Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Guys use that term all the time. In my life I've used or heard it thousands of times and have never thought of it as being a derogatory term towards gays, but I've also never actually thought how they felt about it either. Just one of those things that never crossed my mind..... Now, actually thinking about it, I can see why they would get upset, but if they ever called me straight (or another word for straight) I'm fine.
Guys use that term all the time. In my life I've used or heard it thousands of times and have never thought of it as being a derogatory term towards gays, but I've also never actually thought how they felt about it either. Just one of those things that never crossed my mind..... Now, actually thinking about it, I can see why they would get upset, but if they ever called me straight (or another word for straight) I'm fine.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Guys use that term all the time. In my life I've used or heard it thousands of times and have never thought of it as being a derogatory term towards gays, but I've also never actually thought how they felt about it either. Just one of those things that never crossed my mind..... Now, actually thinking about it, I can see why they would get upset, but if they ever called me straight (or another word for straight) I'm fine.

Straight isnt a derogatory term though. *%%!#* is clearly derogatory which is its purpose. Similar to the N Bomb. No one uses the N bomb (not the one that ends with a) as a pleasing word.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Guys use that term all the time. In my life I've used or heard it thousands of times and have never thought of it as being a derogatory term towards gays, but I've also never actually thought how they felt about it either. Just one of those things that never crossed my mind..... Now, actually thinking about it, I can see why they would get upset, but if they ever called me straight (or another word for straight) I'm fine.

Straight isnt a derogatory term though. *%%!#* is clearly derogatory which is its purpose. Similar to the N Bomb. No one uses the N bomb (not the one that ends with a) as a pleasing word.
Originally Posted by Freeze

beh235 wrote:


lol appreciate it.

and and definitely. I feel the same way in regards to race.  If others took a step back and just tried to understand anothers point of view, before rushing judgement and whatnot, things could be very different.  The N-word is kind of like f***** except, the black community has accepted it and made it an endearing term. We've taken a word that used to tear us down, break us, hurt us, and we've made it into something kind, something we call our friends, our brothers.. Which is weird, but i mean, to be a hypocrite, i use it, just habit i guess. but we've made it a term of kindness in our own community, but then hate when others use it.  It can definitely get confusing to outsiders.  $%%$, it can get confusing to insiders.  Imagine telling the ones that invented something they can no longer use it..

F***** had gone through definition changes as well. whereas it may not be acceptable by all cultures, neither is n****. both hav become acceptable in certain surroundings. It's almost as if you have to survey the crowd before you use certain words.  I agree with you though, if other cultures actually empathized and understood what the n-word once meant and how harmful it was to black people, would they really want to use it...would we?

Yeah basically. I honestly use the n-word myself, and im not black. The surroundings and people I interact with (including blacks) all use the word casually. Its like the new "bro", "homie", etc. F-word is a tad more offensive, but gays shoudnt get all sensitive over it. Especially the circumstance that Kobe was in. Like I said before, using it as fuel for the fire to advance gay rights. 
Originally Posted by Freeze

beh235 wrote:


lol appreciate it.

and and definitely. I feel the same way in regards to race.  If others took a step back and just tried to understand anothers point of view, before rushing judgement and whatnot, things could be very different.  The N-word is kind of like f***** except, the black community has accepted it and made it an endearing term. We've taken a word that used to tear us down, break us, hurt us, and we've made it into something kind, something we call our friends, our brothers.. Which is weird, but i mean, to be a hypocrite, i use it, just habit i guess. but we've made it a term of kindness in our own community, but then hate when others use it.  It can definitely get confusing to outsiders.  $%%$, it can get confusing to insiders.  Imagine telling the ones that invented something they can no longer use it..

F***** had gone through definition changes as well. whereas it may not be acceptable by all cultures, neither is n****. both hav become acceptable in certain surroundings. It's almost as if you have to survey the crowd before you use certain words.  I agree with you though, if other cultures actually empathized and understood what the n-word once meant and how harmful it was to black people, would they really want to use it...would we?

Yeah basically. I honestly use the n-word myself, and im not black. The surroundings and people I interact with (including blacks) all use the word casually. Its like the new "bro", "homie", etc. F-word is a tad more offensive, but gays shoudnt get all sensitive over it. Especially the circumstance that Kobe was in. Like I said before, using it as fuel for the fire to advance gay rights. 
were u the one who posted it in general forum? did that post get deleted or locked? i forgot what the groups name was

Definitely not me. Like I said, I knew that would not end well. The groups name is Rainbow Noise.
were u the one who posted it in general forum? did that post get deleted or locked? i forgot what the groups name was

Definitely not me. Like I said, I knew that would not end well. The groups name is Rainbow Noise.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya


he calls the ref a !@#@%%* @%%@@! , but says he didn't mean to "offend anyone"?
Offending someone and being mad at someone are two different things...

When considering a NBA elite player such as Kobe, do you really think hating on gay people was on top of his priorities during the game and his job?

so kobe wasn't trying to offend the ref by calling him a !$+%%$% @*$%!$?
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya


he calls the ref a !@#@%%* @%%@@! , but says he didn't mean to "offend anyone"?
Offending someone and being mad at someone are two different things...

When considering a NBA elite player such as Kobe, do you really think hating on gay people was on top of his priorities during the game and his job?

so kobe wasn't trying to offend the ref by calling him a !$+%%$% @*$%!$?
Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya

Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya


he calls the ref a !@#@%%* @%%@@! , but says he didn't mean to "offend anyone"?
Offending someone and being mad at someone are two different things...

When considering a NBA elite player such as Kobe, do you really think hating on gay people was on top of his priorities during the game and his job?

so kobe wasn't trying to offend the ref by calling him a !$+%%$% @*$%!$?
...Do we really have to go over this again? I swear you just asked the same question.

No, he wasn't trying to offend the ref. He was mad at him. If you are mad at someone you may want to offend them, but based off the context of how it was said in the game, it definitely appears that he was frustrated with his call.
Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya

Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

Originally Posted by GeorgeCantstandya


he calls the ref a !@#@%%* @%%@@! , but says he didn't mean to "offend anyone"?
Offending someone and being mad at someone are two different things...

When considering a NBA elite player such as Kobe, do you really think hating on gay people was on top of his priorities during the game and his job?

so kobe wasn't trying to offend the ref by calling him a !$+%%$% @*$%!$?
...Do we really have to go over this again? I swear you just asked the same question.

No, he wasn't trying to offend the ref. He was mad at him. If you are mad at someone you may want to offend them, but based off the context of how it was said in the game, it definitely appears that he was frustrated with his call.
Originally Posted by will068

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

You don't think homosexuals have been repressed their entire existence. The bible says it's wrong.....people were killed for being gay in many cultures back then.

 some people need to think before they hit that post button. 
this whole gay = same as civil rights movement is a joke and borderline offensive. this dude quotes the bible and makes some dumb statement out of thin air go do some research and go see how many folks of the past were participating in homosexual activity
Originally Posted by will068

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Jking0821

You don't think homosexuals have been repressed their entire existence. The bible says it's wrong.....people were killed for being gay in many cultures back then.

 some people need to think before they hit that post button. 
this whole gay = same as civil rights movement is a joke and borderline offensive. this dude quotes the bible and makes some dumb statement out of thin air go do some research and go see how many folks of the past were participating in homosexual activity
I dont see what the big deal is

Lol dude was mad at the foul call so he popped off at the ref, or maybe it wasnt even towards anyone, just relieving his frustration

Yet these sensitive people want to crucify him over these simple words.

If they dont have a problem with themselves being gay/lesbian/transexual, why the hell should they care when someone said something, especially when its not even in the same context.

What a joke....bunch of attention jores....
I dont see what the big deal is

Lol dude was mad at the foul call so he popped off at the ref, or maybe it wasnt even towards anyone, just relieving his frustration

Yet these sensitive people want to crucify him over these simple words.

If they dont have a problem with themselves being gay/lesbian/transexual, why the hell should they care when someone said something, especially when its not even in the same context.

What a joke....bunch of attention jores....
Originally Posted by RareAirBreeds23

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

I dislike the Lakers so i'm not even on dude's side, but it's just a god damn word. stop crying over it

N word. 

..but yea, im sure its different, right?
That's somebody's race though.  I bet you think people are born gay too right?  
Here we go with this....
Originally Posted by RareAirBreeds23

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

I dislike the Lakers so i'm not even on dude's side, but it's just a god damn word. stop crying over it

N word. 

..but yea, im sure its different, right?
That's somebody's race though.  I bet you think people are born gay too right?  
Here we go with this....
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23!/Lakers
Lakers Los Angeles Lakers

1/2: "What I said last night should not be taken literally. My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period."

Lakers Los Angeles Lakers

2/2: "The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings towards the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23!/Lakers
Lakers Los Angeles Lakers

1/2: "What I said last night should not be taken literally. My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period."

Lakers Los Angeles Lakers

2/2: "The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings towards the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone.
Originally Posted by BK201

StaXX wrote:

Originally Posted by trhee

lol wut?
negative connotation used to describe an individual of african descent please.

See, that's funny to me.
It doesn't bother me when other races use the word honestly.
I'm not that sensitive.
Once again, this isn't news.
Much worse things are being said on the court.
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