Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

you rather have Space Jams than actual space


good $#!t
and my how this post has flipped
ninja, u makin some sense tho...but everybody has a view about everything in thier own right of course
...and some folks are just jaded based off these responses
I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
I can understand Gays being offended by calling someone a %*+, and they have every right to, but don't even put that on the same level as racism. 
Agreed.  For everyone in here, please DO NOT compare the civil rights movement of the past and even current state to the homosexual movement of today.  It's truly not the same, not even close.  It would be more beneficial if the people that are advocating for gay rights just stated what they feel and what they want without having to lean on the struggle and strife of the civil rights movement. 
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This thread is a mess filled with people who in real life wouldn't be worth acknowledging. I do have to give it to NinjaHood though, he wears his ignorance, intolerance and idiocy on his sleeve with great vigor. Never does he try to come off as something he isn't; intelligent.

So because you disagree with me, all u got is "questioning my intelligence "...Atta boy... *claps*
Face it folks, da fine was obsurd and CLEARLY a over reach by da commissionerActing like mr morals & values...u wanna fine kobe bryant? Then fine him consistentlyWith what past fines have garnered. I can tell da cats in here complaining don'tEven watch or play basketball...
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This thread is a mess filled with people who in real life wouldn't be worth acknowledging. I do have to give it to NinjaHood though, he wears his ignorance, intolerance and idiocy on his sleeve with great vigor. Never does he try to come off as something he isn't; intelligent.

So because you disagree with me, all u got is "questioning my intelligence "...Atta boy... *claps*
Face it folks, da fine was obsurd and CLEARLY a over reach by da commissionerActing like mr morals & values...u wanna fine kobe bryant? Then fine him consistentlyWith what past fines have garnered. I can tell da cats in here complaining don'tEven watch or play basketball...
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Really though, this thread and the hip hop/education thread go hand in hand. Not hard to tell who in here was a product of a terrible school system/environment/household.

i see it too.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Really though, this thread and the hip hop/education thread go hand in hand. Not hard to tell who in here was a product of a terrible school system/environment/household.

i see it too.
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Really though, this thread and the hip hop/education thread go hand in hand. Not hard to tell who in here was a product of a terrible school system/environment/household.

i see it too.

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Really though, this thread and the hip hop/education thread go hand in hand. Not hard to tell who in here was a product of a terrible school system/environment/household.

i see it too.

Said a word that he shouldn't have but it was a mistake in the heat of the moment and the camera caught him. He apologized and got punished for it and I'm sure regrets it and will choose his words more carefully next time...

time to move on though, although the media definitely won't
Said a word that he shouldn't have but it was a mistake in the heat of the moment and the camera caught him. He apologized and got punished for it and I'm sure regrets it and will choose his words more carefully next time...

time to move on though, although the media definitely won't
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This thread is a mess filled with people who in real life wouldn't be worth acknowledging. I do have to give it to NinjaHood though, he wears his ignorance, intolerance and idiocy on his sleeve with great vigor. Never does he try to come off as something he isn't; intelligent.

QFT he's unapologetic and unwavering in his ignorance, it's admirable.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

This thread is a mess filled with people who in real life wouldn't be worth acknowledging. I do have to give it to NinjaHood though, he wears his ignorance, intolerance and idiocy on his sleeve with great vigor. Never does he try to come off as something he isn't; intelligent.

QFT he's unapologetic and unwavering in his ignorance, it's admirable.
Originally Posted by thejrob

Said a word that he shouldn't have but it was a mistake in the heat of the moment and the camera caught him. He apologized and got punished for it and I'm sure regrets it and will choose his words more carefully next time...

time to move on though, although the media definitely won't

100% I hate how the media creates villains and everyone feeds into it.
Originally Posted by thejrob

Said a word that he shouldn't have but it was a mistake in the heat of the moment and the camera caught him. He apologized and got punished for it and I'm sure regrets it and will choose his words more carefully next time...

time to move on though, although the media definitely won't

100% I hate how the media creates villains and everyone feeds into it.
There's no defending David Stern.  As Charles Barkley likes to say, "even a broken watch is right twice a day."   
Stern doesn't strike me as a man of principle.  He only cares about this to the extent that it's capable of damaging the image of his business.  He's proven that much time and time again, pandering to fans' racial biases in his reaction to incidents like the Ron Artest fight (provoked, in large part, by a besotted bigot's use of a racial slur) and the Arenas suspension.  

It's not about morality or principle for David Stern.  It's about money.   

That, I think, is another conversation.  I have no problem with discussing that - in fact, I've done so on a number of occasions including the Artest and Arenas suspensions - but it's nonetheless possible that the NBA managed to do the right thing for the wrong reason.  

Face it folks, da fine was obsurd and CLEARLY a over reach by da commissioner Acting like mr morals & values...u wanna fine kobe bryant? Then fine him consistently With what past fines have garnered. I can tell da cats in here complaining don't Even watch or play basketball...

If you want to argue, as the union no doubt will, that this decision was out of line with the league's prior rulings (perhaps most notably, its decision to routinely ignore the conduct of its officials) that's fine.  There's no denying the inconsistency at work here.  

What I am curious to see, however, is whether or not you're even going to acknowledge that what Kobe did was wrong in any meaningful sense

I hear all this whining about how "oh it's the heat of battle, players curse all the time" as though that excuses it.  It doesn't.  Basketball is an emotional game, but the league has always prohibited players from venting at officials.  (And, given that the NBA suffers from the worst officiating in pro sports, it's often deserved.)  Why, then, do you permit players to vent their frustration by degrading minority groups? 

Though subconscious, this bigotry is nonetheless learned behavior.  I think the case can be made that the "respect for the game" initiative is another instance of pandering to racial prejudice, as fans have long tolerated and even celebrated temper tantrums thrown by predominantly White baseball managers, yet, as a result of this policy, countless players have managed to catch and control their reactions in the heat of the moment. 

You could argue that it's only natural to throw up your arms in exasperation at a bad call, but, contrary to what some ignorant trolls may tell you, NBA players aren't "animals."  Brian Scalabrine and Eddy Curry notwithstanding, these are highly skilled and disciplined athletes.  They're fully capable of controlling their reactions.  

As for branding people soft and oversensitive, consider the following:  people are upset that a famous person that millions of young people look up to used a vicious slur on national television that directly offends and degrades millions of people, some of whom we know and care about.  You, on the other hand, are tight because a multi-millionaire you don't even know and will likely never meet was fined about .4% of his annual salary for offending people you obviously don't care about.  

The fact that, in the process, you guys are using sexist metaphors like panties etc. to invoke stereotypical notions of masculinity hardly helps your cause.  Some of the most oversensitive and irrational people on the planet are men - and there's proof enough of that here in this thread.  Your personal friend Kobe Bryant got fined less for using a slur than he probably spends each year on room service.  "Stop crying."

You can hide your sexual orientation if you want to, I can't hide my race/skin color...

I believe part of the point is that you shouldn't have to conceal your sexual orientation.  

I respect you a good deal (most recently you helped me to research those who guided MLK) but if you actually had power of adjudication, I would either boycott the procedures or I would arrive and simply antagonize. I feel that if you were in a position of arbitration and adjudication, you would be running a "kangaroo court." In so far as, white, heterosexual males were guilty before deliberations even began.

If I had such power when I was an older adolescent, I would probably be worse but the fact remains, people that age, people possessing such zeal should have no such powers of adjudications whatsoever. While white, wealth males should show more humility, vis a vis such injustices; in the face of a fixed court, one cannot help but show resistance and resist in every manner possible.

Perhaps if your Inquisitions had been focused on actually inquiry, truth and reconciliation, such evasive excuses would be far less common.

Oh please, spare me the mock outrage.  "Guilty before deliberations began?"  What deliberations?  The dialog series described were produced by the same office responsible for diversity compliance and, yes, I did perform a work study there - but a brief recollection of discussion groups hardly qualifies as a summary judgment against White students as a whole.  What do you think, I was issuing academic probations for comments made in extracurricular discussion groups?  I described exactly what happened - and even in your little extract you have enough information to invalidate your reckless allegation:  "Each time, some of the White students..."  Past tense.  Some, not all.  Mix gently, allow time to breathe.
I mean really, you're more upset about that than the actual subject of this thread?  Unbelievable.

Go back and read what I actually wrote.  If you're still unclear, send me a PM as your misinterpretation has precisely nothing to do with the matter at hand.  My experiences are what they are and if anyone's submitted an unfair generalization based on insufficient information, it's you.  

To call me out in public over a gross misinterpretation of something that, for your sake, I hope you skim-read whilst cross-eyed doesn't exactly strike me as respectful.  

These jabs are getting ever more desperate.  Better luck next time.  Perhaps if you root through my garbage you'll find a recyclable in the wrong container.  
There's no defending David Stern.  As Charles Barkley likes to say, "even a broken watch is right twice a day."   
Stern doesn't strike me as a man of principle.  He only cares about this to the extent that it's capable of damaging the image of his business.  He's proven that much time and time again, pandering to fans' racial biases in his reaction to incidents like the Ron Artest fight (provoked, in large part, by a besotted bigot's use of a racial slur) and the Arenas suspension.  

It's not about morality or principle for David Stern.  It's about money.   

That, I think, is another conversation.  I have no problem with discussing that - in fact, I've done so on a number of occasions including the Artest and Arenas suspensions - but it's nonetheless possible that the NBA managed to do the right thing for the wrong reason.  

Face it folks, da fine was obsurd and CLEARLY a over reach by da commissioner Acting like mr morals & values...u wanna fine kobe bryant? Then fine him consistently With what past fines have garnered. I can tell da cats in here complaining don't Even watch or play basketball...

If you want to argue, as the union no doubt will, that this decision was out of line with the league's prior rulings (perhaps most notably, its decision to routinely ignore the conduct of its officials) that's fine.  There's no denying the inconsistency at work here.  

What I am curious to see, however, is whether or not you're even going to acknowledge that what Kobe did was wrong in any meaningful sense

I hear all this whining about how "oh it's the heat of battle, players curse all the time" as though that excuses it.  It doesn't.  Basketball is an emotional game, but the league has always prohibited players from venting at officials.  (And, given that the NBA suffers from the worst officiating in pro sports, it's often deserved.)  Why, then, do you permit players to vent their frustration by degrading minority groups? 

Though subconscious, this bigotry is nonetheless learned behavior.  I think the case can be made that the "respect for the game" initiative is another instance of pandering to racial prejudice, as fans have long tolerated and even celebrated temper tantrums thrown by predominantly White baseball managers, yet, as a result of this policy, countless players have managed to catch and control their reactions in the heat of the moment. 

You could argue that it's only natural to throw up your arms in exasperation at a bad call, but, contrary to what some ignorant trolls may tell you, NBA players aren't "animals."  Brian Scalabrine and Eddy Curry notwithstanding, these are highly skilled and disciplined athletes.  They're fully capable of controlling their reactions.  

As for branding people soft and oversensitive, consider the following:  people are upset that a famous person that millions of young people look up to used a vicious slur on national television that directly offends and degrades millions of people, some of whom we know and care about.  You, on the other hand, are tight because a multi-millionaire you don't even know and will likely never meet was fined about .4% of his annual salary for offending people you obviously don't care about.  

The fact that, in the process, you guys are using sexist metaphors like panties etc. to invoke stereotypical notions of masculinity hardly helps your cause.  Some of the most oversensitive and irrational people on the planet are men - and there's proof enough of that here in this thread.  Your personal friend Kobe Bryant got fined less for using a slur than he probably spends each year on room service.  "Stop crying."

You can hide your sexual orientation if you want to, I can't hide my race/skin color...

I believe part of the point is that you shouldn't have to conceal your sexual orientation.  

I respect you a good deal (most recently you helped me to research those who guided MLK) but if you actually had power of adjudication, I would either boycott the procedures or I would arrive and simply antagonize. I feel that if you were in a position of arbitration and adjudication, you would be running a "kangaroo court." In so far as, white, heterosexual males were guilty before deliberations even began.

If I had such power when I was an older adolescent, I would probably be worse but the fact remains, people that age, people possessing such zeal should have no such powers of adjudications whatsoever. While white, wealth males should show more humility, vis a vis such injustices; in the face of a fixed court, one cannot help but show resistance and resist in every manner possible.

Perhaps if your Inquisitions had been focused on actually inquiry, truth and reconciliation, such evasive excuses would be far less common.

Oh please, spare me the mock outrage.  "Guilty before deliberations began?"  What deliberations?  The dialog series described were produced by the same office responsible for diversity compliance and, yes, I did perform a work study there - but a brief recollection of discussion groups hardly qualifies as a summary judgment against White students as a whole.  What do you think, I was issuing academic probations for comments made in extracurricular discussion groups?  I described exactly what happened - and even in your little extract you have enough information to invalidate your reckless allegation:  "Each time, some of the White students..."  Past tense.  Some, not all.  Mix gently, allow time to breathe.
I mean really, you're more upset about that than the actual subject of this thread?  Unbelievable.

Go back and read what I actually wrote.  If you're still unclear, send me a PM as your misinterpretation has precisely nothing to do with the matter at hand.  My experiences are what they are and if anyone's submitted an unfair generalization based on insufficient information, it's you.  

To call me out in public over a gross misinterpretation of something that, for your sake, I hope you skim-read whilst cross-eyed doesn't exactly strike me as respectful.  

These jabs are getting ever more desperate.  Better luck next time.  Perhaps if you root through my garbage you'll find a recyclable in the wrong container.  
Kevin Garnett said the same thing, and didn't get fined anything. Camera zoomed in on him and everything.

100K is absurd, but Stern does not like Kobe so w.e. I realize he can afford it, but it's still so unecessary considering the **!$ players talk and say on a daily basis.

Plus the gay and lesbian community get offended for everything. They're taking advantage of this no doubt about it.

He already apologized multiple times, got fined 100K, but that's not enough apparently.

Kevin Garnett said the same thing, and didn't get fined anything. Camera zoomed in on him and everything.

100K is absurd, but Stern does not like Kobe so w.e. I realize he can afford it, but it's still so unecessary considering the **!$ players talk and say on a daily basis.

Plus the gay and lesbian community get offended for everything. They're taking advantage of this no doubt about it.

He already apologized multiple times, got fined 100K, but that's not enough apparently.

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