Girlfriend Got raped... Need to Vent.. Updated Information at pg1

Didn't your girl sister look for her at any point of the party or night or morning? Chicks are like chain gangs, they only let a person be Mia for so long before leaving off on their own.
Didn't your girl sister look for her at any point of the party or night or morning? Chicks are like chain gangs, they only let a person be Mia for so long before leaving off on their own.






Oh no doubt, I'm extremely positive. I feel for my brothern, I really hope he's not getting played, nobody deserves that, and he seems like a stand up guy. But at the same time, sometimes big bro has to keep it real when lil bro is being blinded by the details. Love makes you crazy...TRUST ME...but as a logical just seems, and this is just my opinion, that this situation is...complicated. It just feels, weird. Like, sitcom'y. Like, and keep it 100, but rape is such a devastating thing, that if somebody you love came to you, (mother, sister, cousin, aunt, etc) and said they were raped, there should be a certain level of trust, of integrity, that there could be no shadow of a doubt that what they said happened, happened exactly as they said it. Like who even says/implies/hints that they were raped before they're sure? How are you not sure? Like you need somebody to cosign for you? She didn't ask dude if he raped her, and he didn't say yes, com'n now. She asked dude 'Did we do anything', and made up in her own mind after he said yes, that she either felt bad about doing that to OP, or regretted going along with it, figured the alcohol was the culprit, oh but she didnt 'get that drunk'.

Like, OP was doubting her statements before he everrrrrrr even came here brosef. Which tells me, the foundation of trust they have is 'shakeyyy babyyy'. Like, who would lie about rape, maybe perhaps somebody that lies about other stuff.. I know if my girl told me anything like that I'd be sick as hell since it would have to be true, and there'd no limit to the hell I would rain down on the head of the guilty.

I truly hope, at the cost of her lying, that his shorty didn't actually get raped. That should happen to no female, ever. I just hope, whatever happens, the truth comes out, whether the outcome is good or bad, and that OP can move forward either with/without her.

Just some thoughts though... I said...Unless dude likes boning dead bodies, she had to be some kind of awake, (which then pokes holes into the idea of not knowing what happened, but whatever). I know when my shorty is sleep, her limp body is heavy as hell. So if his girl was passed out, she had to have passed out in the bedroom with him already, otherwise people wouldve noticed him carrying a corpse throughout the house. It's hard just getting a sleeping baby out of his clothes and into pajamas, much less an adult. She had no scratch real evidence of forced anything. And he got her completely nude? Mmm.

So let's add that up...Say she knocked out on the couch, he'd have to pick her up and either throw her over his shoulder on some Rambo steeze, or hold her like he's just dancing with her on some Weekend @ Bernie's. Maneuver the house, gotta be stealthy though, if nobody saw them together. Find a room, get her in said room. Undress her, completely. Smash, and then bounce before anybody notices something's afoot.
Yeeeeaaaa....That's a lot of work for a guy that's completely trashed to do alone..

OP consider what Freeze is saying. People are selfish and will say and do almost anything if it benefits or protects them.

My sister lied to me about some serious s_ back in 06' and even though we're past that I'll never forever that she's capable of lying.
am I the only one who noticed the absence of the victim's dad being in the picture? everything was "told her mom". also his girl is apparently young enough to live at home, but drinking and popping pills at parties with her big sis? and then big sis must be extra faded at the party if she doesn't realize her baby sister is getting raped in another room at the party? classy family.

like I said RUN. if you're in NY for school you prob have a lot of good things going. don't let this nut job and her dirt family ruin your promising future

tough crowd in this thread. Either way, good luck with the situation homie and wishing you the best... however this story turns out
Wait, she said when she woke up she discovered that she was raped.

So how does she know who exactly done it ?

In the second part of the story she said the dude was messed up, so now she does know him ?
am I the only one who noticed the absence of the victim's dad being in the picture? everything was "told her mom". also his girl is apparently young enough to live at home, but drinking and popping pills at parties with her big sis? and then big sis must be extra faded at the party if she doesn't realize her baby sister is getting raped in another room at the party? classy bunch.

like I said RUN. if you're in NY for school you prob have a lot of good things going. don't let this nut job and her dirt family ruin your promising future

same **** I asked in my last post. No father would be cool with this at all, he would have hemmed that dude up and then called the cops after. I don't understand how the moms and sis can go along with just going to planned parenthood after the girl got raped. That **** isn't normal. It seems like shorty told them she messed up and let dude smash raw dog b/c she was typsy, and the solution was to go to planned parenthood and take care of any potential problems. They treating this like a mistake not a rape. I haven't seen OP respond in a while but I think he should do some investigating and not just jump on the bandwagon with her moms and sister. I would say he should talk to the guy also, and get the real story. None of this **** makes sense. Talking about he was wasted and blah blah, that dude didn't rape ****, the girl is lying. Talk to dude and his friends {no females}. The dudes will keep it real, but OP probably scared to hear the truth. I understand that but like Berkeley13 said don't let them throw you off your game. At the end of the day even if she was raped, is that the type of girl/wife you want? She gets raped and lets the guy off the hook, and her family supports that decision? They sound crazy.
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am I the only one who noticed the absence of the victim's dad being in the picture? everything was "told her mom". also his girl is apparently young enough to live at home, but drinking and popping pills at parties with her big sis? and then big sis must be extra faded at the party if she doesn't realize her baby sister is getting raped in another room at the party? classy bunch.

like I said RUN. if you're in NY for school you prob have a lot of good things going. don't let this nut job and her dirt family ruin your promising future
dat real
Didn't your girl sister look for her at any point of the party or night or morning? Chicks are like chain gangs, they only let a person be Mia for so long before leaving off on their own.



Mane this fat joint blocked me from getting sucked off at this party from her freaky friend last Friday >: ....Fat chick aint wanna see me prosper :smh::smh:
OP listen to some of these dudes. I've seen girls do this before. There are more sociopaths in this world then ever before. Just let it be move on and forget her. No need to have this on your plate forever. If she isn't the one before this then she might as well be the last and move on. 8)
ok im confused. so is this a manti teo relationship or what? have you guys ever met in real life? because if my girl was raped best believe id take the next flight out.

second she not pressing charges? o really? it probably wasnt a rape then. ive seen this done before. chick dont want my boy to leave her so she say she got raped but she really just cheated. her friend lied for her too

forgive me if im missing something because i aint going through 17 pages.
second she not pressing charges? o really? it probably wasnt a rape then. ive seen this done before. chick dont want my boy to leave her so she say she got raped but she really just cheated. her friend lied for her too

Most rapes go unreported because women want to get on with their life, or don't want to face the stigma or deal with the legal system.
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