gay person can take offense to the usage of that word, even if they werent in the direct path of its direction. It was wrong to say, he knows that, he owned up to it. People being offended isnt an overreaction as you can never tell what will hurt somebody's feelings. So because of that, using any type of duragatory derogatory slang is a touchy subject. To be a good member of society, you can't just acknowledge things from your own point of view, but try and understand what others go through. i'm sure he didn't mean it in the definition most know it to be, but bullets have no names on them...sometimes there are innocent bystanders..
I get what you are saying, and I hate to bring this up, but when it comes to the black/white issue, why do others who aren't black don't look at the black experience the way you described it as above? It seems that our society, despite discriminating against gay people, can be more understanding of their experience as opposed to the Black experience in America. I only brought that up since this was compared to the N word. That is all. Sorry for the spelling correction, just thought I would help with the correct spelling for future use

Originally Posted by Freeze

you really just have to take a step back and view it from all angles. we dont get offended because we're not homosexual, but I can very well understand how a gay person can take offense to the usage of that word, even if they werent in the direct path of its direction. It was wrong to say, he knows that, he owned up to it. People being offended isnt an overreaction as you can never tell what will hurt somebody's feelings. So because of that, using any type of duragatory derogatory slang is a touchy subject. To be a good member of society, you can't just acknowledge things from your own point of view, but try and understand what others go through. i'm sure he didn't mean it in the definition most know it to be, but bullets have no names on them...sometimes there are innocent bystanders..
I get what you are saying, and I hate to bring this up, but when it comes to the black/white issue, why do others who aren't black don't look at the black experience the way you described it as above? It seems that our society, despite discriminating against gay people, can be more understanding of their experience as opposed to the Black experience in America. I only brought that up since this was compared to the N word. That is all. Sorry for the spelling correction, just thought I would help with the correct spelling for future use

Extra sensitive people nowadays. Using Kobe or any othe popular figure as fuel to further advance gay rights.
Get outta here. 
Extra sensitive people nowadays. Using Kobe or any othe popular figure as fuel to further advance gay rights.
Get outta here. 
Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya


he calls the ref a !@#@%%* @%%@@! , but says he didn't mean to "offend anyone"?
Offending someone and being mad at someone are two different things...

When considering a NBA elite player such as Kobe, do you really think hating on gay people was on top of his priorities during the game and his job?
Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya


he calls the ref a !@#@%%* @%%@@! , but says he didn't mean to "offend anyone"?
Offending someone and being mad at someone are two different things...

When considering a NBA elite player such as Kobe, do you really think hating on gay people was on top of his priorities during the game and his job?
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

Ehh who cares. And no its not the same as using the n word. Word carries 400+ years of baggage with it. That's another subject though.

You don't think homosexuals have been repressed their entire existence. The bible says it's wrong.....people were killed for being gay in many cultures back then.

 some people need to think before they hit that post button. 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

Ehh who cares. And no its not the same as using the n word. Word carries 400+ years of baggage with it. That's another subject though.

You don't think homosexuals have been repressed their entire existence. The bible says it's wrong.....people were killed for being gay in many cultures back then.

 some people need to think before they hit that post button. 
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Freeze the ref gay? if he isn't, then kobe wasnt challenging his sexuality by using the word. i understand what you're saying and i agree. I'm not trying to argue. it was a word he should'nt have used, agreed. but i will say the gay rights organization associated themselves with it in this case.

Yeah i get what your saying and not trying to argue but if i call my other white friend a N-word and a black person over hears me.  He will be offended even though it wasn't at him.  The word in general tends to be offensive to them.

I personally agree with you i wish all of this would stop like when Jesse Jackson comes out of the woodwork on a borderline racially insensitive comment.  It was said in the heat of the moment he probably didn't mean it but it was still said and offensive.  The real issue they have is the word just being in vernacular these days.  Kobe is just like the rest of us.  

I see both points, me being black I get really offended when a white person uses the n wordSo I understand why another gay person would get offended at someone say f#$$*%, only Problem I got is how you don't hear from people like jesse jackson or the gay rights peopleTill something like this comes up...all they want is free press, so corny to me
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Freeze the ref gay? if he isn't, then kobe wasnt challenging his sexuality by using the word. i understand what you're saying and i agree. I'm not trying to argue. it was a word he should'nt have used, agreed. but i will say the gay rights organization associated themselves with it in this case.

Yeah i get what your saying and not trying to argue but if i call my other white friend a N-word and a black person over hears me.  He will be offended even though it wasn't at him.  The word in general tends to be offensive to them.

I personally agree with you i wish all of this would stop like when Jesse Jackson comes out of the woodwork on a borderline racially insensitive comment.  It was said in the heat of the moment he probably didn't mean it but it was still said and offensive.  The real issue they have is the word just being in vernacular these days.  Kobe is just like the rest of us.  

I see both points, me being black I get really offended when a white person uses the n wordSo I understand why another gay person would get offended at someone say f#$$*%, only Problem I got is how you don't hear from people like jesse jackson or the gay rights peopleTill something like this comes up...all they want is free press, so corny to me
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by Freeze

you really just have to take a step back and view it from all angles. we dont get offended because we're not homosexual, but I can very well understand how a gay person can take offense to the usage of that word, even if they werent in the direct path of its direction. It was wrong to say, he knows that, he owned up to it. People being offended isnt an overreaction as you can never tell what will hurt somebody's feelings. So because of that, using any type of duragatory derogatory slang is a touchy subject. To be a good member of society, you can't just acknowledge things from your own point of view, but try and understand what others go through. i'm sure he didn't mean it in the definition most know it to be, but bullets have no names on them...sometimes there are innocent bystanders..
I get what you are saying, and I hate to bring this up, but when it comes to the black/white issue, why do others who aren't black don't look at the black experience the way you described it as above? It seems that our society, despite discriminating against gay people, can be more understanding of their experience as opposed to the Black experience in America. I only brought that up since this was compared to the N word. That is all. Sorry for the spelling correction, just thought I would help with the correct spelling for future use


lol appreciate it.

and and definitely. I feel the same way in regards to race.  If others took a step back and just tried to understand anothers point of view, before rushing judgement and whatnot, things could be very different.  The N-word is kind of like f***** except, the black community has accepted it and made it an endearing term. We've taken a word that used to tear us down, break us, hurt us, and we've made it into something kind, something we call our friends, our brothers.. Which is weird, but i mean, to be a hypocrite, i use it, just habit i guess. but we've made it a term of kindness in our own community, but then hate when others use it.  It can definitely get confusing to outsiders.  $%%$, it can get confusing to insiders.  Imagine telling the ones that invented something they can no longer use it..

F***** had gone through definition changes as well. whereas it may not be acceptable by all cultures, neither is n****. both hav become acceptable in certain surroundings. It's almost as if you have to survey the crowd before you use certain words.  I agree with you though, if other cultures actually empathized and understood what the n-word once meant and how harmful it was to black people, would they really want to use it...would we?
Originally Posted by beh235

Originally Posted by Freeze

you really just have to take a step back and view it from all angles. we dont get offended because we're not homosexual, but I can very well understand how a gay person can take offense to the usage of that word, even if they werent in the direct path of its direction. It was wrong to say, he knows that, he owned up to it. People being offended isnt an overreaction as you can never tell what will hurt somebody's feelings. So because of that, using any type of duragatory derogatory slang is a touchy subject. To be a good member of society, you can't just acknowledge things from your own point of view, but try and understand what others go through. i'm sure he didn't mean it in the definition most know it to be, but bullets have no names on them...sometimes there are innocent bystanders..
I get what you are saying, and I hate to bring this up, but when it comes to the black/white issue, why do others who aren't black don't look at the black experience the way you described it as above? It seems that our society, despite discriminating against gay people, can be more understanding of their experience as opposed to the Black experience in America. I only brought that up since this was compared to the N word. That is all. Sorry for the spelling correction, just thought I would help with the correct spelling for future use


lol appreciate it.

and and definitely. I feel the same way in regards to race.  If others took a step back and just tried to understand anothers point of view, before rushing judgement and whatnot, things could be very different.  The N-word is kind of like f***** except, the black community has accepted it and made it an endearing term. We've taken a word that used to tear us down, break us, hurt us, and we've made it into something kind, something we call our friends, our brothers.. Which is weird, but i mean, to be a hypocrite, i use it, just habit i guess. but we've made it a term of kindness in our own community, but then hate when others use it.  It can definitely get confusing to outsiders.  $%%$, it can get confusing to insiders.  Imagine telling the ones that invented something they can no longer use it..

F***** had gone through definition changes as well. whereas it may not be acceptable by all cultures, neither is n****. both hav become acceptable in certain surroundings. It's almost as if you have to survey the crowd before you use certain words.  I agree with you though, if other cultures actually empathized and understood what the n-word once meant and how harmful it was to black people, would they really want to use it...would we?
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