Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

You wanna know why they don't have it as bad? Because of the progress Blacks made during the civil rights movement. Actually gays have it worse than blacks in other countries. In Nigeria for instance you will be sentenced to death for engaging in homosexual activities or pronouncing your homosexual orientation. Your example is lousy because you're implying that people who do those types of things only do it for attention. Hell is it a stretch to think that the kid with the green mohawk actually likes his hair that way? You think he says to himself "how can I get bashed today for being different?"  If that is so then why is the word f****t and gay so prominent in most people's vocabulary? I hardly believe they see that many flamboyant gay people to even be able to say that word on most occasions. When people say those words they are bashing the gay community indirectly. Often implying that they themselves are better than them which is why they would use those words to describe another person.
Yes you will get comments thrown at you but it is up to the individual saying the comments for the comments to be negative or positive. 
You saying that you will get negative comments for being different is what is wrong with society. There is a lot of sheep in our modern society. They are afraid of being different and upholding their individuality. Whatever they perceive as different they call it "weird." Rather than accepting that person's right to be different they will bash it because they are unfamiliar with it.

No actually it's not a different ball game. People don't know you're black. All they know is that you have dark skin.
They can make the assumption that you're black of their own valor as people can assume another person is gay because of their interests.

I'm sorry but I'm only using AMERICAN culture to base my opinions on.  I really can't speak on Nigeria, South Africa, or any other country.

If you choose to look like a peacock don't get made when others look and comment.  How hard is that? I don't know why some people do the things they do but it has nothing to do with their sexual preference.  Fashion is a choice.  or is that something you're born with too
  I'm all for people being themselves but certain choices will come with certain responses.  Sorry that's life

Did you really try to get specific and say people don't know I'm black?  Bottomline is I can't hide my skin.  Do you understand that? Thats something I was born with.  A tall person who stands out in a crowd can't control his height.  A gay person? hmmmm you tell me the difference.

I'm all for equal human rights but don't compare blacks to gays simple as that. 

You're black=can't hide your skin, so are you implying that gay people are less entitled to justice because they can choose not to express their love in public. You're essentially saying if you had the chance to hide who you are like gay people, your life would be all better. Do you know what it feels like to have to hide who you are? No one is asking you to hide your skin, and no one should tell gay people how to express themselves.

lol @ you acting like homosexuals are the only people that peacock, not even sure why you keep bringing this up. Is peacocking exclusive to homosexuals?


Certain choices come with certain consequences eh?

The ignorance and lack of perspective in this thread is mind-blowing, but such is life.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I knew Rex was going to get %#*$ on when I saw his first comment

I was so confused...

Comparing civil rights struggles is a pointless endeavor. Why not just be for civil rights in any way possible? If that includes invoking the 50s and 60s and King, why the hell not? It's for a good cause right? Right?

You end up dividing rather than uniting if you go about it in the wrong manner...especially when it seems you only target the struggles of Blacks in relation.
I hardly hear Jews in this discussion. Why?
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I knew Rex was going to get %#*$ on when I saw his first comment

I was so confused...

Comparing civil rights struggles is a pointless endeavor. Why not just be for civil rights in any way possible? If that includes invoking the 50s and 60s and King, why the hell not? It's for a good cause right? Right?

You end up dividing rather than uniting if you go about it in the wrong manner...especially when it seems you only target the struggles of Blacks in relation.
I hardly hear Jews in this discussion. Why?
Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

You wanna know why they don't have it as bad? Because of the progress Blacks made during the civil rights movement. Actually gays have it worse than blacks in other countries. In Nigeria for instance you will be sentenced to death for engaging in homosexual activities or pronouncing your homosexual orientation. Your example is lousy because you're implying that people who do those types of things only do it for attention. Hell is it a stretch to think that the kid with the green mohawk actually likes his hair that way? You think he says to himself "how can I get bashed today for being different?"  If that is so then why is the word f****t and gay so prominent in most people's vocabulary? I hardly believe they see that many flamboyant gay people to even be able to say that word on most occasions. When people say those words they are bashing the gay community indirectly. Often implying that they themselves are better than them which is why they would use those words to describe another person.
Yes you will get comments thrown at you but it is up to the individual saying the comments for the comments to be negative or positive. 
You saying that you will get negative comments for being different is what is wrong with society. There is a lot of sheep in our modern society. They are afraid of being different and upholding their individuality. Whatever they perceive as different they call it "weird." Rather than accepting that person's right to be different they will bash it because they are unfamiliar with it.

No actually it's not a different ball game. People don't know you're black. All they know is that you have dark skin.
They can make the assumption that you're black of their own valor as people can assume another person is gay because of their interests.

I'm sorry but I'm only using AMERICAN culture to base my opinions on.  I really can't speak on Nigeria, South Africa, or any other country.

If you choose to look like a peacock don't get made when others look and comment.  How hard is that? I don't know why some people do the things they do but it has nothing to do with their sexual preference.  Fashion is a choice.  or is that something you're born with too
  I'm all for people being themselves but certain choices will come with certain responses.  Sorry that's life

Did you really try to get specific and say people don't know I'm black?  Bottomline is I can't hide my skin.  Do you understand that? Thats something I was born with.  A tall person who stands out in a crowd can't control his height.  A gay person? hmmmm you tell me the difference.

I'm all for equal human rights but don't compare blacks to gays simple as that. 
Sorry I'm from Nigeria, so I've seen gay hate from at least 2 sides of the spectrum.

Your example is so stupid that I can't think of any other word to call it.
Basically what you're saying is that people can't expect to be themselves without being ridiculed? Right?
This is not about fashion. People wear the things they wear to make themselves feel good, impress others, or other reasons that I am not aware of.
For example: Let's say that kid that with the green mohawk saw his favorite rock artist rocking that same hairstyle so he did his hair that way to show support for the artist or maybe he really likes it so he added the hair style to his appearance. Did he choose to look like a peacock? No, so why should he expect to be called one when he goes out in public? Just because it doesn't fit a ridiculous social norm?

Why doesn't the person who thinks the kid rocking that weird haircut ask that person "Hey why did you style your hair like that?" rather than making snarky comments?
That is not life that is ignorance. Rather than asking questions and gaining an understanding of why that kid chose to style his hair that way the kid making the snarky comment would rather remain ignorant. Wouldn't the initial question to the kid making the snarky comment would have be "Why did this dude style his hair like that?" Since he is ignorant he would then go into the thought process of making fun of it since he's unfamiliar with it. Answering his own question isn't important because he doesn't care about that individual's feelings.

If you're trying to imply that being gay is a choice then you are very very wrong.
Yes, I understand that you can't hide your skin as you also should understand that gay people can not hide their sexual orientation because that is something that they are born with.
They can lie to you about their sexual orientation that's about it.

Don't act as if you can't see the correlation between blacks and gays. If you're for equal human rights then why are you trying to differentiate these groups solely on the severity of each groups' struggles?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

You wanna know why they don't have it as bad? Because of the progress Blacks made during the civil rights movement. Actually gays have it worse than blacks in other countries. In Nigeria for instance you will be sentenced to death for engaging in homosexual activities or pronouncing your homosexual orientation. Your example is lousy because you're implying that people who do those types of things only do it for attention. Hell is it a stretch to think that the kid with the green mohawk actually likes his hair that way? You think he says to himself "how can I get bashed today for being different?"  If that is so then why is the word f****t and gay so prominent in most people's vocabulary? I hardly believe they see that many flamboyant gay people to even be able to say that word on most occasions. When people say those words they are bashing the gay community indirectly. Often implying that they themselves are better than them which is why they would use those words to describe another person.
Yes you will get comments thrown at you but it is up to the individual saying the comments for the comments to be negative or positive. 
You saying that you will get negative comments for being different is what is wrong with society. There is a lot of sheep in our modern society. They are afraid of being different and upholding their individuality. Whatever they perceive as different they call it "weird." Rather than accepting that person's right to be different they will bash it because they are unfamiliar with it.

No actually it's not a different ball game. People don't know you're black. All they know is that you have dark skin.
They can make the assumption that you're black of their own valor as people can assume another person is gay because of their interests.

I'm sorry but I'm only using AMERICAN culture to base my opinions on.  I really can't speak on Nigeria, South Africa, or any other country.

If you choose to look like a peacock don't get made when others look and comment.  How hard is that? I don't know why some people do the things they do but it has nothing to do with their sexual preference.  Fashion is a choice.  or is that something you're born with too
  I'm all for people being themselves but certain choices will come with certain responses.  Sorry that's life

Did you really try to get specific and say people don't know I'm black?  Bottomline is I can't hide my skin.  Do you understand that? Thats something I was born with.  A tall person who stands out in a crowd can't control his height.  A gay person? hmmmm you tell me the difference.

I'm all for equal human rights but don't compare blacks to gays simple as that. 
Sorry I'm from Nigeria, so I've seen gay hate from at least 2 sides of the spectrum.

Your example is so stupid that I can't think of any other word to call it.
Basically what you're saying is that people can't expect to be themselves without being ridiculed? Right?
This is not about fashion. People wear the things they wear to make themselves feel good, impress others, or other reasons that I am not aware of.
For example: Let's say that kid that with the green mohawk saw his favorite rock artist rocking that same hairstyle so he did his hair that way to show support for the artist or maybe he really likes it so he added the hair style to his appearance. Did he choose to look like a peacock? No, so why should he expect to be called one when he goes out in public? Just because it doesn't fit a ridiculous social norm?

Why doesn't the person who thinks the kid rocking that weird haircut ask that person "Hey why did you style your hair like that?" rather than making snarky comments?
That is not life that is ignorance. Rather than asking questions and gaining an understanding of why that kid chose to style his hair that way the kid making the snarky comment would rather remain ignorant. Wouldn't the initial question to the kid making the snarky comment would have be "Why did this dude style his hair like that?" Since he is ignorant he would then go into the thought process of making fun of it since he's unfamiliar with it. Answering his own question isn't important because he doesn't care about that individual's feelings.

If you're trying to imply that being gay is a choice then you are very very wrong.
Yes, I understand that you can't hide your skin as you also should understand that gay people can not hide their sexual orientation because that is something that they are born with.
They can lie to you about their sexual orientation that's about it.

Don't act as if you can't see the correlation between blacks and gays. If you're for equal human rights then why are you trying to differentiate these groups solely on the severity of each groups' struggles?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?


-Saying how you dress is irrelevant to this topic is not a valid point?

-Saying your assertion that "you can't hide your skin" in this debate is implying that homosexuals having the option to hide their "true nature" makes their cause less worthwhile is not a valid point? And that this also implies that homosexual SHOULD hide the way they are. These aren't valid arguments.

-Debunking your utterly dim-witted assertion that homosexuals are hated because they dress like peacocks isn't a valid point?

-Oh so now i gotta be gay for defending homosexuality,
kinda like how white people who supported the civil rights movement were called "n****-lovers". Congrats homie, you are the face of ignorance for a new millennium

So I'm a troll because you can't possibly fathom someone defending homosexuals?...and if they are they can't possibly be straight.

NT never ceases to amaze me.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?


-Saying how you dress is irrelevant to this topic is not a valid point?

-Saying your assertion that "you can't hide your skin" in this debate is implying that homosexuals having the option to hide their "true nature" makes their cause less worthwhile is not a valid point? And that this also implies that homosexual SHOULD hide the way they are. These aren't valid arguments.

-Debunking your utterly dim-witted assertion that homosexuals are hated because they dress like peacocks isn't a valid point?

-Oh so now i gotta be gay for defending homosexuality,
kinda like how white people who supported the civil rights movement were called "n****-lovers". Congrats homie, you are the face of ignorance for a new millennium

So I'm a troll because you can't possibly fathom someone defending homosexuals?...and if they are they can't possibly be straight.

NT never ceases to amaze me.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

You wanna know why they don't have it as bad? Because of the progress Blacks made during the civil rights movement. Actually gays have it worse than blacks in other countries. In Nigeria for instance you will be sentenced to death for engaging in homosexual activities or pronouncing your homosexual orientation. Your example is lousy because you're implying that people who do those types of things only do it for attention. Hell is it a stretch to think that the kid with the green mohawk actually likes his hair that way? You think he says to himself "how can I get bashed today for being different?"  If that is so then why is the word f****t and gay so prominent in most people's vocabulary? I hardly believe they see that many flamboyant gay people to even be able to say that word on most occasions. When people say those words they are bashing the gay community indirectly. Often implying that they themselves are better than them which is why they would use those words to describe another person.
Yes you will get comments thrown at you but it is up to the individual saying the comments for the comments to be negative or positive. 
You saying that you will get negative comments for being different is what is wrong with society. There is a lot of sheep in our modern society. They are afraid of being different and upholding their individuality. Whatever they perceive as different they call it "weird." Rather than accepting that person's right to be different they will bash it because they are unfamiliar with it.

No actually it's not a different ball game. People don't know you're black. All they know is that you have dark skin.
They can make the assumption that you're black of their own valor as people can assume another person is gay because of their interests.

I'm sorry but I'm only using AMERICAN culture to base my opinions on.  I really can't speak on Nigeria, South Africa, or any other country.

If you choose to look like a peacock don't get made when others look and comment.  How hard is that? I don't know why some people do the things they do but it has nothing to do with their sexual preference.  Fashion is a choice.  or is that something you're born with too
  I'm all for people being themselves but certain choices will come with certain responses.  Sorry that's life

Did you really try to get specific and say people don't know I'm black?  Bottomline is I can't hide my skin.  Do you understand that? Thats something I was born with.  A tall person who stands out in a crowd can't control his height.  A gay person? hmmmm you tell me the difference.

I'm all for equal human rights but don't compare blacks to gays simple as that. 
Sorry I'm from Nigeria, so I've seen gay hate from at least 2 sides of the spectrum.

Your example is so stupid that I can't think of any other word to call it.
Basically what you're saying is that people can't expect to be themselves without being ridiculed? Right?
This is not about fashion. People wear the things they wear to make themselves feel good, impress others, or other reasons that I am not aware of.
For example: Let's say that kid that with the green mohawk saw his favorite rock artist rocking that same hairstyle so he did his hair that way to show support for the artist or maybe he really likes it so he added the hair style to his appearance. Did he choose to look like a peacock? No, so why should he expect to be called one when he goes out in public? Just because it doesn't fit a ridiculous social norm?

Why doesn't the person who thinks the kid rocking that weird haircut ask that person "Hey why did you style your hair like that?" rather than making snarky comments?
That is not life that is ignorance. Rather than asking questions and gaining an understanding of why that kid chose to style his hair that way the kid making the snarky comment would rather remain ignorant. Wouldn't the initial question to the kid making the snarky comment would have be "Why did this dude style his hair like that?" Since he is ignorant he would then go into the thought process of making fun of it since he's unfamiliar with it. Answering his own question isn't important because he doesn't care about that individual's feelings.

If you're trying to imply that being gay is a choice then you are very very wrong.
Yes, I understand that you can't hide your skin as you also should understand that gay people can not hide their sexual orientation because that is something that they are born with.
They can lie to you about their sexual orientation that's about it.

Don't act as if you can't see the correlation between blacks and gays. If you're for equal human rights then why are you trying to differentiate these groups solely on the severity of each groups' struggles?

Good post.....waits for him to call you a troll and a homosexual

I love how dude tried to make this to be about fashion, like there aren't many different sub-cultures in the United States.


This guy has the option of cutting his beard and taking off the Yamaca (sp) to not be hated by antisemites.....I can't do nothing about my skin color.


If this guy gets discriminated against for being muslim, it's his fault he can easily convert to christianity, put on regular "American clothes", cut his beard, and act less muslim. I'm black and I can't change it.

Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

You wanna know why they don't have it as bad? Because of the progress Blacks made during the civil rights movement. Actually gays have it worse than blacks in other countries. In Nigeria for instance you will be sentenced to death for engaging in homosexual activities or pronouncing your homosexual orientation. Your example is lousy because you're implying that people who do those types of things only do it for attention. Hell is it a stretch to think that the kid with the green mohawk actually likes his hair that way? You think he says to himself "how can I get bashed today for being different?"  If that is so then why is the word f****t and gay so prominent in most people's vocabulary? I hardly believe they see that many flamboyant gay people to even be able to say that word on most occasions. When people say those words they are bashing the gay community indirectly. Often implying that they themselves are better than them which is why they would use those words to describe another person.
Yes you will get comments thrown at you but it is up to the individual saying the comments for the comments to be negative or positive. 
You saying that you will get negative comments for being different is what is wrong with society. There is a lot of sheep in our modern society. They are afraid of being different and upholding their individuality. Whatever they perceive as different they call it "weird." Rather than accepting that person's right to be different they will bash it because they are unfamiliar with it.

No actually it's not a different ball game. People don't know you're black. All they know is that you have dark skin.
They can make the assumption that you're black of their own valor as people can assume another person is gay because of their interests.

I'm sorry but I'm only using AMERICAN culture to base my opinions on.  I really can't speak on Nigeria, South Africa, or any other country.

If you choose to look like a peacock don't get made when others look and comment.  How hard is that? I don't know why some people do the things they do but it has nothing to do with their sexual preference.  Fashion is a choice.  or is that something you're born with too
  I'm all for people being themselves but certain choices will come with certain responses.  Sorry that's life

Did you really try to get specific and say people don't know I'm black?  Bottomline is I can't hide my skin.  Do you understand that? Thats something I was born with.  A tall person who stands out in a crowd can't control his height.  A gay person? hmmmm you tell me the difference.

I'm all for equal human rights but don't compare blacks to gays simple as that. 
Sorry I'm from Nigeria, so I've seen gay hate from at least 2 sides of the spectrum.

Your example is so stupid that I can't think of any other word to call it.
Basically what you're saying is that people can't expect to be themselves without being ridiculed? Right?
This is not about fashion. People wear the things they wear to make themselves feel good, impress others, or other reasons that I am not aware of.
For example: Let's say that kid that with the green mohawk saw his favorite rock artist rocking that same hairstyle so he did his hair that way to show support for the artist or maybe he really likes it so he added the hair style to his appearance. Did he choose to look like a peacock? No, so why should he expect to be called one when he goes out in public? Just because it doesn't fit a ridiculous social norm?

Why doesn't the person who thinks the kid rocking that weird haircut ask that person "Hey why did you style your hair like that?" rather than making snarky comments?
That is not life that is ignorance. Rather than asking questions and gaining an understanding of why that kid chose to style his hair that way the kid making the snarky comment would rather remain ignorant. Wouldn't the initial question to the kid making the snarky comment would have be "Why did this dude style his hair like that?" Since he is ignorant he would then go into the thought process of making fun of it since he's unfamiliar with it. Answering his own question isn't important because he doesn't care about that individual's feelings.

If you're trying to imply that being gay is a choice then you are very very wrong.
Yes, I understand that you can't hide your skin as you also should understand that gay people can not hide their sexual orientation because that is something that they are born with.
They can lie to you about their sexual orientation that's about it.

Don't act as if you can't see the correlation between blacks and gays. If you're for equal human rights then why are you trying to differentiate these groups solely on the severity of each groups' struggles?

Good post.....waits for him to call you a troll and a homosexual

I love how dude tried to make this to be about fashion, like there aren't many different sub-cultures in the United States.


This guy has the option of cutting his beard and taking off the Yamaca (sp) to not be hated by antisemites.....I can't do nothing about my skin color.


If this guy gets discriminated against for being muslim, it's his fault he can easily convert to christianity, put on regular "American clothes", cut his beard, and act less muslim. I'm black and I can't change it.

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
A gay person and a minority are not the same.  Race and sexual preference are too different things. 

Lets say a white racist, homophobe runs a business and interviews 2 candiates for a job.  One is a straight black man and the other is a gay white man.  He interviews the black man and immediately in his mind knows he won't offer the job to him.  Then he interviews the gay white man.   What in the interview will address his sexual preference? Nothing.  So the white gay man gets the job.  See the difference?  What you do in your home isn't the worlds business.

If I don't like asians I can pick them out.  If I don't like whites I can pick them out.  How can I pick out a gay person by just looking at them?  hmmmmm....that's my point.  Fashion is a choice.  Haircuts are a choice. Using certain slang and tone of voice is a choice.  I'm not arguing that homosexuality is something you are born with or not.  I don't know and don't care.  My point is you can be gay and act "normal".  Why is that so hard to grasp? 

If you choose to wear attention seeking clothing, dye your hair, or adopt traits of another gender then that's a choice.  Fashion, style, etc. is a choice and if you make those choices then you should be strong enough to deal with the attention negative or not. 

Why can't there just be 2 different "struggles" or "movements" why would gays want to be grouped with african-americans?  It's not the same so just chill out with all that.  

I called you a troll because you keep posting random pics and attempting to put words in my mouth.  Remember when I said you pick at my comments then find an outlier?  Well you just brought up religious dress code for no reason.   NOBODY SHOULD BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.  I've already said that.  But let me ask you a that guy you posted a homosexual? We don't know and can't tell so he's safe from any kind of homosexual prejudice. 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
A gay person and a minority are not the same.  Race and sexual preference are too different things. 

Lets say a white racist, homophobe runs a business and interviews 2 candiates for a job.  One is a straight black man and the other is a gay white man.  He interviews the black man and immediately in his mind knows he won't offer the job to him.  Then he interviews the gay white man.   What in the interview will address his sexual preference? Nothing.  So the white gay man gets the job.  See the difference?  What you do in your home isn't the worlds business.

If I don't like asians I can pick them out.  If I don't like whites I can pick them out.  How can I pick out a gay person by just looking at them?  hmmmmm....that's my point.  Fashion is a choice.  Haircuts are a choice. Using certain slang and tone of voice is a choice.  I'm not arguing that homosexuality is something you are born with or not.  I don't know and don't care.  My point is you can be gay and act "normal".  Why is that so hard to grasp? 

If you choose to wear attention seeking clothing, dye your hair, or adopt traits of another gender then that's a choice.  Fashion, style, etc. is a choice and if you make those choices then you should be strong enough to deal with the attention negative or not. 

Why can't there just be 2 different "struggles" or "movements" why would gays want to be grouped with african-americans?  It's not the same so just chill out with all that.  

I called you a troll because you keep posting random pics and attempting to put words in my mouth.  Remember when I said you pick at my comments then find an outlier?  Well you just brought up religious dress code for no reason.   NOBODY SHOULD BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.  I've already said that.  But let me ask you a that guy you posted a homosexual? We don't know and can't tell so he's safe from any kind of homosexual prejudice. 
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
A gay person and a minority are not the same.  Race and sexual preference are too different things. 

Lets say a white racist, homophobe runs a business and interviews 2 candiates for a job.  One is a straight black man and the other is a gay white man.  He interviews the black man and immediately in his mind knows he won't offer the job to him.  Then he interviews the gay white man.   What in the interview will address his sexual preference? Nothing.  So the white gay man gets the job.  See the difference?  What you do in your home isn't the worlds business.

If I don't like asians I can pick them out.  If I don't like whites I can pick them out.  How can I pick out a gay person by just looking at them?  hmmmmm....that's my point.  Fashion is a choice.  Haircuts are a choice. Using certain slang and tone of voice is a choice.  I'm not arguing that homosexuality is something you are born with or not.  I don't know and don't care.  My point is you can be gay and act "normal".  Why is that so hard to grasp? 

If you choose to wear attention seeking clothing, dye your hair, or adopt traits of another gender then that's a choice.  Fashion, style, etc. is a choice and if you make those choices then you should be strong enough to deal with the attention negative or not. 

Why can't there just be 2 different "struggles" or "movements" why would gays want to be grouped with african-americans?  It's not the same so just chill out with all that.  

I called you a troll because you keep posting random pics and attempting to put words in my mouth.  Remember when I said you pick at my comments then find an outlier?  Well you just brought up religious dress code for no reason.   NOBODY SHOULD BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.  I've already said that.  But let me ask you a that guy you posted a homosexual? We don't know and can't tell so he's safe from any kind of homosexual prejudice. 

Can you read? Like seriously, do you know how to read....i said several times in this thread that one can inspire the other, I never said they were the same struggle. You're the one who started going on rants about fashion and implying that one is more important than the other.

The example i posted are examples of people who can potentially hide their "background" if they wanted to avoid discrimination. If I were a Jew I could easily pass off as "regular" white if they choose to not follow the culture...

Why does a gay person, need to act normal? In the same way why would a Muslim or a Jew need to act "normal"? If I went on a job interview and were asked if I was married, why do I need to hide the fact that I have a significant other of the same gender? Gay people shouldn't have to act like what you or anybody else expects them to act, how does such a simple concept escape you?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
A gay person and a minority are not the same.  Race and sexual preference are too different things. 

Lets say a white racist, homophobe runs a business and interviews 2 candiates for a job.  One is a straight black man and the other is a gay white man.  He interviews the black man and immediately in his mind knows he won't offer the job to him.  Then he interviews the gay white man.   What in the interview will address his sexual preference? Nothing.  So the white gay man gets the job.  See the difference?  What you do in your home isn't the worlds business.

If I don't like asians I can pick them out.  If I don't like whites I can pick them out.  How can I pick out a gay person by just looking at them?  hmmmmm....that's my point.  Fashion is a choice.  Haircuts are a choice. Using certain slang and tone of voice is a choice.  I'm not arguing that homosexuality is something you are born with or not.  I don't know and don't care.  My point is you can be gay and act "normal".  Why is that so hard to grasp? 

If you choose to wear attention seeking clothing, dye your hair, or adopt traits of another gender then that's a choice.  Fashion, style, etc. is a choice and if you make those choices then you should be strong enough to deal with the attention negative or not. 

Why can't there just be 2 different "struggles" or "movements" why would gays want to be grouped with african-americans?  It's not the same so just chill out with all that.
One gay person and a minority group aren't the same but a minority of gay people are.
Okay the gay person gets the job. But what happens after he starts putting up pix of him and his husband? *Hi Tyrone looks like you got the job after all*

What in the world is normal?
Acting normal to me is being yourself no matter what others might think of you.
You think acting normal is abiding by stupid and ridiculous social norms.
Basically what you're saying is that you can act normal(gay) and you can act normal(sheep that abides by social norms).

What you perceive as attention seeking is going to differentiate from what another person perceives as attention seeking.
For instance a sneakerhead might not see some dude wearing $350 jordans as an attention seeking tool but he may see a skinny kid wearing skinny jeans an attention seeking tool.

Why? The end result is obtaining rights that they should have already had. So why divide them if they both are striving to achieve the same thing? Seems silly to me. As if grouping them together is downplaying the struggle blacks had to go to back in the day.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
A gay person and a minority are not the same.  Race and sexual preference are too different things. 

Lets say a white racist, homophobe runs a business and interviews 2 candiates for a job.  One is a straight black man and the other is a gay white man.  He interviews the black man and immediately in his mind knows he won't offer the job to him.  Then he interviews the gay white man.   What in the interview will address his sexual preference? Nothing.  So the white gay man gets the job.  See the difference?  What you do in your home isn't the worlds business.

If I don't like asians I can pick them out.  If I don't like whites I can pick them out.  How can I pick out a gay person by just looking at them?  hmmmmm....that's my point.  Fashion is a choice.  Haircuts are a choice. Using certain slang and tone of voice is a choice.  I'm not arguing that homosexuality is something you are born with or not.  I don't know and don't care.  My point is you can be gay and act "normal".  Why is that so hard to grasp? 

If you choose to wear attention seeking clothing, dye your hair, or adopt traits of another gender then that's a choice.  Fashion, style, etc. is a choice and if you make those choices then you should be strong enough to deal with the attention negative or not. 

Why can't there just be 2 different "struggles" or "movements" why would gays want to be grouped with african-americans?  It's not the same so just chill out with all that.
One gay person and a minority group aren't the same but a minority of gay people are.
Okay the gay person gets the job. But what happens after he starts putting up pix of him and his husband? *Hi Tyrone looks like you got the job after all*

What in the world is normal?
Acting normal to me is being yourself no matter what others might think of you.
You think acting normal is abiding by stupid and ridiculous social norms.
Basically what you're saying is that you can act normal(gay) and you can act normal(sheep that abides by social norms).

What you perceive as attention seeking is going to differentiate from what another person perceives as attention seeking.
For instance a sneakerhead might not see some dude wearing $350 jordans as an attention seeking tool but he may see a skinny kid wearing skinny jeans an attention seeking tool.

Why? The end result is obtaining rights that they should have already had. So why divide them if they both are striving to achieve the same thing? Seems silly to me. As if grouping them together is downplaying the struggle blacks had to go to back in the day.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Anton im done wasting time debating with you.  You don't make any valid points.  And you try to find an outlier for every analogy/statistic I use.  It's clear you don't really have anything of substance to say.  What you're doing is borderline trolling. . Basically it sounds like you are a homosexual and you're feelings got hurt.  Good day sir or ma'am or whatever you choose to call yourself.  Maybe a symbol?
the irony. 
A gay person and a minority are not the same.  Race and sexual preference are too different things. 

Lets say a white racist, homophobe runs a business and interviews 2 candiates for a job.  One is a straight black man and the other is a gay white man.  He interviews the black man and immediately in his mind knows he won't offer the job to him.  Then he interviews the gay white man.   What in the interview will address his sexual preference? Nothing.  So the white gay man gets the job.  See the difference?  What you do in your home isn't the worlds business.

If I don't like asians I can pick them out.  If I don't like whites I can pick them out.  How can I pick out a gay person by just looking at them?  hmmmmm....that's my point.  Fashion is a choice.  Haircuts are a choice. Using certain slang and tone of voice is a choice.  I'm not arguing that homosexuality is something you are born with or not.  I don't know and don't care.  My point is you can be gay and act "normal".  Why is that so hard to grasp? 

If you choose to wear attention seeking clothing, dye your hair, or adopt traits of another gender then that's a choice.  Fashion, style, etc. is a choice and if you make those choices then you should be strong enough to deal with the attention negative or not. 

Why can't there just be 2 different "struggles" or "movements" why would gays want to be grouped with african-americans?  It's not the same so just chill out with all that.  

I called you a troll because you keep posting random pics and attempting to put words in my mouth.  Remember when I said you pick at my comments then find an outlier?  Well you just brought up religious dress code for no reason.   NOBODY SHOULD BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.  I've already said that.  But let me ask you a that guy you posted a homosexual? We don't know and can't tell so he's safe from any kind of homosexual prejudice. 

Can you read? Like seriously, do you know how to read....i said several times in this thread that one can inspire the other, I never said they were the same struggle. You're the one who started going on rants about fashion and implying that one is more important than the other.

The example i posted are examples of people who can potentially hide their "background" if they wanted to avoid discrimination. If I were a Jew I could easily pass off as "regular" white if they choose to not follow the culture...

Why does a gay person, need to act normal? In the same way why would a Muslim or a Jew need to act "normal"? If I went on a job interview and were asked if I was married, why do I need to hide the fact that I have a significant other of the same gender? Gay people shouldn't have to act like what you or anybody else expects them to act, how does such a simple concept escape you?
Come on, Truth. Being transgender and homosexual are two completely different things. You probably shouldn't speak on things you don't know about.
Come on, Truth. Being transgender and homosexual are two completely different things. You probably shouldn't speak on things you don't know about.
I see the media is already ganging up.

If I were to bet I'd say that Stern received some calls from certain groups that they'd make a ++!% storm out of this if he didn't use Kobe to set an example.
I see the media is already ganging up.

If I were to bet I'd say that Stern received some calls from certain groups that they'd make a ++!% storm out of this if he didn't use Kobe to set an example.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Come on, Truth. Being transgender and homosexual are two completely different things. You probably shouldn't speak on things you don't know about.

When did I speak on transgendered people?  I didn't...but if you must they do group themselves together when the phrase LGBT is used.  And once again Anton you continue to involve religion when nobody is talking about that.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Come on, Truth. Being transgender and homosexual are two completely different things. You probably shouldn't speak on things you don't know about.

When did I speak on transgendered people?  I didn't...but if you must they do group themselves together when the phrase LGBT is used.  And once again Anton you continue to involve religion when nobody is talking about that.
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