Giving Tip for Delivery?

If yall tipping ups drivers (holidays or not) they coming up!

Easily clocking $70-90k a year.


I really don't care for tipping but I do it anyway. That's not a good look. I mean if I just happen to feel someone's service was outstanding no matter the trade, I would prob feel ok doing it but that bs feeling of guilt when you don't tip a trade that society deems is needing of a tip is not what's up.
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If yall tipping ups drivers (holidays or not) they coming up!

Easily clocking $70-90k a year.


I really don't care for tipping but I do it anyway. That's not a good look. I mean if I just happen to feel someone's service was outstanding no matter the trade, I would prob feel ok doing it but that bs feeling of guilt when you don't tip a trade that society deems is needing of a tip is not what's up.
 3) The Linkery’s most transgressive act was not in implementing a service charge. Our most transgressive act was refusing to allow our guests to pay our servers anything more beyond the service charge — this is where the angry came out. A certain small number of very vocal men (and it was always men who were vocal about it) resented that we were not letting them try to exercise additional control over our team members. This was true even though compelling research has shown that servers do not adjust quality of service as a result of tips; instead the idea that the restaurant was not offering our servers up as objects of control, was heresy. For these people, the primary service they wanted from the restaurant was the opportunity to pay for favors from the server — much like the patron at a strip club pays the club for the opportunity to dangle bills in front a dancer for individual attention. The idea that a restaurant could legitimately want to be in a different business than a strip club, was not an idea these guests could countenance. Thus, I was ever subject to witty takedowns like you are a douche, along with other well-thought-out gems.
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your sources suck first of all. why? there are alot of adjustments to CPI that you might not know about. the way inflation has changed like 8 times over the years to suppress the real rate of inflation. why? so COLA (cost of living adjustment) remains unchanged for SSI and other stuff like food stamps.

im gonna go back to 1960s since thats the last decade where real money was used and in circulation.

min wage in 1960s is 1 dollar. this was before women went into the work force and the father provided for the family with a car and house just on ONE INCOME. how was this possible? the money was in silver.

1 dollar back then equaled to 1 oz of silver. the current price of silver is around 20 dollars an oz.. this is how i calculate inflation by using silver and gold as a metric.

Thats just not practical by todays standards and you know it. :rolleyes

Goober status. :lol:

Still wrong BTW

didnt i tell you that they changed the way they calculate inflation? with hedonics adjustments and the whole jazz and you still use a cpi calculator?
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20% of 56 is 11.20....

Just give him a $10 on top and that'll suffice.

And no tip the first time, every time. Don't listen to these broke boys.
Why tip him $10 for delivering it?

No ones doing 20% for a DELIVERY tip. If it was a sit down restaurant yeah...but delivery? Id give him $60 and call it a day. Thats not being cheap, thats being practical.
andycrazn, of all people I would assume that you would be against tipping.

Tipping makes no economical sense whatsoever.

yes tipping is irrational amongst economists but im for it. i tip generously based on the situations. like my groomer for example. i give her 60% tip because i know my dog can be a pain sometimes when it comes to getting a cut.

also i factor in every data point when it comes to tipping with a huge biased on why they should be tipped based on their situation.
andycrazn, of all people I would assume that you would be against tipping.

Tipping makes no economical sense whatsoever.
yes tipping is irrational amongst economists but im for it. i tip generously based on the situations. like my groomer for example. i give her 60% tip because i know my dog can be a pain sometimes when it comes to getting a cut.

also i factor in every data point when it comes to tipping with a huge biased on why they should be tipped based on their situation.
guilt, expectation, right thing to do?
didnt i tell you that they changed the way they calculate inflation? with hedonics adjustments and the whole jazz and you still use a cpi calculator?

Alright then, fair point.

But by your own point, people are still getting shafted at the current minimum wage. Heck people are getting shafted on their benefits as well (retirees, military vets).

So IDK how you could possibly state that people can be living comfortably considering your argument and considering the cost of living nowadays. I know you mentioned location, but still....

The middle-class is shrinking, it's becoming more & more difficult to achieve upward mobility, the rich are getting richer and we're supposed to not tip? I mean c'mon.....
didnt i tell you that they changed the way they calculate inflation? with hedonics adjustments and the whole jazz and you still use a cpi calculator?

Alright then, fair point.

But by your own point, people are still getting shafted at the current minimum wage. Heck people are getting shafted on their benefits as well (retirees, military vets).

So IDK how you could possibly state that people can be living comfortably considering your argument and considering the cost of living nowadays. I know you mentioned location, but still....

The middle-class is shrinking, it's becoming more & more difficult to achieve upward mobility, the rich are getting richer and we're supposed to not tip? I mean c'mon.....

im FOR tipping. earlier in this thread i mentioned i tip my hairstylist 100% cause of the extra services i get.

i also said that if you want it to go back to a silver standard level of living, minimum wage has to be at 25 dollars an hour.

all those problems you mentioned is actually because of the dollar. its not backed by gold/silver no more.
im FOR tipping. earlier in this thread i mentioned i tip my hairstylist 100% cause of the extra services i get.

i also said that if you want it to go back to a silver standard level of living, minimum wage has to be at 25 dollars an hour.

all those problems you mentioned is actually because of the dollar. its not backed by gold/silver no more.

ah you stated earlier that on current minimum wage people are living just fine, I guess I misconstrued that statement and its intent.

so what do you propose as a solution? obviously we're not going to go back to the gold standard, so what do we do to combat the rising cost of living and the insufficient min wage?

tip right? :smile: say it one more time so bilbo can see it.

P.S. you're a good man tipping your stylist 100%, I tip mine 50%. Cut + shape-up + shave = 20 bucks, I give 30....
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im FOR tipping. earlier in this thread i mentioned i tip my hairstylist 100% cause of the extra services i get.

i also said that if you want it to go back to a silver standard level of living, minimum wage has to be at 25 dollars an hour.

all those problems you mentioned is actually because of the dollar. its not backed by gold/silver no more.

ah you stated earlier that on current minimum wage people are living just fine, I guess I misconstrued that statement and its intent.

so what do you propose as a solution? obviously we're not going to go back to the gold standard, so what do we do to combat the rising cost of living and the insufficient min wage?

tip right? :smile: say it one more time so bilbo can see it.

P.S. you're a good man tipping your stylist 100%, I tip mine 50%.

the rising cost of living is caused by the destruction of the dollar. whos doing that? the federal reserve.

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andycrazn, of all people I would assume that you would be against tipping.

Tipping makes no economical sense whatsoever.

yes tipping is irrational amongst economists but im for it. i tip generously based on the situations. like my groomer for example. i give her 60% tip because i know my dog can be a pain sometimes when it comes to getting a cut.

also i factor in every data point when it comes to tipping with a huge biased on why they should be tipped based on their situation.
guilt, expectation, right thing to do?

maybe the expectation part, but never guilt. if they do a good job im gonna give them a little something.
This **** really has 26 pages? If you don't feel like tipping, don't tip. I've eaten at plenty of restaurants and not tipped, and I've been in plenty of situations where I knew tipping was not the norm and had to ask if they would get in trouble if I gave a little something extra. Tip for service, not to keep a strangers lights on, that simple. If someone deserves a tip you know.
Feel like I'm in a circle. Calling ppl cheap is just another last resort excuse to deflect away from what is being discussed. It doesn't mean anything. You disagree with me and have no real rebuttal so just start the name calling along with the continuance of condescending.

Aint nobody angry and there's definitely aint nobody feeling guilty over not tipping ppl who don't deserve it :lol:

And pray tell, what exactly was your rebuttal to my commentary?
It sure as hell wasn't some weak last resort excuse to deflect away from the actual topic.

Reminding me that gratuity is optional?
No I don't think I've said in any of my posts that "gratuity is optional" I'm pretty sure my stance has always been do not tip.

That you feel as if people in the food service & hospitality fields should not be tipped simply for doing their jobs? Even though 43 states according to the USDOL do not have to pay their employees the state minimum wage?
Yes. They should not be tipped. You just brought up the real problem here. That you think the customer should make up for the mistakes of 43 states is such damaging flawed reasoning.

It's crazy to me that you can bring that up and then say the real problem is not tipping.

But oh wait since most "big chains" do pay minimum state wage, that's a moot point right? Wrong, there's plenty of places that don't uphold that standard. I highly doubt that Chinese spot you like you like to order from or that lil' pizza parlor that delivers pays their employees that state minimum.
Nah I don't know what you're talking about here. You look silly trying to assume my next response. Employees of "big chain" food joints have gone on strike, protested, and boycotted to get higher wages. I fully agree and support that type of progressive action. I'd be besides myself if they started expecting or even accepting tips.

And then there's your belief that me "aligning tipping" with common decency is pitiful, oh really? Please tell me more about how tipping people for doing their job evokes your pity for me, :rolleyes.
Yes it's weak and transparent. It gets to the point where in your view of it the two things have to be mutually exclusive to have an actual discussion about tipping. I can bring up any old subjective choice and say if you don't do it you're not a nice person and/or you don't do decent things for other ppl. Tipping has nothing to do with common decency. It's such a flimsy judgmental immature stance. Sad you even brought that forward.

You have your opinion I have mine, nothing in your "rebuttal" has invalidated anything I've said, you're just cheap. :lol: I'll be condescending, sure I admit to that. Hell I know what I've written previously and the tone in which it was written, :lol:.
I don't need to invalidate bull ****.
But I also know you're a cheapskate. :lol:
See what I'm saying? This is what you're left with. Your regulated to trying to throw around the word cheap as a pot shot cuz you really have a piss poor argument. You went from tipping is the nice/decent thing to do to they should be tipped because of minimum wage to I know you're cheap. *YAWN*


On a total random note, I got a question for servers. Which customer between these two would you rather deal with.

A. The customer is a total jerk, rude, demanding, has an overall bad attitude but leaves a real good tip

B. The customer is friendly, a pleasure to serve, has a good overall attitude but doesn't tip for whatever random reason.
Depends....customer A would have to tip HUGE for him to be tolerable. What's funny is customer A generally tips pretty bad. But when I get a really rude customer, and they tip's kinda worth it. You have to deal with them for about an hour....but they leave. 
You basically pay for play.
I ordered take out...

Went and picked it up.

It came to 19.49...

I slipped him a $20 and dipped out...

What should I have some?

Got your 51 cents and copped some gum or something.
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@the person who is a waiter

What are these supposed signs that alert you of good or bad tippers?

If you don't want to "spill the beans" pm me.
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@the person who is a waiter

What are these supposed signs that alert you of good or bad tippers?

If you don't want to "spill the beans" pm me.
its so stupid. And becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You assume they wont tip well, so you treat them like crap....and you end up not being tipped well.
Today is the day guys and the main reason i made this thread... im ordering from the place before where i only tipped a dollar and this time i will tip 3... i am kinda out of my element but after reading in here what to do and what not to do i had to reconsider how much to tip... cant wait until 1:00 the food will be here :D
@the person who is a waiter
What are these supposed signs that alert you of good or bad tippers?
If you don't want to "spill the beans" pm me.
I believe he said people that wear jordans are usually bad tippers.
wrong. if minimum wage kept up with inflation it would be around 25 dollars an hour. this is why people on that salary is doing OK or well depending on where they live.

Wouldn't the further drive inflation?

because of increase velocity? yes but the main point here is that 50 years ago, 1 dollar had the purchasing power of 25 dollars now. its because we got off the gold standard and began to accumulate debt like its nothing that caused the decay of the dollar. thats why hearing stories of grandparents or the elderly saying how they copped nathan hot dogs and pizzas for 5 cents when we are paying multiples of that price.
@the person who is a waiter

What are these supposed signs that alert you of good or bad tippers?

If you don't want to "spill the beans" pm me.
LOL...I would only tell you in real life face to face...not through a pm that can easily be exploited, miss quoted, screen shotted etc for all the bad tippers to see.
its so stupid. And becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You assume they wont tip well, so you treat them like crap....and you end up not being tipped well.
It's not's consistency. The signs are there and they usually tip bad regardless of the service you give. And I don't ever treat any of my customers like crap...some just get better service than others. 

And your logic, while seemingly makes sense, doesn't address what actually happens. Even if a server gives a good tipper sub par service, the customer will still tip, and never stiff the waiter. Great tippers tip bad servers 15%. Average tippers leave bad servers 10%. Bad tippers leave bad servers 0-5%. So even if you give sub par service (but not terrible) to a bad tipper, and they leave you 0-5%...then the signs you saw were indeed true, GENERALLY. But usually what happens is they get better than average service from me anyway, and still leave 10%. And I laugh to myself at the uncanny consistency given the signs they had that they were bad tippers.
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