GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

The convo for the last few pages actually touches on something I noticed in the movie..

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Chris actually asks the blind guy why they chose black people. Blind dude kind of shrugged his shoulders and ended the conversation.

For some reason, this particular exchange really stuck with me. Compared to a conservative who has x amount of (ridiculous) reasons for using and enslaving black folks..the "progressive" white man didn't even have a reason. He followed along with the racism, just because. Unfortunately, I feel that many white folks hold the same logic. 
Yeah, he was pretty accurate representation of the moderate, liberal racist. Thinks he's above the other white people because he "doesn't see race," but he does nothing to stop it as he benefits from it and encourages it. Even his ability to outbid anyone else there without a second thought dives into the dichotomy of white haves vs white have-nots (if anyone there could be considered that :lol: ). While speaking against it, they still directly support it.
I dunno soon as I would of seen homeboy running towards me I would of ran.

The opening scene also no....way I'm turning my back to that car.

When I was 12 a racist dude in a boondock *** town in Louisiana stopped his truck in traffic by the mall and yelled "I'm coming back to get you *******" to me and my brother while we were walking from the mall... mannnnn I swear I got super powers with how fast I jetted. I was jumping over **** like I was Jordan.

As soon as that car rolled up in that opening scene... PYOON!!! [emoji]127939[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]
yoooooooo forgot about this connection lmaoooo

Dude hawked down chris

I dunno soon as I would of seen homeboy running towards me I would of ran.

The opening scene also no....way I'm turning my back to that car.

Right, I woulda took off as soon as that door opened.

As someone else pointed out above, he didn't actually hear the door open or even notice, specifically because he wasn't looking over his shoulder as he walked away. :smh: Was talking to a friend about that last night in fact. **** is dumb. I wouldn't have necessarily taken off, but I would have turned around and kept eyeballing the car to see if it turned around to keep following me. That's when I know to take off.
spot on with the blind dude being "liberal racist guy."

"Don't give me that crap about being racist, I'm blind, I just want your eyes. It wouldn't matter if you were white or black." Just reminds me of, "don't give me your BS about white privilege. I voted for Obama, so I'm not racist. Anyways as I was saying, ALL LIVES MATTER." :rofl: :rofl:

Anybody notice that dude has played a blind racist guy before in O' Brother Where Art Thou?

Blind radio guy: you boys do negro songs?

Clooney: uh, well sir, we are negros

Blind guy: we don't record negro songs

View media item 2352491
two of my favorite horror movies have Bradley Whitford in them. This one, and Cabin in the Woods.

Movie reminded me a little bit of Cabin in the woods, and The Skeleton Key.

Crazy how they snatch up black people and sell them to the highest bidder.  sounds familiar....
spot on with the blind dude being "liberal racist guy."

"Don't give me that crap about being racist, I'm blind, I just want your eyes. It wouldn't matter if you were white or black." Just reminds me of, "don't give me your BS about white privilege. I voted for Obama, so I'm not racist. Anyways as I was saying, ALL LIVES MATTER." :rofl: :rofl:

Anybody notice that dude has played a blind racist guy before in O' Brother Where Art Thou?

Blind radio guy: you boys do negro songs?

Clooney: uh, well sir, we are negros

Blind guy: we don't record negro songs

View media item 2352491

He's also the stapler guy from Office Space that burned the building down.

Yeah, he was pretty accurate representation of the moderate, liberal racist. Thinks he's above the other white people because he "doesn't see race," but he does nothing to stop it as he benefits from it and encourages it. Even his ability to outbid anyone else there without a second thought dives into the dichotomy of white haves vs white have-nots (if anyone there could be considered that :lol: ). While speaking against it, they still directly support it.
I thought Chris was a photographer/artist and the white guy was a blind art dealer . He wanted his eyes he said . I think
Yeah, he was pretty accurate representation of the moderate, liberal racist. Thinks he's above the other white people because he "doesn't see race," but he does nothing to stop it as he benefits from it and encourages it. Even his ability to outbid anyone else there without a second thought dives into the dichotomy of white haves vs white have-nots (if anyone there could be considered that :lol: ). While speaking against it, they still directly support it.
I thought Chris was a photographer/artist and the white guy was a blind art dealer . He wanted his eyes he said . I think

That's correct and he was an art dealer of some note, seeing how Chris immediately recognized him once he heard his name.
yoooooooo forgot about this connection lmaoooo

Dude hawked down chris

I dunno soon as I would of seen homeboy running towards me I would of ran.

The opening scene also no....way I'm turning my back to that car.

Right, I woulda took off as soon as that door opened.
He never heard the car door open. He only heard it stop and it was quiet. The camera panned away so you couldn't see anyone get out of the car, so basically they put you in the pov of the character. That's why he never suspected him of jumping out where he did.

I'm aware. I was piggybacking off of the comment I quoted about not talking my eyes off the car. By doing so I'd be able to see when the car door opened and who got out
When I was 12 a racist dude in a boondock *** town in Louisiana stopped his truck in traffic by the mall and yelled "I'm coming back to get you *******" to me and my brother while we were walking from the mall... mannnnn I swear I got super powers with how fast I jetted. I was jumping over **** like I was Jordan.

As soon as that car rolled up in that opening scene... PYOON!!! [emoji]127939[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]

Lmao you cant make this stuff up. Sounds like one of those redneck town/parish in louisiana.
What about the fruit loops scene. Colored (fruit loops) separated from the White (milk). Not wanting them to even mix. Subtle but a powerful scene.
AMAZING movie and easily in my top 5.

One question... why did the dad take Andre in the beginning like that? don't they normally go through the process like Chris? Was andre dating Chris' girlfriend at the time?
And the sprinting groundskeeper had me so confused until while driving home I was like .... "OHHHHHHH I GET IT" and this has been happening non-stop 
 movie is a masterpiece
And the sprinting groundskeeper had me so confused until while driving home I was like .... "OHHHHHHH I GET IT" and this has been happening non-stop :lol:  movie is a masterpiece

wait. what about the groundskeeper sprinting?

movie was insane. theater was lit, i had so much fun watching this. one of the best movies i've ever seen. need to watch again, there is prolly some little things i missed.
wait. what about the groundskeeper sprinting?

movie was insane. theater was lit, i had so much fun watching this. one of the best movies i've ever seen. need to watch again, there is prolly some little things i missed.
He's the grandpa that was a racer

He lost to Jesse Owens, admired him and implemented the Coagula experiment
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What about the fruit loops scene. Colored (fruit loops) separated from the White (milk). Not wanting them to even mix. Subtle but a powerful scene.

Peele said in an interview that the fruit loops scene was just to show weirdness not to symbolize racism. He said people are reaching a bit with many of the scenes lol
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Anyone think this is also a commentary on the psych drug industry?

Social control systems that nurture you into sickness
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