Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
Of course you doubt it will happen because we are in a time in which it APPEARS that it will never happen. So you really aren't saying much because, again, during the time of slavery, nobody (at that moment) thought blacks would EVER prosper. So of course it is natural for a human to think that a group of oppressed individuals will never prosper (or anytime soon).

Again, I am not comparing gay oppression to racial oppression. Look past that point please because you seen to be stuck on that when you say, "Don't compare this to the black struggle."

I understand all of your points about Sports being a Testosterone driven world, but guess what, that is still addressing what it CURRENTLY IS. The present. Which nobody is arguing. If the world stays the same, which history has proven it never has, then maybe gays will NEVER be accepted. But guess what? The world doesn't stay the same, so I don't see how it is an educated guess to believe that gays will never be accepted in the sports world.

You are focusing too much of your argument on applying the rules of TODAY with the rules of what will be. Which is not the way the world traditionally works.
Of course you doubt it will happen because we are in a time in which it APPEARS that it will never happen. So you really aren't saying much because, again, during the time of slavery, nobody (at that moment) thought blacks would EVER prosper. So of course it is natural for a human to think that a group of oppressed individuals will never prosper (or anytime soon).

Again, I am not comparing gay oppression to racial oppression. Look past that point please because you seen to be stuck on that when you say, "Don't compare this to the black struggle."

I understand all of your points about Sports being a Testosterone driven world, but guess what, that is still addressing what it CURRENTLY IS. The present. Which nobody is arguing. If the world stays the same, which history has proven it never has, then maybe gays will NEVER be accepted. But guess what? The world doesn't stay the same, so I don't see how it is an educated guess to believe that gays will never be accepted in the sports world.

You are focusing too much of your argument on applying the rules of TODAY with the rules of what will be. Which is not the way the world traditionally works.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
lol because everyone that has religious beliefs is a bloody homophobe. Mormonism used to not allow black people into their church because they were subhuman-if you asked a mormon back then if it would ever happen, blacks and whites in the same congregation and attending the same school they would say their religion will never allow them to accept it.

No one can predict the future, but people change, cultures and ideologies change drastically. There are periods of time in history and societies were homosexuality was fully accepted, read a book.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
lol because everyone that has religious beliefs is a bloody homophobe. Mormonism used to not allow black people into their church because they were subhuman-if you asked a mormon back then if it would ever happen, blacks and whites in the same congregation and attending the same school they would say their religion will never allow them to accept it.

No one can predict the future, but people change, cultures and ideologies change drastically. There are periods of time in history and societies were homosexuality was fully accepted, read a book.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
What is so "alpha" about "team" sports anyways? You have to rely on each other that's not very alpha. Hell look at wrestling that sport is way more alpha since it's 1v1. Man vs. man. How defeated would a wrestler be if he lost to a gay dude and the dude that won walks off into the sunset kissing his man?

I'll keep comparing what needs to be compared to the black struggle because the ignorance conveyed in both are very similar.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
What is so "alpha" about "team" sports anyways? You have to rely on each other that's not very alpha. Hell look at wrestling that sport is way more alpha since it's 1v1. Man vs. man. How defeated would a wrestler be if he lost to a gay dude and the dude that won walks off into the sunset kissing his man?

I'll keep comparing what needs to be compared to the black struggle because the ignorance conveyed in both are very similar.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
What is so "alpha" about "team" sports anyways? You have to rely on each other that's not very alpha. Hell look at wrestling that sport is way more alpha since it's 1v1. Man vs. man. How defeated would a wrestler be if he lost to a gay dude and the dude that won walks off into the sunset kissing his man?

I'll keep comparing what needs to be compared to the black struggle because the ignorance conveyed in both are very similar.

Just in case dude missed it, cause he keeps bringing this stupidity up.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
What is so "alpha" about "team" sports anyways? You have to rely on each other that's not very alpha. Hell look at wrestling that sport is way more alpha since it's 1v1. Man vs. man. How defeated would a wrestler be if he lost to a gay dude and the dude that won walks off into the sunset kissing his man?

I'll keep comparing what needs to be compared to the black struggle because the ignorance conveyed in both are very similar.

Just in case dude missed it, cause he keeps bringing this stupidity up.
Originally Posted by BK201

You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
Very good point.
Originally Posted by BK201

You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
Very good point.
lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...

 If I had a friend that was going and he invited me, I wouldn't have a problem taking my son. A gay parade is not going to turn my son gay. If he turns gay, he was gay to begin with.

Not every parent with a gay child is ignorant. I'll just leave that there.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...

 If I had a friend that was going and he invited me, I wouldn't have a problem taking my son. A gay parade is not going to turn my son gay. If he turns gay, he was gay to begin with.

Not every parent with a gay child is ignorant. I'll just leave that there.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
Are you being serious right now? Honestly I would like to know?

Let me make a comparison of ignorance in your question to the ignorance of a question back in the day.

lets keep it a hundred in here, no here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to go to school with african amerians"

would ya take your children to da million man march in washington? serious question...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
Are you being serious right now? Honestly I would like to know?

Let me make a comparison of ignorance in your question to the ignorance of a question back in the day.

lets keep it a hundred in here, no here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to go to school with african amerians"

would ya take your children to da million man march in washington? serious question...
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
Are you being serious right now? Honestly I would like to know?

Let me make a comparison of ignorance in your question to the ignorance of a question back in the day.

lets keep it a hundred in here, no here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to go to school with african amerians"

would ya take your children to da million man march in washington? serious question...
True story, I suspect people had these convos back in the day.

A woman voting? That's ridiculous
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
Are you being serious right now? Honestly I would like to know?

Let me make a comparison of ignorance in your question to the ignorance of a question back in the day.

lets keep it a hundred in here, no here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to go to school with african amerians"

would ya take your children to da million man march in washington? serious question...
True story, I suspect people had these convos back in the day.

A woman voting? That's ridiculous
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
I don't think you're the bad guy, I just think your comments are ignorant.  I guarantee you that if a player was opening gay and has the skills to be in the league that they would not be blackballed.  So you think if some kid could make 60% of his 3's or Kyle Korver was gay that he wouldn't be playing in the league?  You know damn well LeBron and Kobe would go to the owners and say "I don't give a ^$%& he's gay.  I want him on the team."

If I was the owner of say the GSW, LAL or LAC.  I would sign a gay player without hesitation.  I'm in a city with a huge gay population and all I would see is praise, $$, and more $$$.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

ok so anything is possible and never say "never" i get that. I mean maybe in 2089 gays will be "fully accepted" but I doubt it. The question is what turn of events will cause this revolution to accept homosexuals in team sports mainly basketball. Theres a better chance of a offensive lineman or kicker being accepted than a NBA player.

Unless top 5 player in the league comes out the closet it won't happen. Who knows maybe Blake Griffin will come out and change everything next year. But any business yes NBA teams are a business is going to distance itself from that. Do you guys think that the gay population is going to increase? Do you think that owners, GMs, coaches will be gay too? For something like that to fully accepted means that % of those people will be in the league.

If you guys wanna call me the bad guy then go ahead but I know for a fact that if a dude that was a non-star came out he would get blackballed. No teams would touch him. Even in 2089 kissing another man will weird and different. What % of the population is gay anyways? Take that small % and add in the % of guys how make the league. I'm not sure outta 450 guys more than 2 will be gay.

Lets be serious if you are gay your mentality and stuff you are drawn to will be different. I just don't see gay guys playing years of AAU, playing D-1, then making the league. It could happen but it doesn't. Sports is about being an alpha male and that will never change. Being a homosexual will cause controversy and that will never change. If you are a athlete then you know what I mean. I wouldn't personally have a problem with it as long as he helps me win, but I don't think an organization is prepared to see one of their players holding hands and kissing other men. Plus alot of people have religious beliefs that will never allow them to accept it.

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
I don't think you're the bad guy, I just think your comments are ignorant.  I guarantee you that if a player was opening gay and has the skills to be in the league that they would not be blackballed.  So you think if some kid could make 60% of his 3's or Kyle Korver was gay that he wouldn't be playing in the league?  You know damn well LeBron and Kobe would go to the owners and say "I don't give a ^$%& he's gay.  I want him on the team."

If I was the owner of say the GSW, LAL or LAC.  I would sign a gay player without hesitation.  I'm in a city with a huge gay population and all I would see is praise, $$, and more $$$.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by ninjahood

lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to let a man duke u in da butt" 

would ya take your children to da pride parade in NY? serious question...
Are you being serious right now? Honestly I would like to know?

Let me make a comparison of ignorance in your question to the ignorance of a question back in the day.

lets keep it a hundred in here, no here is gonna tell they sons "sure lil man, its perfectly normal to go to school with african amerians"

would ya take your children to da million man march in washington? serious question...
because being black = being gay

Don't compare this to the black struggle.
ya talking this hotmess right now damn well knowing they NEVER gonna equate homosexual relations are equal to heterosexual

da male %$!% was never made to get duked upon b...
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