Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Truth, this is my point.

We do not know what will be accepted in the future.

Keyword, future.

The only thing we can say, is compare this minority's struggle to the struggle of another minority. We are comparing the rise from ultra oppression, to not being ultra oppressed.

Nobody implied that it will ever be EQUAL.

But we are simply saying that saying it will NEVER be accepted doesn't really make sense when you look at other comparable situations.

PS: I am not saying that gays are enduring, now, what blacks endured during slavery.

Hope you understand my approach.
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

I do think gay rights is similar to that of African Americans. Its both about civil rights as humans. I think its safe to say that Lady Gaga is the gay martin luther king. And Kanye is the gay Malcom X
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BK201

You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
Very good point.

is it a good point? 

We all know the best players and most athletes display the most macho behavior on the court/field.  Don't nitpick at off the court antics.  Look at Chris Bosh...he's the butt of jokes because of his behavior.  So in the eyes of the public and competition he is weaker.  Dude is married or about to be and he still gets called gay. 

If you guys wanna argue about 2089 then go ahead but even then a small percentage of people will be gay.  And an even smaller percentage of those gays will make the NBA.  So 2 or 3 athletes will not change a culture.  Sorry.

Do you guys know what it takes to make the NBA?  Teams will ask dude straight up during the draft process if he's gay.  How many GM's are gonna do it?  Alot of reaching and "we are the world" talk in here.  DC you damn well the culture of AAU, college, and NBA basketball.  Kobe was an outcast for not going to clubs back in the day.  You telling me this guy is gonna have teamates go to a gay club with him?  Naw...

Plus dudes change and shower around each other.....c'mon son.  Dudes don't wanna feel uncomfortable not saying he wants anybody on the team but in the other players minds they can't be sure.  Do you think Nancy Lieberman coach of a d-league team is around when dudes change and shower? No i doubt

Well we're hoping by 2089 and even further generations people are less homophobic so even that small minority of gay players would feel comfortable. I'm not hoping the athletes change the culture, I'm hoping the culture changes in the general public so that generation of athletes would be ok with having one or two gay team mates. I wonder what it was like the first time blacks and whites participated in team sports or sure there was a little bit of tension there. You know I'm sure those first few black players that made it onto a predominantly white team had it rough.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BK201

You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
Very good point.

is it a good point? 

We all know the best players and most athletes display the most macho behavior on the court/field.  Don't nitpick at off the court antics.  Look at Chris Bosh...he's the butt of jokes because of his behavior.  So in the eyes of the public and competition he is weaker.  Dude is married or about to be and he still gets called gay. 

If you guys wanna argue about 2089 then go ahead but even then a small percentage of people will be gay.  And an even smaller percentage of those gays will make the NBA.  So 2 or 3 athletes will not change a culture.  Sorry.

Do you guys know what it takes to make the NBA?  Teams will ask dude straight up during the draft process if he's gay.  How many GM's are gonna do it?  Alot of reaching and "we are the world" talk in here.  DC you damn well the culture of AAU, college, and NBA basketball.  Kobe was an outcast for not going to clubs back in the day.  You telling me this guy is gonna have teamates go to a gay club with him?  Naw...

Plus dudes change and shower around each other.....c'mon son.  Dudes don't wanna feel uncomfortable not saying he wants anybody on the team but in the other players minds they can't be sure.  Do you think Nancy Lieberman coach of a d-league team is around when dudes change and shower? No i doubt

Well we're hoping by 2089 and even further generations people are less homophobic so even that small minority of gay players would feel comfortable. I'm not hoping the athletes change the culture, I'm hoping the culture changes in the general public so that generation of athletes would be ok with having one or two gay team mates. I wonder what it was like the first time blacks and whites participated in team sports or sure there was a little bit of tension there. You know I'm sure those first few black players that made it onto a predominantly white team had it rough.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BK201

You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
Very good point.

is it a good point? 

We all know the best players and most athletes display the most macho behavior on the court/field.  Don't nitpick at off the court antics.  Look at Chris Bosh...he's the butt of jokes because of his behavior.  So in the eyes of the public and competition he is weaker.  Dude is married or about to be and he still gets called gay. 

If you guys wanna argue about 2089 then go ahead but even then a small percentage of people will be gay.  And an even smaller percentage of those gays will make the NBA.  So 2 or 3 athletes will not change a culture.  Sorry.

Do you guys know what it takes to make the NBA?  Teams will ask dude straight up during the draft process if he's gay.  How many GM's are gonna do it?  Alot of reaching and "we are the world" talk in here.  DC you damn well the culture of AAU, college, and NBA basketball.  Kobe was an outcast for not going to clubs back in the day.  You telling me this guy is gonna have teamates go to a gay club with him?  Naw...

Plus dudes change and shower around each other.....c'mon son.  Dudes don't wanna feel uncomfortable not saying he wants anybody on the team but in the other players minds they can't be sure.  Do you think Nancy Lieberman coach of a d-league team is around when dudes change and shower? No i doubt
Why not? Didn't you just say you have to be alpha to compete in the NBA? Why aren't these players alpha off the court as they are on the court?  Or is their alphaness on the court a facade?

You can't predict the future so stop making such ridiculous claims.
As more and more information gets spread around through the internet more and more people will realize that homosexuality really isn't bad at all.
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

I think have this thread open is a good idea because I think homophobia needs to be discussed. You see ayo(that's gay) thrown around in almost every thread so I think discussing issues about gays is good. Maybe those tolerant of gays can shed light to those that are willing to listen and really think about what it's like to see life through a different perspective other then their own.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.
Why? You act as if being gay is a bad as being a porn star.
I swear if I ever get rich I'll make a movie making a satire of homosexuality. Where everybody is gay and the protagonist has to come out to his family and announce that he is straight.

Starring anton.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.
you really think someone chooses their sexual preference? 
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BK201

You keep spouting this alpha male nonsense but what is so alpha about these players?  Look at Lebron he's in one of the ayo gifs NT likes to use all the time. Kobe's doing photoshoots of himself dressed as Xerxes from 300. Shaq's making videos of himself in a wig singing to Beyonce and you're over hear talking about gays can't be accepted because of the controversy?
Very good point.

is it a good point? 

We all know the best players and most athletes display the most macho behavior on the court/field.  Don't nitpick at off the court antics.  Look at Chris Bosh...he's the butt of jokes because of his behavior.  So in the eyes of the public and competition he is weaker.  Dude is married or about to be and he still gets called gay. 

If you guys wanna argue about 2089 then go ahead but even then a small percentage of people will be gay.  And an even smaller percentage of those gays will make the NBA.  So 2 or 3 athletes will not change a culture.  Sorry.

Do you guys know what it takes to make the NBA?  Teams will ask dude straight up during the draft process if he's gay.  How many GM's are gonna do it?  Alot of reaching and "we are the world" talk in here.  DC you damn well the culture of AAU, college, and NBA basketball.  Kobe was an outcast for not going to clubs back in the day.  You telling me this guy is gonna have teamates go to a gay club with him?  Naw...

Plus dudes change and shower around each other.....c'mon son.  Dudes don't wanna feel uncomfortable not saying he wants anybody on the team but in the other players minds they can't be sure.  Do you think Nancy Lieberman coach of a d-league team is around when dudes change and shower? No i doubt
Why not? Didn't you just say you have to be alpha to compete in the NBA? Why aren't these players alpha off the court as they are on the court?  Or is their alphaness on the court a facade?

You can't predict the future so stop making such ridiculous claims.
As more and more information gets spread around through the internet more and more people will realize that homosexuality really isn't bad at all.
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

I think have this thread open is a good idea because I think homophobia needs to be discussed. You see ayo(that's gay) thrown around in almost every thread so I think discussing issues about gays is good. Maybe those tolerant of gays can shed light to those that are willing to listen and really think about what it's like to see life through a different perspective other then their own.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.
Why? You act as if being gay is a bad as being a porn star.
I swear if I ever get rich I'll make a movie making a satire of homosexuality. Where everybody is gay and the protagonist has to come out to his family and announce that he is straight.

Starring anton.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.
you really think someone chooses their sexual preference? 
Anton, you and your team are DOING WAYYYYY TOOO MUCH, to scream homophobia

and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.
Anton, you and your team are DOING WAYYYYY TOOO MUCH, to scream homophobia

and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.

God loves everyone right? So you think he will stop loving your kid if he is a butt bandit? I don't think so. Don't you love God?

Lol @ you lookin for sympathy of homosexuality in da bible.
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Losing a lot of respect for Ninjahood right now.

Cause e-respect is wassap nowadays. 

I'll be damned if my kid goes gay. People want to say "ill be proud of my kid, blah blah even if he is gay." I know there will be some disappointment there. Cmon son. I'll love my kid unconditionally, cause thats my kid but I will be highly disappointed if thats the life he wishes to choose.

God loves everyone right? So you think he will stop loving your kid if he is a butt bandit? I don't think so. Don't you love God?

Lol @ you lookin for sympathy of homosexuality in da bible.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Anton, you and your team are DOING WAYYYYY TOOO MUCH, to scream homophobia

and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.

Im not looking for friends I have enough friends. people who have a problem with me comparing it to the civil rights movement have a problem with homosexuality to begin with.

I'm not going to humor ignorance to appease others, it's not my style.

LOL @ Da bible.....but at the core of Christian beliefs is acceptance and love, people choose to ignore that and focus on the negative.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Anton, you and your team are DOING WAYYYYY TOOO MUCH, to scream homophobia

and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.

Im not looking for friends I have enough friends. people who have a problem with me comparing it to the civil rights movement have a problem with homosexuality to begin with.

I'm not going to humor ignorance to appease others, it's not my style.

LOL @ Da bible.....but at the core of Christian beliefs is acceptance and love, people choose to ignore that and focus on the negative.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

good #$$%@ question.....waits for an answer.

Same dudes hating homosexuals based on the bible are prolly the same ones smashing a different girl every week or cheating on their significant others. Let he who is without sin........
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

good #$$%@ question.....waits for an answer.

Same dudes hating homosexuals based on the bible are prolly the same ones smashing a different girl every week or cheating on their significant others. Let he who is without sin........
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