Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Kevin Garnett said the same thing, and didn't get fined anything. Camera zoomed in on him and everything.

Plus the gay and lesbian community get offended for everything. They're taking advantage of this no doubt about it.

1. Did this happen after the Kobe incident? it didnt.. so what the hell is your point?
2. replace "gay and lesbian community" with "African American community"... oh wait, it's different, right

actually, it is

How? It seems pretty apparent so far that the people who have a hard time comprehending what happened here are either 1) ignorant/uneducated (ninjahood) or 2) aren't able to see things from other peoples perspectives. 
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Kevin Garnett said the same thing, and didn't get fined anything. Camera zoomed in on him and everything.

Plus the gay and lesbian community get offended for everything. They're taking advantage of this no doubt about it.

1. Did this happen after the Kobe incident? it didnt.. so what the hell is your point?
2. replace "gay and lesbian community" with "African American community"... oh wait, it's different, right

actually, it is

How? It seems pretty apparent so far that the people who have a hard time comprehending what happened here are either 1) ignorant/uneducated (ninjahood) or 2) aren't able to see things from other peoples perspectives. 
Truth, there are differences, but human rights are human rights right? Wouldn't you agree that the right to be free of discrimination based immutable characteristics is equally as important whether that characteristic is race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, etc?
Truth, there are differences, but human rights are human rights right? Wouldn't you agree that the right to be free of discrimination based immutable characteristics is equally as important whether that characteristic is race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, etc?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Please stop comparing homosexuals to minorites especially african-americans. 

Nobody knows if you are gay when you walk down the street, go on a job interview, or whatever.  Their struggle shouldn't be compared and we should put them in their own lane. 

but that's why I only compared a word with a word

I just think most people swear that anyone that says the N-word once is racist

but Kobe says the F word and they don't view him as homophobic or even care

I think people are picking favorites just because they relate to 1 group and not the other
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Please stop comparing homosexuals to minorites especially african-americans. 

Nobody knows if you are gay when you walk down the street, go on a job interview, or whatever.  Their struggle shouldn't be compared and we should put them in their own lane. 

but that's why I only compared a word with a word

I just think most people swear that anyone that says the N-word once is racist

but Kobe says the F word and they don't view him as homophobic or even care

I think people are picking favorites just because they relate to 1 group and not the other
Originally Posted by Method Man

I respect you a good deal (most recently you helped me to research those who guided MLK) but if you actually had power of adjudication, I would either boycott the procedures or I would arrive and simply antagonize. I feel that if you were in a position of arbitration and adjudication, you would be running a "kangaroo court." In so far as, white, heterosexual males were guilty before deliberations even began.

If I had such power when I was an older adolescent, I would probably be worse but the fact remains, people that age, people possessing such zeal should have no such powers of adjudications whatsoever. While white, wealth males should show more humility, vis a vis such injustices; in the face of a fixed court, one cannot help but show resistance and resist in every manner possible.

Perhaps if your Inquisitions had been focused on actually inquiry, truth and reconciliation, such evasive excuses would be far less common.
Oh please, spare me the mock outrage.  "Guilty before deliberations began?"  What deliberations?  The dialog series described were produced by the same office responsible for diversity compliance and, yes, I did perform a work study there - but a brief recollection of discussion groups hardly qualifies as a summary judgment against White students as a whole.  What do you think, I was issuing academic probations for comments made in extracurricular discussion groups?  I described exactly what happened - and even in your little extract you have enough information to invalidate your reckless allegation:  "Each time, some of the White students..."  Past tense.  Some, not all.  Mix gently, allow time to breathe.
I mean really, you're more upset about that than the actual subject of this thread?  Unbelievable.

Go back and read what I actually wrote.  If you're still unclear, send me a PM as your misinterpretation has precisely nothing to do with the matter at hand.  My experiences are what they are and if anyone's submitted an unfair generalization based on insufficient information, it's you.  

To call me out in public over a gross misinterpretation of something that, for your sake, I hope you skim-read whilst cross-eyed doesn't exactly strike me as respectful.  

These jabs are getting ever more desperate.  Better luck next time.  Perhaps if you root through my garbage you'll find a recyclable in the wrong container.  

You are far too good a steward of the Earth to do so, I am confident of that. I do not need to know the details of your life you know that you are human and that humans are fallible. I know that at some time in your life you were 18 or 19 years old and that people that age, no matter how smart or educated, make terrible moderators and arbitrators.

Even if your dialogue group had no binding powers of punishment, it seems unlikely that someone like yourself on that panel, a passionate advocate for certain things pertaining directly to the issues being adjudicated, would be seen by those within your moderation and arbitration as acting in good faith. When people feel like a court, inquiry or even dialogue group is rigged, they become much less likely to be conciliatory.

This is an observation on human nature and not a "jab" at you in particular. If it is a "jab" it is a jab at all of us and the sad fact that circumstance makes adjudication into something that often times escalates tensions and conflicts instead of reducing or ending them.

As far Kobe is concerned, David Stern handed Laker Nation a great gift. Behind his faux Buddhist persona, Phil Jackson has his teams fueled by anger or perceived injustices. When Shaq or Michael Jordan did not win the MVP, he used that. Michael Jordan's gambling scandal and Kobe's rape trial also played in the "us versus the world narrative" that Phil Jackson teams use to their advantage. It is shame that this championship winning catalyst had to be an incident where Kobe was undeniably on the wrong side of history.

Originally Posted by Method Man

I respect you a good deal (most recently you helped me to research those who guided MLK) but if you actually had power of adjudication, I would either boycott the procedures or I would arrive and simply antagonize. I feel that if you were in a position of arbitration and adjudication, you would be running a "kangaroo court." In so far as, white, heterosexual males were guilty before deliberations even began.

If I had such power when I was an older adolescent, I would probably be worse but the fact remains, people that age, people possessing such zeal should have no such powers of adjudications whatsoever. While white, wealth males should show more humility, vis a vis such injustices; in the face of a fixed court, one cannot help but show resistance and resist in every manner possible.

Perhaps if your Inquisitions had been focused on actually inquiry, truth and reconciliation, such evasive excuses would be far less common.
Oh please, spare me the mock outrage.  "Guilty before deliberations began?"  What deliberations?  The dialog series described were produced by the same office responsible for diversity compliance and, yes, I did perform a work study there - but a brief recollection of discussion groups hardly qualifies as a summary judgment against White students as a whole.  What do you think, I was issuing academic probations for comments made in extracurricular discussion groups?  I described exactly what happened - and even in your little extract you have enough information to invalidate your reckless allegation:  "Each time, some of the White students..."  Past tense.  Some, not all.  Mix gently, allow time to breathe.
I mean really, you're more upset about that than the actual subject of this thread?  Unbelievable.

Go back and read what I actually wrote.  If you're still unclear, send me a PM as your misinterpretation has precisely nothing to do with the matter at hand.  My experiences are what they are and if anyone's submitted an unfair generalization based on insufficient information, it's you.  

To call me out in public over a gross misinterpretation of something that, for your sake, I hope you skim-read whilst cross-eyed doesn't exactly strike me as respectful.  

These jabs are getting ever more desperate.  Better luck next time.  Perhaps if you root through my garbage you'll find a recyclable in the wrong container.  

You are far too good a steward of the Earth to do so, I am confident of that. I do not need to know the details of your life you know that you are human and that humans are fallible. I know that at some time in your life you were 18 or 19 years old and that people that age, no matter how smart or educated, make terrible moderators and arbitrators.

Even if your dialogue group had no binding powers of punishment, it seems unlikely that someone like yourself on that panel, a passionate advocate for certain things pertaining directly to the issues being adjudicated, would be seen by those within your moderation and arbitration as acting in good faith. When people feel like a court, inquiry or even dialogue group is rigged, they become much less likely to be conciliatory.

This is an observation on human nature and not a "jab" at you in particular. If it is a "jab" it is a jab at all of us and the sad fact that circumstance makes adjudication into something that often times escalates tensions and conflicts instead of reducing or ending them.

As far Kobe is concerned, David Stern handed Laker Nation a great gift. Behind his faux Buddhist persona, Phil Jackson has his teams fueled by anger or perceived injustices. When Shaq or Michael Jordan did not win the MVP, he used that. Michael Jordan's gambling scandal and Kobe's rape trial also played in the "us versus the world narrative" that Phil Jackson teams use to their advantage. It is shame that this championship winning catalyst had to be an incident where Kobe was undeniably on the wrong side of history.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
Why? You guys say don't compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because you're black?(again my assumption)
Didn't blacks back in the day fight for rights that they were SUPPOSED to have as gays are fighting for rights they are SUPPOSED to have.
That's where the comparison comes in. It is the same because the end result is gays will get their rights upheld sooner or later as blacks did.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Please stop comparing homosexuals to minorites especially african-americans. 

Nobody knows if you are gay when you walk down the street, go on a job interview, or whatever.  Their struggle shouldn't be compared and we should put them in their own lane. 

Here we go again!

As Meth already stated " you shouldn't have to conceal your sexual orientation"
Also there are have been cases of blacks bleaching their skin just so people won't associate themselves with blacks.
So in retrospect blacks are able to conceal their skin color it's just much harder.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
Why? You guys say don't compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because you're black?(again my assumption)
Didn't blacks back in the day fight for rights that they were SUPPOSED to have as gays are fighting for rights they are SUPPOSED to have.
That's where the comparison comes in. It is the same because the end result is gays will get their rights upheld sooner or later as blacks did.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Please stop comparing homosexuals to minorites especially african-americans. 

Nobody knows if you are gay when you walk down the street, go on a job interview, or whatever.  Their struggle shouldn't be compared and we should put them in their own lane. 

Here we go again!

As Meth already stated " you shouldn't have to conceal your sexual orientation"
Also there are have been cases of blacks bleaching their skin just so people won't associate themselves with blacks.
So in retrospect blacks are able to conceal their skin color it's just much harder.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
Why? You guys say don't compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because you're Black?(again my assumption)
Why? You guys say compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because your'e GAY? (again my assumption)

....a lot of apples to oranges in this thread.

Truthfully, I think it is somewhat noble that you guys are attempting to protect Gay rights, but you are doing it in a haphazard way.
Gays are not discriminated in the same ways Blacks were/are.
Marriage does not apply here because it was created for man and woman...not man and man, nor woman and woman.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
Why? You guys say don't compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because you're Black?(again my assumption)
Why? You guys say compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because your'e GAY? (again my assumption)

....a lot of apples to oranges in this thread.

Truthfully, I think it is somewhat noble that you guys are attempting to protect Gay rights, but you are doing it in a haphazard way.
Gays are not discriminated in the same ways Blacks were/are.
Marriage does not apply here because it was created for man and woman...not man and man, nor woman and woman.
This whole my civil rights movement is more important than yours debate that's going on in this thread is defeating the purpose of all fights against injustice. Black people had it hard, no one is trying to take that away
The black civil rights movement was inspired by other civil rights movements (eg. MLK being inspired by Gandhi). Just stop.
This whole my civil rights movement is more important than yours debate that's going on in this thread is defeating the purpose of all fights against injustice. Black people had it hard, no one is trying to take that away
The black civil rights movement was inspired by other civil rights movements (eg. MLK being inspired by Gandhi). Just stop.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by Deuce King

I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
Why? You guys say don't compare it to the civil rights movement...WHY???
Because you're black?(again my assumption)
Didn't blacks back in the day fight for rights that they were SUPPOSED to have as gays are fighting for rights they are SUPPOSED to have.
That's where the comparison comes in. It is the same because the end result is gays will get their rights upheld sooner or later as blacks did.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Please stop comparing homosexuals to minorites especially african-americans. 

Nobody knows if you are gay when you walk down the street, go on a job interview, or whatever.  Their struggle shouldn't be compared and we should put them in their own lane. 

Here we go again!

As Meth already stated " you shouldn't have to conceal your sexual orientation"
Also there are have been cases of blacks bleaching their skin just so people won't associate themselves with blacks.
So in retrospect blacks are able to conceal their skin color it's just much harder.

You can't be serious? Skin vs sexual preference. 

Actually gay people don't have it that bad.  People that act out for attention and dress outside of social norms are bashed, but that has nothing to do with sexual preference.  If a straight kid has a green mohawk then he's gonna get called names.  It's only the flamboyant and "look at me" gays that get attacked or bashed 95% of the time.  So I don't wanna hear this "hiding" who you are non-sense.  If you step outside of social norms with fashion and behavior then you will have negetive comments directed to you.  Gay or straight. 

Being a minority is completely different.  I can't go anywhere without people knowing I'm black.  Different ball game.
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