Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Honestly though, all this yap about Kobe and other stuff in here could have been avoided if TNT used a 5 second delay like ABC and other networks...
Honestly though, all this yap about Kobe and other stuff in here could have been avoided if TNT used a 5 second delay like ABC and other networks...
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

^You accidentally posted a Bulls pic

Wow I'm sick and tired of these gay rights groups man. !%+@ outta here, this was in the context of a game.

I heard this %*@% on the local radio in NY before even logging onto NT...these groups need to get over themselves man, it got me really heated right about now. Stop being so #%#$%$* sensitive and shut the !%+@ up already.
Wow I'm sick and tired of these gay rights groups man. !%+@ outta here, this was in the context of a game.

I heard this %*@% on the local radio in NY before even logging onto NT...these groups need to get over themselves man, it got me really heated right about now. Stop being so #%#$%$* sensitive and shut the !%+@ up already.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Wow I'm sick and tired of these gay rights groups man. !%+@ outta here, this was in the context of a game.

I heard this %*@% on the local radio in NY before even logging onto NT...these groups need to get over themselves man, it got me really heated right about now. Stop being so #%#$%$* sensitive and shut the !%+@ up already.

 but you have to think about homosexual peoples feelings aswell. there people just like us 
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Wow I'm sick and tired of these gay rights groups man. !%+@ outta here, this was in the context of a game.

I heard this %*@% on the local radio in NY before even logging onto NT...these groups need to get over themselves man, it got me really heated right about now. Stop being so #%#$%$* sensitive and shut the !%+@ up already.

 but you have to think about homosexual peoples feelings aswell. there people just like us 
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Wow I'm sick and tired of these gay rights groups man. !%+@ outta here, this was in the context of a game.

I heard this %*@% on the local radio in NY before even logging onto NT...these groups need to get over themselves man, it got me really heated right about now. Stop being so #%#$%$* sensitive and shut the !%+@ up already.

Yeah man these damn gays always trying to pull the gay card. Trying to get rights and become socially accepted.
Damn those gays.
*shakes fist*
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Wow I'm sick and tired of these gay rights groups man. !%+@ outta here, this was in the context of a game.

I heard this %*@% on the local radio in NY before even logging onto NT...these groups need to get over themselves man, it got me really heated right about now. Stop being so #%#$%$* sensitive and shut the !%+@ up already.

Yeah man these damn gays always trying to pull the gay card. Trying to get rights and become socially accepted.
Damn those gays.
*shakes fist*
these same dudes that are throwing out "overreacting" and "not a big issue" are the same dudes getting irate over Flyest's "animals
" comment over at the Gloria James thread. 
 ya'll are silly. 
these same dudes that are throwing out "overreacting" and "not a big issue" are the same dudes getting irate over Flyest's "animals
" comment over at the Gloria James thread. 
 ya'll are silly. 
you really just have to take a step back and view it from all angles. we dont get offended because we're not homosexual, but I can very well understand how a gay person can take offense to the usage of that word, even if they werent in the direct path of its direction. It was wrong to say, he knows that, he owned up to it. People being offended isnt an overreaction as you can never tell what will hurt somebody's feelings. So because of that, using any type of duragatory slang is a touchy subject. To be a good member of society, you can't just acknowledge things from your own point of view, but try and understand what others go through. i'm sure he didn't mean it in the definition most know it to be, but bullets have no names on them...sometimes there are innocent bystanders..
you really just have to take a step back and view it from all angles. we dont get offended because we're not homosexual, but I can very well understand how a gay person can take offense to the usage of that word, even if they werent in the direct path of its direction. It was wrong to say, he knows that, he owned up to it. People being offended isnt an overreaction as you can never tell what will hurt somebody's feelings. So because of that, using any type of duragatory slang is a touchy subject. To be a good member of society, you can't just acknowledge things from your own point of view, but try and understand what others go through. i'm sure he didn't mean it in the definition most know it to be, but bullets have no names on them...sometimes there are innocent bystanders..
Originally Posted by Aze201

Originally Posted by NobleKane

so why arent these people attacking that gay super rap group on youtube? They say all those anti gay words on there. so its ok because they are all gay/lesbians?

@ the line "when you see me in the clubs, dont forget the butt plugs" my god that makes me laugh everytime
I was going to post that song in the music forum because it's so hilarious, but I decided not to because I didn't want it to devolve into to a gay bashing extravaganza. 
Jay Squared can spit though. 'Beat that !#!+# up, call me dike turner.'

were u the one who posted it in general forum? did that post get deleted or locked? i forgot what the groups name was
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