Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.

Can someone provide cliffs of what is going on in here?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.

Can someone provide cliffs of what is going on in here?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.
I believe you do what you want to do. I don't believe that god would judge gay people considering that he gave people feelings and emotions. Therefore these acts were inevitable. 
I believe you do what you want to do. I don't believe that god would judge gay people considering that he gave people feelings and emotions. Therefore these acts were inevitable. 
To everyone in here saying they'd tell their children it's alright to act/dress like a female, do you have children? I'm not calling anyone out, but I'm trying to say that it's easy to say you'd do something right now and that when the time comes things get different. You might realize that you don't want him to be roasted every day at school or whatever, but for everyone defending gay behavior, just remember that it's easy to talk when you're not in a position of responsibility.

Me personally, I don't even get why anyone's arguing. You really think people are going to change their viewpoints on a topic this hot over what someone told them to do over an online message board? People die for this stuff, no one's changing or budging one bit cause someone else told them over the internet that so and so was right and so and so was wrong.

I got nothing against gays. I live in a wicked liberal town and to be honest, I don't care one bit, cause most of them are low-key and unassuming. People have told me other kids were gay and I was like "no damn way". The flamboyant ones do annoy me though, but it's cause they're annoying. I won't tell my kid what's right and wrong, I'll leave that for him to decide... but in all honesty, I don't want any kids anyways
To everyone in here saying they'd tell their children it's alright to act/dress like a female, do you have children? I'm not calling anyone out, but I'm trying to say that it's easy to say you'd do something right now and that when the time comes things get different. You might realize that you don't want him to be roasted every day at school or whatever, but for everyone defending gay behavior, just remember that it's easy to talk when you're not in a position of responsibility.

Me personally, I don't even get why anyone's arguing. You really think people are going to change their viewpoints on a topic this hot over what someone told them to do over an online message board? People die for this stuff, no one's changing or budging one bit cause someone else told them over the internet that so and so was right and so and so was wrong.

I got nothing against gays. I live in a wicked liberal town and to be honest, I don't care one bit, cause most of them are low-key and unassuming. People have told me other kids were gay and I was like "no damn way". The flamboyant ones do annoy me though, but it's cause they're annoying. I won't tell my kid what's right and wrong, I'll leave that for him to decide... but in all honesty, I don't want any kids anyways
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.

Can someone provide cliffs of what is going on in here?

Intolerant people(stuck in the past) vs. tolerant people(moving past social constructs) IP=Intolerant people TP=Tolerant People
TP:What Kobe said indirectly offends the gay community.
IP:Doesn't matter it was at the heat of the moment. Not that serious.
TP:What he did was wrong.
IP: I say gay all the time. I don't mean it so it's okay if I use it.
TP: Compares nword to gay slurs
IP: You can't do that it's not the same thing.
IP:Blacks suffered more so gays' struggles should be put in a separate lane.
TP: Injustice is injustice. Are we going to make a level of who suffered the most depending upon race, sexual orientation, etc?
IP:Being gay isn't normal.
TP:What is normal?
IP:u gonna tll ya sons duke dat he cane stick his penis in other mans but hole?
TP:No I would explain to my son that what they do makes them happy so don't judge them because they are different.
IP:you frontin
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.

How is homosexuality wrong? Because you don't like it? Because the bible says so?
If you're not going to judge them for being gay then why are you going to be telling your children that it is wrong in the first place? Sounds backwards to me.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.

Can someone provide cliffs of what is going on in here?

Intolerant people(stuck in the past) vs. tolerant people(moving past social constructs) IP=Intolerant people TP=Tolerant People
TP:What Kobe said indirectly offends the gay community.
IP:Doesn't matter it was at the heat of the moment. Not that serious.
TP:What he did was wrong.
IP: I say gay all the time. I don't mean it so it's okay if I use it.
TP: Compares nword to gay slurs
IP: You can't do that it's not the same thing.
IP:Blacks suffered more so gays' struggles should be put in a separate lane.
TP: Injustice is injustice. Are we going to make a level of who suffered the most depending upon race, sexual orientation, etc?
IP:Being gay isn't normal.
TP:What is normal?
IP:u gonna tll ya sons duke dat he cane stick his penis in other mans but hole?
TP:No I would explain to my son that what they do makes them happy so don't judge them because they are different.
IP:you frontin
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.

How is homosexuality wrong? Because you don't like it? Because the bible says so?
If you're not going to judge them for being gay then why are you going to be telling your children that it is wrong in the first place? Sounds backwards to me.
I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

I think have this thread open is a good idea because I think homophobia needs to be discussed. You see ayo(that's gay) thrown around in almost every thread so I think discussing issues about gays is good. Maybe those tolerant of gays can shed light to those that are willing to listen and really think about what it's like to see life through a different perspective other then their own. 

If NT had a thread about why it is or isn't okay to be black (on some other racial minority), this thread would be locked in an instant.  There are some people here who are making sincere and genuine attempts to educate the NT community, and are being responded to with homophobia, ignorance, and heteronormativity.  If Ninjahood asked the following question, this thread would be a wrap:

"lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell you "sure, its perfectly normal to [be a racial minority]"  
  would ya take your children to [insert racial minority] pride parade in NY? serious question..."

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.

Not only is homosexuality and homosexual sodomy a civil right, it is a fundamental right in the United States since 2003.  There's no doubt that the Black struggle in America is certainly much worse than that of the LGBT community, but at the root of it, it's come at the hands of a majority population who is fearful of or thinks it's wrong that other people are different than they are.  
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.

We as humans and members of society have our own biases. A lot of stuff is socially and culturally constructed.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.
So why does "Da Church" bash homosexuality more than pre marital sex. Or drinking booze, or smoking cigs.

And don't play dumb and say you don't see that.

We as humans and members of society have our own biases. A lot of stuff is socially and culturally constructed.

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

I think have this thread open is a good idea because I think homophobia needs to be discussed. You see ayo(that's gay) thrown around in almost every thread so I think discussing issues about gays is good. Maybe those tolerant of gays can shed light to those that are willing to listen and really think about what it's like to see life through a different perspective other then their own. 

If NT had a thread about why it is or isn't okay to be black (on some other racial minority), this thread would be locked in an instant.  There are some people here who are making sincere and genuine attempts to educate the NT community, and are being responded to with homophobia, ignorance, and heteronormativity.  If Ninjahood asked the following question, this thread would be a wrap:

"lets keep it a hundred in here, no one here is gonna tell you "sure, its perfectly normal to [be a racial minority]"  
  would ya take your children to [insert racial minority] pride parade in NY? serious question..."

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.

Not only is homosexuality and homosexual sodomy a civil right, it is a fundamental right in the United States since 2003.  There's no doubt that the Black struggle in America is certainly much worse than that of the LGBT community, but at the root of it, it's come at the hands of a majority population who is fearful of or thinks it's wrong that other people are different than they are.  
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.
ok, didn't say otherwise, just saying it's not the key issue,
and all you're doing by reaching in that direction is being heard less.
Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

ThunderChunk69 wrote:
and you're not making any friends comparing it to the civil rights movement.
ok, didn't say otherwise, just saying it's not the key issue,
and all you're doing by reaching in that direction is being heard less.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So for you bible dudes, is being gay worse than premarital sex?

Sin is pretty much sin. We'll all be judged accordingly.

Can someone provide cliffs of what is going on in here?
I thought god was all forgiving? Why would he/she judge you? I don't get it. 
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