Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.

Can someone provide cliffs of what is going on in here?
I thought god was all forgiving? Why would he/she judge you? I don't get it. 
People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.
People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.
Originally Posted by scshift

To everyone in here saying they'd tell their children it's alright to act/dress like a female, do you have children? I'm not calling anyone out, but I'm trying to say that it's easy to say you'd do something right now and that when the time comes things get different. You might realize that you don't want him to be roasted every day at school or whatever, but for everyone defending gay behavior, just remember that it's easy to talk when you're not in a position of responsibility.

Me personally, I don't even get why anyone's arguing. You really think people are going to change their viewpoints on a topic this hot over what someone told them to do over an online message board? People die for this stuff, no one's changing or budging one bit cause someone else told them over the internet that so and so was right and so and so was wrong.

I got nothing against gays. I live in a wicked liberal town and to be honest, I don't care one bit, cause most of them are low-key and unassuming. People have told me other kids were gay and I was like "no damn way". The flamboyant ones do annoy me though, but it's cause they're annoying. I won't tell my kid what's right and wrong, I'll leave that for him to decide... but in all honesty, I don't want any kids anyways
I don't have children. But I will damn sure be telling them that homosexuality is okay. I'm not going to let ignorance thrive just because lazy parents that don't want to spit knowledge to their kids.

Hell yeah I do. When I first became a NTer I was spouting out ayo at every suspect comment I saw. Insulting other members by using the oh so hilarious "your sexuality is under investigation" but soon I realized what I was actually doing which was spreading ignorance. After realizing that my petty insults were actually doing more harm than good I stopped using any homosexual insults I had learned. Why is it going to be any different if I say what I'm saying face to face? Either my words get in or they don't.
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

I think have this thread open is a good idea because I think homophobia needs to be discussed. You see ayo(that's gay) thrown around in almost every thread so I think discussing issues about gays is good. Maybe those tolerant of gays can shed light to those that are willing to listen and really think about what it's like to see life through a different perspective other then their own. 

If NT had a thread about why it is or isn't okay to be black (on some other racial minority), this thread would be locked in an instant.  There are some people here who are making sincere and genuine attempts to educate the NT community, and are being responded to with homophobia, ignorance, and heteronormativity.  If Ninjahood asked the following question, this thread would be a wrap:

"lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell you "sure, its perfectly normal to [be a racial minority]"  
  would ya take your children to [insert racial minority] pride parade in NY? serious question..."

Okay now I see your point and I agree this thread would be locked if it followed the same pattern as you described. But I still think this thread should stay open for the sake of appeasing NT's homophobia just a LITTLE bit.
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.

No one is hating on ninjahood. He's just spouting out ridiculous circumstances because he doesn't want to see the bigger picture. I mean this dude types da on purpose. You can already tell he's reading these comments with two eyes closed.
Originally Posted by scshift

To everyone in here saying they'd tell their children it's alright to act/dress like a female, do you have children? I'm not calling anyone out, but I'm trying to say that it's easy to say you'd do something right now and that when the time comes things get different. You might realize that you don't want him to be roasted every day at school or whatever, but for everyone defending gay behavior, just remember that it's easy to talk when you're not in a position of responsibility.

Me personally, I don't even get why anyone's arguing. You really think people are going to change their viewpoints on a topic this hot over what someone told them to do over an online message board? People die for this stuff, no one's changing or budging one bit cause someone else told them over the internet that so and so was right and so and so was wrong.

I got nothing against gays. I live in a wicked liberal town and to be honest, I don't care one bit, cause most of them are low-key and unassuming. People have told me other kids were gay and I was like "no damn way". The flamboyant ones do annoy me though, but it's cause they're annoying. I won't tell my kid what's right and wrong, I'll leave that for him to decide... but in all honesty, I don't want any kids anyways
I don't have children. But I will damn sure be telling them that homosexuality is okay. I'm not going to let ignorance thrive just because lazy parents that don't want to spit knowledge to their kids.

Hell yeah I do. When I first became a NTer I was spouting out ayo at every suspect comment I saw. Insulting other members by using the oh so hilarious "your sexuality is under investigation" but soon I realized what I was actually doing which was spreading ignorance. After realizing that my petty insults were actually doing more harm than good I stopped using any homosexual insults I had learned. Why is it going to be any different if I say what I'm saying face to face? Either my words get in or they don't.
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

I think have this thread open is a good idea because I think homophobia needs to be discussed. You see ayo(that's gay) thrown around in almost every thread so I think discussing issues about gays is good. Maybe those tolerant of gays can shed light to those that are willing to listen and really think about what it's like to see life through a different perspective other then their own. 

If NT had a thread about why it is or isn't okay to be black (on some other racial minority), this thread would be locked in an instant.  There are some people here who are making sincere and genuine attempts to educate the NT community, and are being responded to with homophobia, ignorance, and heteronormativity.  If Ninjahood asked the following question, this thread would be a wrap:

"lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell you "sure, its perfectly normal to [be a racial minority]"  
  would ya take your children to [insert racial minority] pride parade in NY? serious question..."

Okay now I see your point and I agree this thread would be locked if it followed the same pattern as you described. But I still think this thread should stay open for the sake of appeasing NT's homophobia just a LITTLE bit.
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.

No one is hating on ninjahood. He's just spouting out ridiculous circumstances because he doesn't want to see the bigger picture. I mean this dude types da on purpose. You can already tell he's reading these comments with two eyes closed.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

the openess by which some members here openly express their disdain and hate of homosexuals on this site starts by the example set forth by the mods and admins

it's a total double standard - as if there's some pecking order with the least amount of weight attributed to gay bashing because that's what this thread basically is

it's an embarrassment

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

the openess by which some members here openly express their disdain and hate of homosexuals on this site starts by the example set forth by the mods and admins

it's a total double standard - as if there's some pecking order with the least amount of weight attributed to gay bashing because that's what this thread basically is

it's an embarrassment
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.
Easier of the targets maybe. I would rather see them focus more on premarital sex as a whole though. Some guy was in the news recently I think for having hiv and spreading it without telling anyone.

I would say Premarital sex is a bigger concern than the others mentioned. Some many kids out there putting early road blocks in front of themselves because of unplanned pregnancies, STI's and the other effects sex can have on people. Especially young people.

All that you mentioned are important though.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.
Easier of the targets maybe. I would rather see them focus more on premarital sex as a whole though. Some guy was in the news recently I think for having hiv and spreading it without telling anyone.

I would say Premarital sex is a bigger concern than the others mentioned. Some many kids out there putting early road blocks in front of themselves because of unplanned pregnancies, STI's and the other effects sex can have on people. Especially young people.

All that you mentioned are important though.
My only qualm in this thread is that some people really think it's okay to denounce gays because they don't agree with their lifestyle one way or another.

My question to the people that think this is why do you deserve rights that gays don't get upheld?

I think this will say alot about NTers that disagree with homosexuality.

*goes back to lurking*
My only qualm in this thread is that some people really think it's okay to denounce gays because they don't agree with their lifestyle one way or another.

My question to the people that think this is why do you deserve rights that gays don't get upheld?

I think this will say alot about NTers that disagree with homosexuality.

*goes back to lurking*
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.
Easier of the targets maybe. I would rather see them focus more on premarital sex as a whole though. Some guy was in the news recently I think for having hiv and spreading it without telling anyone.

I would say Premarital sex is a bigger concern than the others mentioned. Some many kids out there putting early road blocks in front of themselves because of unplanned pregnancies, STI's and the other effects sex can have on people. Especially young people.

All that you mentioned are important though.
Well, ironically a lot of very religious cultures that stress the evils of premarital sex have very high rates of STIs unplanned pregnancies etc....those things correlate more with education and economy than religion. Countries that are non-religious, but more educated and wealthier and MORE PROMISCUOUS/sexually liberal have lower rates of STDs and unplanned pregnancies.

It's a very complicated topic....but religion is barely a deterrent to engaging in high risk behaviors.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.
Easier of the targets maybe. I would rather see them focus more on premarital sex as a whole though. Some guy was in the news recently I think for having hiv and spreading it without telling anyone.

I would say Premarital sex is a bigger concern than the others mentioned. Some many kids out there putting early road blocks in front of themselves because of unplanned pregnancies, STI's and the other effects sex can have on people. Especially young people.

All that you mentioned are important though.
Well, ironically a lot of very religious cultures that stress the evils of premarital sex have very high rates of STIs unplanned pregnancies etc....those things correlate more with education and economy than religion. Countries that are non-religious, but more educated and wealthier and MORE PROMISCUOUS/sexually liberal have lower rates of STDs and unplanned pregnancies.

It's a very complicated topic....but religion is barely a deterrent to engaging in high risk behaviors.
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.

So then whats the point of telling them that gays are wrong if your gonna tell them its right? Like do you understand your not making any sense.
Where did I say its right? I said judge ppl by their character.
My whole point is that I agree with Ninjahood in the regard that I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that when it comes to teaching my children about the birds and the bees I'm going to preach the pros and cons of heterosexuality vs homosexuality. I'm going to teach what happens between a man and a woman exclusively and that I do not believe it to be natural for two men to lay together. But in addition to that I going to teach my children to respect everyone else's choices and to accept ppl regardless of sexual preference. If a child of mine happens to be gay I will accept him for who he is as a person, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with his sexual preference. 
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.

So then whats the point of telling them that gays are wrong if your gonna tell them its right? Like do you understand your not making any sense.
Where did I say its right? I said judge ppl by their character.
My whole point is that I agree with Ninjahood in the regard that I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that when it comes to teaching my children about the birds and the bees I'm going to preach the pros and cons of heterosexuality vs homosexuality. I'm going to teach what happens between a man and a woman exclusively and that I do not believe it to be natural for two men to lay together. But in addition to that I going to teach my children to respect everyone else's choices and to accept ppl regardless of sexual preference. If a child of mine happens to be gay I will accept him for who he is as a person, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with his sexual preference. 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
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