Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by ratherunique1

i hate %*$+ too, sue me

this is the response certain people in here need to give and stop tryna justify ignorance with stupidity. If you have hate in your heart let it out.

On that note...bed time
Originally Posted by ratherunique1

i hate %*$+ too, sue me

this is the response certain people in here need to give and stop tryna justify ignorance with stupidity. If you have hate in your heart let it out.

On that note...bed time
I will say for a straight man I say a lot of openly homosexual $#%$ in real life. Some drunk dude I know called me gay, and my response was "yea I suck $#$$". I don't care enough to deny homosexuality, especially in a situation like that where someone makes an assumption.

Whats the point? That sense of humor is sooooooo tired.
I will say for a straight man I say a lot of openly homosexual $#%$ in real life. Some drunk dude I know called me gay, and my response was "yea I suck $#$$". I don't care enough to deny homosexuality, especially in a situation like that where someone makes an assumption.

Whats the point? That sense of humor is sooooooo tired.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry but homosexuals will never fully be accepted in sports unless the best player in the league was gay. 

I'm sorry but there will never be a black president. I'm sorry but a female surgeon or scientist will never be accepted or respected, those fields have too much testosterone and thinking involved. Listen to yourself speak.

Homosexuals have time on their hands....

its funny how you pick and choose what to quote.  You should work for FOX news man I swear.  I said in the world of TEAM SPORTS they wont fully be accepted unless the best guy in the league is gay.  Have you ever played on a team at a high level?  Respect and chemistry of the group is very important. 

Its great that you want every person in the world to be equal.  I agree with that but I'm being realistic.  IN TEAM SPORTS it's not likely to happen.

This whole thread you've been calling me names and putting words in my mouth but if you read without your emotions involved you will see that I'm speaking on what society as a whole thinks not my personal opinion.  I'm not hiding behind words or secretly hating homosexuals.  Im just keeping it real.  There's gonna be racist people and there's gonna be people uncomfortable with homosexuality.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry but homosexuals will never fully be accepted in sports unless the best player in the league was gay. 

I'm sorry but there will never be a black president. I'm sorry but a female surgeon or scientist will never be accepted or respected, those fields have too much testosterone and thinking involved. Listen to yourself speak.

Homosexuals have time on their hands....

its funny how you pick and choose what to quote.  You should work for FOX news man I swear.  I said in the world of TEAM SPORTS they wont fully be accepted unless the best guy in the league is gay.  Have you ever played on a team at a high level?  Respect and chemistry of the group is very important. 

Its great that you want every person in the world to be equal.  I agree with that but I'm being realistic.  IN TEAM SPORTS it's not likely to happen.

This whole thread you've been calling me names and putting words in my mouth but if you read without your emotions involved you will see that I'm speaking on what society as a whole thinks not my personal opinion.  I'm not hiding behind words or secretly hating homosexuals.  Im just keeping it real.  There's gonna be racist people and there's gonna be people uncomfortable with homosexuality.
Why won't they ever be accepted?  What's the logic behind it?

Don't you think people ever said the same *!#* about blacks and competitive sports?
Why won't they ever be accepted?  What's the logic behind it?

Don't you think people ever said the same *!#* about blacks and competitive sports?
But if a gay dude could ball better than a straight dude, doesn't that mean he's twice as good as the straight dude (since he takes it in) and should be respected doubly much?
But if a gay dude could ball better than a straight dude, doesn't that mean he's twice as good as the straight dude (since he takes it in) and should be respected doubly much?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Does being gay mean you are weak? No but it does mean you submit to a man at night which can be seen as weak when you compete against other men.  
I'm pretty sure there are gay dudes that only give it and don't take it.  Just saying.  You know, tops and bottoms?  I mean if you make other men submit to you, wouldn't you be seen as stronger because you can submit a man who is stronger than a woman?  Just by your logic, you know.  
I think you're pretty much just projecting your inner stance on homosexuality, and that is that you don't respect them as much as straight men, in whatever setting.  It's deep seeded bigotry that really is no different than how people were once bigoted against blacks.  I think it's a shame that some black people do this, UNDERSTANDING what they have been through as a people, why do they feel the need to perpetuate inequality and bigotry?  You'd think they'd be a little more enlightened than us white folk.  But then again, most of the people taking offense to the comparison never actually dealt with the Civil Rights struggle anyway, at least when we're talking about the 20 and 30 somethings on this forum.  When did you get told where to sit, where to void, where to drink, where to eat, etc.  You didn't.  You have a cultural connection to it through your older generations, sure, but you didn't live it.  That's why this whole argument is ******ed anyway.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Does being gay mean you are weak? No but it does mean you submit to a man at night which can be seen as weak when you compete against other men.  
I'm pretty sure there are gay dudes that only give it and don't take it.  Just saying.  You know, tops and bottoms?  I mean if you make other men submit to you, wouldn't you be seen as stronger because you can submit a man who is stronger than a woman?  Just by your logic, you know.  
I think you're pretty much just projecting your inner stance on homosexuality, and that is that you don't respect them as much as straight men, in whatever setting.  It's deep seeded bigotry that really is no different than how people were once bigoted against blacks.  I think it's a shame that some black people do this, UNDERSTANDING what they have been through as a people, why do they feel the need to perpetuate inequality and bigotry?  You'd think they'd be a little more enlightened than us white folk.  But then again, most of the people taking offense to the comparison never actually dealt with the Civil Rights struggle anyway, at least when we're talking about the 20 and 30 somethings on this forum.  When did you get told where to sit, where to void, where to drink, where to eat, etc.  You didn't.  You have a cultural connection to it through your older generations, sure, but you didn't live it.  That's why this whole argument is ******ed anyway.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry but homosexuals will never fully be accepted in sports unless the best player in the league was gay. 

I'm sorry but there will never be a black president. I'm sorry but a female surgeon or scientist will never be accepted or respected, those fields have too much testosterone and thinking involved. Listen to yourself speak.

Homosexuals have time on their hands....

its funny how you pick and choose what to quote.  You should work for FOX news man I swear.  I said in the world of TEAM SPORTS they wont fully be accepted unless the best guy in the league is gay.  Have you ever played on a team at a high level?  Respect and chemistry of the group is very important. 

Its great that you want every person in the world to be equal.  I agree with that but I'm being realistic.  IN TEAM SPORTS it's not likely to happen.

This whole thread you've been calling me names and putting words in my mouth but if you read without your emotions involved you will see that I'm speaking on what society as a whole thinks not my personal opinion.  I'm not hiding behind words or secretly hating homosexuals.  Im just keeping it real.  There's gonna be racist people and there's gonna be people uncomfortable with homosexuality.
You said NEVER....that's a bit of a stretch don't you think? People aren't going to be closed minded to homosexuality forever and yes I have played sports at a high level and would have no problems having a homosexual on my team....not everyone thinks that way. There's nothing more testosterone driven or that requires more cohesiveness than war...and Alexander the Great, an open homosexual lead one of the most successful armies in human history and was well respected.

And no my friend it is YOU that needs to work for fox news, I think on this topic the both of you prolly share similar agendas.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry but homosexuals will never fully be accepted in sports unless the best player in the league was gay. 

I'm sorry but there will never be a black president. I'm sorry but a female surgeon or scientist will never be accepted or respected, those fields have too much testosterone and thinking involved. Listen to yourself speak.

Homosexuals have time on their hands....

its funny how you pick and choose what to quote.  You should work for FOX news man I swear.  I said in the world of TEAM SPORTS they wont fully be accepted unless the best guy in the league is gay.  Have you ever played on a team at a high level?  Respect and chemistry of the group is very important. 

Its great that you want every person in the world to be equal.  I agree with that but I'm being realistic.  IN TEAM SPORTS it's not likely to happen.

This whole thread you've been calling me names and putting words in my mouth but if you read without your emotions involved you will see that I'm speaking on what society as a whole thinks not my personal opinion.  I'm not hiding behind words or secretly hating homosexuals.  Im just keeping it real.  There's gonna be racist people and there's gonna be people uncomfortable with homosexuality.
You said NEVER....that's a bit of a stretch don't you think? People aren't going to be closed minded to homosexuality forever and yes I have played sports at a high level and would have no problems having a homosexual on my team....not everyone thinks that way. There's nothing more testosterone driven or that requires more cohesiveness than war...and Alexander the Great, an open homosexual lead one of the most successful armies in human history and was well respected.

And no my friend it is YOU that needs to work for fox news, I think on this topic the both of you prolly share similar agendas.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I will say for a straight man I say a lot of openly homosexual $#%$ in real life. Some drunk dude I know called me gay, and my response was "yea I suck $#$$". I don't care enough to deny homosexuality, especially in a situation like that where someone makes an assumption.

Whats the point? That sense of humor is sooooooo tired.

tired? you should have seen the look on his face.....with people like that it's all that works, and he was being hostile to everyone else around me so it was appreciated. they thought it was the perfect response. Sarcasm and satire can convey very strong messages, especially when directed at the hard headed.

Clearly it worked better than me simply telling him that no I'm not gay, and you shouldn't use that as an insult to de-masculinize me.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I will say for a straight man I say a lot of openly homosexual $#%$ in real life. Some drunk dude I know called me gay, and my response was "yea I suck $#$$". I don't care enough to deny homosexuality, especially in a situation like that where someone makes an assumption.

Whats the point? That sense of humor is sooooooo tired.

tired? you should have seen the look on his face.....with people like that it's all that works, and he was being hostile to everyone else around me so it was appreciated. they thought it was the perfect response. Sarcasm and satire can convey very strong messages, especially when directed at the hard headed.

Clearly it worked better than me simply telling him that no I'm not gay, and you shouldn't use that as an insult to de-masculinize me.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Why won't they ever be accepted?  What's the logic behind it?

Don't you think people ever said the same *!#* about blacks and competitive sports?
Yea Truth, you can't say NEVER. Never is a long damn time. We as people have a hard time of seeing past the moment. Right now, if the world stayed the way it is right now, then maybe you can say NEVER. But Truth, the world is forever changing. I NEVER thought as a child that I would be seeing white people walking dogs and jogging in my NE DC Neighborhood, but guess what? The world has changed.

So just be careful when you use the word NEVER. Maybe not anytime soon, but even the word soon is arbitrary.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Why won't they ever be accepted?  What's the logic behind it?

Don't you think people ever said the same *!#* about blacks and competitive sports?
Yea Truth, you can't say NEVER. Never is a long damn time. We as people have a hard time of seeing past the moment. Right now, if the world stayed the way it is right now, then maybe you can say NEVER. But Truth, the world is forever changing. I NEVER thought as a child that I would be seeing white people walking dogs and jogging in my NE DC Neighborhood, but guess what? The world has changed.

So just be careful when you use the word NEVER. Maybe not anytime soon, but even the word soon is arbitrary.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry but homosexuals will never fully be accepted in sports unless the best player in the league was gay.  Unless LeBron, D-Wade, Kobe came out the closet then it wouldn't matter.  A gay megastar would command respect but a guy like Steve Blake not so much.

Sports is about masculine energy.  Competition at is core is about being dominant and the best.  Look at the womans game.  "she plays like a guy" is actually a compliment.  That's why homosexuals are accepted in womans sports.  You won't see a chick that's all prissy and cute succeed in the womans game because it takes a certain mindset similar to males.  Even the better looking ones are killers on the court. 

If everybody in the world knows that you submit yourself to men then you won't be respected as much as a heterosexual.  It's like dudes will take you lightly and still think they have an edge over you.  Is it right? No but that's not gonna change.  If you aren't LeBron, Kobe, D-Wade then you are expendable and can be replaced with another player who won't bring that controvesial aura. 

I'm serious man.  Maybe in an individual sport like golf or tennis but never in a team sport.  Does being gay mean you are weak? No but it does mean you submit to a man at night which can be seen as weak when you compete against other men. 

And yes my flame suit is on! pause
You are so ignorant that it's not even funny. You think being a homosexual means you develop womanly traits. You're horribly wrong because what being a homosexual actually means is that you are attracted to men. That's it. You have bought into the stereotype that men who are gay act feminine. You could not be anymore wrong.
Also blacks were slaves and now a black person is the president of this country.
Gays won't be accepted into team sports?
Looks like they have an easier goal to accomplish than blacks.

Imagine going back in time and telling some slave owner that one of his slaves is going to be the president?
Hardy har har right?

In ancient Rome it was socially acceptable for a man to have sex with another man. That is because having sex with men was seen was more masculine since they believed women were weaker than men. I'm sure there are gay males that don't submit themselves but rather pitch the ball.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I'm sorry but homosexuals will never fully be accepted in sports unless the best player in the league was gay.  Unless LeBron, D-Wade, Kobe came out the closet then it wouldn't matter.  A gay megastar would command respect but a guy like Steve Blake not so much.

Sports is about masculine energy.  Competition at is core is about being dominant and the best.  Look at the womans game.  "she plays like a guy" is actually a compliment.  That's why homosexuals are accepted in womans sports.  You won't see a chick that's all prissy and cute succeed in the womans game because it takes a certain mindset similar to males.  Even the better looking ones are killers on the court. 

If everybody in the world knows that you submit yourself to men then you won't be respected as much as a heterosexual.  It's like dudes will take you lightly and still think they have an edge over you.  Is it right? No but that's not gonna change.  If you aren't LeBron, Kobe, D-Wade then you are expendable and can be replaced with another player who won't bring that controvesial aura. 

I'm serious man.  Maybe in an individual sport like golf or tennis but never in a team sport.  Does being gay mean you are weak? No but it does mean you submit to a man at night which can be seen as weak when you compete against other men. 

And yes my flame suit is on! pause
You are so ignorant that it's not even funny. You think being a homosexual means you develop womanly traits. You're horribly wrong because what being a homosexual actually means is that you are attracted to men. That's it. You have bought into the stereotype that men who are gay act feminine. You could not be anymore wrong.
Also blacks were slaves and now a black person is the president of this country.
Gays won't be accepted into team sports?
Looks like they have an easier goal to accomplish than blacks.

Imagine going back in time and telling some slave owner that one of his slaves is going to be the president?
Hardy har har right?

In ancient Rome it was socially acceptable for a man to have sex with another man. That is because having sex with men was seen was more masculine since they believed women were weaker than men. I'm sure there are gay males that don't submit themselves but rather pitch the ball.
Yea Truth, you are my dude and all but do you think the progression of the black man/woman would have been anticipated/predicted during the days of slavery? No I am not directly comparing slavery of blacks to the struggle of gays today. But I am comparing the, "There is no light at the end of the tunnel" mentality to the oppression of both groups.

AGAIN, I am not saying that what gays are facing today is 100% equal to slavery. Don't focus on that, focus on the idea that NEVER is a long time when determining whether or not something will happen.
Yea Truth, you are my dude and all but do you think the progression of the black man/woman would have been anticipated/predicted during the days of slavery? No I am not directly comparing slavery of blacks to the struggle of gays today. But I am comparing the, "There is no light at the end of the tunnel" mentality to the oppression of both groups.

AGAIN, I am not saying that what gays are facing today is 100% equal to slavery. Don't focus on that, focus on the idea that NEVER is a long time when determining whether or not something will happen.
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