Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
what the hell

i can't even
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

I'm definitely going to teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. But I'm also going to teach them to live and let live. It's not our place to judge others or how they live their lives and sexual preference should not weigh heavier then someone's character. They will know that it's not ok to treat people differently because of their sexual preference.
pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
what the hell

i can't even
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

the openess by which some members here openly express their disdain and hate of homosexuals on this site starts by the example set forth by the mods and admins

it's a total double standard - as if there's some pecking order with the least amount of weight attributed to gay bashing because that's what this thread basically is

it's an embarrassment
I don't know what in da lawds name is happening in this thread, but did any of ya'll hit the report button?
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by ThEPoiNTGoD

Where are the moderators in this thread?  Why haven't people been banned or warned or this thread been locked?  
Come on Methodman, you're throwing your weight around in the thread about people trolling with the didn't read gifs, yet you allow some of this flagrant homophobia on NT?

the openess by which some members here openly express their disdain and hate of homosexuals on this site starts by the example set forth by the mods and admins

it's a total double standard - as if there's some pecking order with the least amount of weight attributed to gay bashing because that's what this thread basically is

it's an embarrassment
I don't know what in da lawds name is happening in this thread, but did any of ya'll hit the report button?
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Even if I concede that point, what about the people who are born gay? 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Even if I concede that point, what about the people who are born gay? 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Even if I concede that point, what about the people who are born gay? 
Show me one study that conclusively states as much. All the ones I've seen have either been refuted or are refutable. We can argue nature vs. nurture all day and get nowhere.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

This issue isn't analgous to being pro choice/life at all. Honestly dude, you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce if your'e going to teach your children to be ignorant. What is the point of telling them being gay is wrong when scientific evidence has said its not a choice? You're not programmed as a human to either be pro choice or pro life...the same can't be said for being gay. 
Like honestly, where were you during biology class? College biology? Psychology? Sociology? It seems the only people that actually think like you are uneducated GED rockin dudes who never went to college or just slept through their entire education.
Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Even if I concede that point, what about the people who are born gay? 
Show me one study that conclusively states as much. All the ones I've seen have either been refuted or are refutable. We can argue nature vs. nurture all day and get nowhere.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
what the hell

i can't even

Let me help you:
It's quite possible for an individual to be pro-choice in their heart of hearts, yet still support a woman's right to choose in relation to public policy as it effects society in general... individual's personal belief regarding abortion can still be held without infringing upon a woman's right to chose or interfering with the ease of her having an abortion.

That wasn't so hard to grasp now was it?
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

pretty hypocritical.

can't have it both ways where you think it's so wrong that you're "definitely" going to pass on your negative views about homosexuality to your children while lying to yourself that you're not judging homosexuals.

it's ridiculously insincere at best, if not completely illogical.
There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
what the hell

i can't even

Let me help you:
It's quite possible for an individual to be pro-choice in their heart of hearts, yet still support a woman's right to choose in relation to public policy as it effects society in general... individual's personal belief regarding abortion can still be held without infringing upon a woman's right to chose or interfering with the ease of her having an abortion.

That wasn't so hard to grasp now was it?
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
what the hell

i can't even

Let me help you:
It's quite possible for an individual to be pro-choice in their heart of hearts, yet still support a woman's right to choose in relation to public policy as it effects society in general... individual's personal belief regarding abortion can still be held without infringing upon a woman's right to chose or interfering with the ease of her having an abortion.

That wasn't so hard to grasp now was it?
Really though.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by RavageBX

There's nothing illogical about it. I'm not judging them as people, I'm just not advocating for what they believe in. Same as being pro choice but not believing abortion is right. How other ppl conduct their lives is their business but if asked what I think about it I will give my stance. 
what the hell

i can't even

Let me help you:
It's quite possible for an individual to be pro-choice in their heart of hearts, yet still support a woman's right to choose in relation to public policy as it effects society in general... individual's personal belief regarding abortion can still be held without infringing upon a woman's right to chose or interfering with the ease of her having an abortion.

That wasn't so hard to grasp now was it?
Really though.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Even if I concede that point, what about the people who are born gay? 
Show me one study that conclusively states as much. All the ones I've seen have either been refuted or are refutable. We can argue nature vs. nurture all day and get nowhere.

No...the whole nature v. nurture debate, especially when we're dealing with someone whose already born gay or straight has already been taken care of. Go read about sexual reassignments and how "successful" those turned out to be. Go read about Dr. Money and David Reimer. 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Lol @ you if you believe every single person who is a homosexual is born that way. You mean to tell me all these girls who experiment in college and decide they like being a lesbian or bi-sexual, were born that way? Hell outta here with that
 . There are MANY ppl who choose that lifestyle.
Even if I concede that point, what about the people who are born gay? 
Show me one study that conclusively states as much. All the ones I've seen have either been refuted or are refutable. We can argue nature vs. nurture all day and get nowhere.

No...the whole nature v. nurture debate, especially when we're dealing with someone whose already born gay or straight has already been taken care of. Go read about sexual reassignments and how "successful" those turned out to be. Go read about Dr. Money and David Reimer. 
No offense to you, but I honestly doubt you've gone to college so you probably haven't had access to a human sex course before. But I think you should go audit a human sex class, you'd learn a lot.
No offense to you, but I honestly doubt you've gone to college so you probably haven't had access to a human sex course before. But I think you should go audit a human sex class, you'd learn a lot.

It's quite possible for an individual to be pro-choice in their heart of hearts, yet still support a woman's right to choose in relation to public policy as it effects society in general...

...meant to say "pro-life" in their heart of hearts.

It's quite possible for an individual to be pro-choice in their heart of hearts, yet still support a woman's right to choose in relation to public policy as it effects society in general...

...meant to say "pro-life" in their heart of hearts.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

No offense to you, but I honestly doubt you've gone to college so you probably haven't had access to a human sex course before. But I think you should go audit a human sex class, you'd learn a lot.
I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
As for the Reimer case like I said before unless you can provide a conclusive study then what's the point? Failed gender identity experiments do not conclusively prove that hetero/$!%@ sexual identity is innate.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

No offense to you, but I honestly doubt you've gone to college so you probably haven't had access to a human sex course before. But I think you should go audit a human sex class, you'd learn a lot.
I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
As for the Reimer case like I said before unless you can provide a conclusive study then what's the point? Failed gender identity experiments do not conclusively prove that hetero/$!%@ sexual identity is innate.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

No offense to you, but I honestly doubt you've gone to college so you probably haven't had access to a human sex course before. But I think you should go audit a human sex class, you'd learn a lot.
I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
As for the Reimer case like I said before unless you can provide a conclusive study then what's the point? Failed gender identity experiments do not conclusively prove that hetero/$!%@ sexual identity is innate.
Please, dignify it. Because the way you come off I can't come to any other conclusion. The fact that you honestly think the nurture debate is still valid proves my point. 
Yes we don't have any 100% conclusive proof but damn near everything has pointed to it being innate. This nurture debate hasn't been taken seriously since the 1960s and 1970s, and if they have been let me know. Tell me...when did you decide that vagina was for you and not penis? 
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