Girlfriend Got raped... Need to Vent.. Updated Information at pg1

Can someone else file rape charges on her behalf?

She does not want to be reminded yet everyone knows... People know the guy!

Im guessing he wont get invited to other parties. "we inviting Bob?" "Na dude rapes people" "oh alright"
If you're having drunk sex with different people all the time, you've probably got deeper issues to discuss; but yes, depending on your local laws with regards to consent, if you feel that you were raped when you come the next day you could file a report.

I mean, have you ever been to your local college.? I can say with confidence 80 percent of the intercourse that goes on is influenced by alcohol. I guess all those kids got deep seeded psychological issues, maybe you should go counsel them.

Anyhow, I think my point here has been made. My advice to men is, if you get up with a woman after a frat party and you were both drunk and she is starting to regret what she did. Beat her to the police report.

All those nights amazon women accosted me for snoo snoo while my inhibitions were compromised. :smh:
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By no means am I calling you a ***** OP. Depression is real. Trust me, I know first hand what it's like to be kicked repeatedly when you're already down. Ignore the guys that are calling you soft or whatever the case may be.

But what I am saying is that the situation, from a strictly third person perspective, does not make sense. It must be hard for you to think objectively here, I get that, but I implore you to at least try.
Have you talked to the mother? Or sister?

Op could be the only one getting the story, while everyone else in Texas is oblivious to this fact. I really need to stay out this thread... Its messed up that a real criminal is out there

He now has another chance to do it again. Lucky basterd got away with rape. Im done. OP stay strong.
All I'm saying is, if she was indeed raped and they know the guy that did it, imagine the psychological and emotional toll its going to take on her every time she walks by or sees this dude. Hopefully, she's able to get past it, but many rape victims don't.

Quiet as kept, I still have doubts to the validity of her claim. Unconsciously passing out from one drink, huh?
he's a virgin bruh, leave him be :lol:

I'm a virgin because I'm making sense?

Women only victimize themselves when they're boxed in a corner. Self-Victimization would only apply if OP heard something from someone who was at the party in TX and confronted her about it.

If women are as grimey as you hurts n's suggest she would've just chalked her night up as slutty mistake and kept the long-distance relationship going.

I don't know why ya'll push to the SVU extreme of someone giving an elaborate plan to an (UNCOERCED) cover up for cheating.

Isn't false rape accusations under like 8%? Insecurities running rampant.
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I'm a virgin because I'm making sense?

Women only victimize themselves when they're boxed in a corner. Self-Victimization would only apply if OP heard something from someone who was at the party in TX and confronted her about it.

If women are as grimey as you hurts n's suggest she would've just chalked her night up as slutty mistake and kept the long-distance relationship going.

I don't know why ya'll push to the SVU extreme of someone giving an elaborate plan to an (UNCOERCED) cover up for cheating.

Isn't false rape accusations under like 8%? Insecurities running rampant.
lol... you a virgin? It makes sense now...

8% of false accusations are UNCOVERED ... how many never even get to that point?

And calling dudes hurt because they don't take what yambs say at face value? You must not have dealt with many women.

Then you say she wasn't coerced? Guilt will make you confess bruh ... is it not possible to think she felt guilty... then rationalized it.

Female logic: "now that I think about it... I didn't really EMOTIONALLY want to do it. But physically, I did. But since my heart wasn't in it, I didn't really want to. He took advantage of me. He raped me."

Keep on thinking these birds tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Life will be hard, my friend.
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you guys would be surprised how many men are in therapy for rape.

albeit the majority of their offenders are men...

however, women do rape men.

however, since rape is a crime of power, it is often (at times unfairly) identified as a male crime.
Im not gonna read the whole thread but she put herself in the situation. There is no excuse for you to be in a state of mind that you have no control over your body or at least someone with you. How are you gonna pass out in a house full of drunk men and not even have your sister taking care of u or make sure you are somewhere safe.

Im not going to get into the whole she may be lying thing cause it doesnt matter at this point whatever happened is over and done its up to you if you can deal with the situation.
I read a lot of the post in here and its 50/50 ....
shorty didnt press charges? why not? if everyone already knows then she should have no problem telling the authorities that she was violated. if she doesnt want to talk to police is because she may have not been as innocent as she currently claims.. i dont know and wont make any assumptions just listening to this brings back memories of this one chick who called rape on this Marine only when another dude walked in the room and she was with him earlier... Same shorty who smashed another one of my homies, and was actually wifed up by my dumb *** room mate in Okinawa(thats another story)... She was a bad red head white chick, i could've prolly smashed but her record was too shady for me to try..
yup. we here this all the time.

lmao its da girl's fault she was raped.

next thing you'll be asking if the girl's shirt was too revealing or her skirt was waaaaaay to shirt.
That reminds me, whatever happened to that chick that tried to go to the PR day parade half naked and pretty much getting raped by the whole crowd?

My facts maybe off a bit, but yall know what I'm talking about...
That reminds me, whatever happened to that chick that tried to go to the PR day parade half naked and pretty much getting raped by the whole crowd?

My facts maybe off a bit, but yall know what I'm talking about...

*Waits for it wasn't really rape, if it was the girl's vagina would've biologically shut it down cuz girl's vaginas have ways of preventing penetration*
*Waits for it wasn't really rape, if it was the girl's vagina would've biologically shut it down cuz girl's vaginas have ways of preventing penetration*
oh those republicans
How can you support anything this girl has done.

She either lied which is despicable.

Or she is a ******g coward and let herself get taken advantage of, and let that same man walk the streets to do it to someone else.

Like I said I don't understand why people act like grown *** women are ******g infants.

"OOOO it might be too hard on her emotionally, A lot of **** is hard on a lot of people, walking with burdens, stress, and trauma every day of their life "
I'm going to censor myself by rule of "if you can't say anything nice dont say anything at all"

But I am sorry for you, bro. You are in a very tough spot right now. Hoping for the best for you and your family.
She's on a medication soooooooooooooo strong that 1 drink makes her black out during sex?
And if she really is on a medication that strong why would she take it at a party? Dump this nut job.
Just stop, man. Did something happen to you during your life to make you hate women so much? You're going extra hard at a girl you've never met.
Or she is a ******g coward and let herself get taken advantage of, and let that same man walk the streets to do it to someone else.

"OOOO it might be too hard on her emotionally, A lot of **** is hard on a lot of people, walking with burdens, stress, and trauma every day of their life "
What is wrong with you? It's really clear that you don't know ANYTHING about rape, so don't speak on things you don't know about.

You really sound dumb and ignorant.
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The only thing that really provokes a rape is a rapist and not the victim. It's 100% in his/her hands to rape or not to rape.

And rape isn't only a crime of power, nor is it involving power every time. Those are feminist-centric points of view with more hearsay and regurgitated slogans than data to back them up and they support default female victimhood when issues of strength, size, power, etc are involved.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Men can absolutely and do get raped by women. The law being worded to benefit female victims doesn't invalidate male rape victims, IT'S JUST THE LAW and can't apply to every possible scenario.
I have nothing against women. My girlfriend was almost taken advantage of a month or so back and her friends prevented it, so fall back with that. This girl claims she had one drink and then she took what I'd infer to be at least a high mg pain pill (vic?) or high mg anxiety med (xanax?). That's very high risk behavior. And then she chooses to immediately fall asleep at a party where guys are severely intoxicated? Come on man.
I bet you "have a black friend" too.

And look if she's taking a med and had one drink then it's possible that she PASSED OUT. You don't choose to fall asleep, you just fall asleep.

And maybe she didn't know that the alcohol and whatever med she was taking would have such a powerful reaction. Who knows? You're making a lot of assumptions about about a situation in which you don't have all the details.

Just talking big **** about someone you don't even know.
Just stop, man. Did something happen to you during your life to make you hate women so much? You're going extra hard at a girl you've never met.

What is wrong with you? It's really clear that you don't know ANYTHING about rape, so don't speak on things you don't know about.

You really sound dumb and ignorant.

I'm going extra hard, is it hurting your fragile sensitive emotions?. :rolleyes

I want a grown *** adult to be an adult, and when it's time to step up to the plate they handle their business.

So then enlighten me smart guy, what is it that I need to know about rape that apparently I don't.

Yall are very gullible. "Oh I think i drank with my medicine and then i woke up naked in bed" :rolleyes There isn't a medication in the world when combined with 1 beer that's going to make her pass out. The only kind of medication that would do that, would be the same kind of medication that would make her out of it and incoherent completely void of alcohol and if that's the case she should know ******g better. Like whoever posted about... high mg pain pills, **** like vicodin, xanax, . So again I'm seeing zero instances of an adult acting like one in these scenarios.
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